I know I'm sorry - there are so many pictures. But if you guys ask about my year you're gonna have to expect a lot of pictures because they help me to
portray the best year of my life. 

På toppen av världen, USA DEL 1

So I've been asked multiple times to write/post pictures about the my year in the US. I ain't gonna lie it's been hard on me to look back at pictures and write about it because I miss it so much. It breaks my heart to go through pictures and remember what my life used to be like, my every fucking day life. I was ON TOP OF THE WORLD.

But, we can't avoid to face difficulties forever and today when I went through pictures I can also feel happy, because I can now remember how FUCKING happy I was.

So now to your questions:

What to think about when arriving to a host family/American high school: To be a part of a new family is WEIRD - it's basically a group of new people picking you up at the airport and now you guys are gonna live together, but I would just advice you to be polite, offer your help and don't be afraid to ask questions; all from questions about language, society, common norms or FOR A RIDE ;) When it comes to making friends in your new school, Americans are very forward, talkative and kind at first. They will be very curious about YOU and YOUR background. But you as new HAVE TO TALK, ask them questions, come along when they ask if you want to go out for a milkshake. YOU HAVE TO PUT YOURSELF OUT THERE. Another thing is that it's very clicky - groups are very common and in many cases you belong to one group of friends and then you don't switch around... Be aware whom to trust and whom not to trust. And work on to go in more depth in relationships with people you feel comfortable around. At least what I experienced was that Americans generally are very (almost too) easy to connect with at first, but have a harder time to open themselves up in the long-run.

When it comes to language: JUST FREAKING TALK. Yes you will have a different accent and yes they will notice it and (kindly and with love) make fun of you - in fact a guy referred my accent as "a very sexy, sort of European accent". But in three-four months they won't anymore and you're gonna have to explain yourself why you're not going to college, haha...

Homesickness: You're gonna leave your life for a year, your school, friends, house, family - so yeah you are gonna get homesick. It was times when I wanted to cuddle with my little sister more than anything or go for a run with my dad and these were things Skype couldn't provide, unfortunately. But my year was BASICALLY PERFECT, so I'm gonna go ahead and be honest when I say that homesickness was not as much of a problem to me. You might leave a life behind but you will be busy creating a new one and to stay busy is the best thing you can do. If you're homesick, don't hide in your room crying - talk to your host mom, meet up with a friend IT HELPS AND THEY ARE THERE TO HELP YOU.

Leaving the US/return to Sweden: Leaving Palo Alto was THE HARDEST THING I've ever done. I cried for days and I was almost depressed because I had to leave my entire life; my school, my track team, my host family, my house, my friends - all on the same day. I had to leave a life I had been working my ass off to put together for the past ten months.The worst part was that I wouldn't even be guaranteed to see any of them again... BUT coming home was incredible too - I realized that I appreciated everything and everyone at home much more when I returned after a year, which was so cool.

If there's any other questions you'd like to get answered - ASK ME; either by a comment or email me to: [email protected]

I've TOO many pictures so bare with me. I'll put them up in two different posts actually because it's so many of them. Hopefully you will enjoy them though, at least I will.






As I just posted on Instagram, coming home to these suger and fat bombs when you are trying to stay healthy sucks. But these freshly baked cinnamon rolls look so tasty, don't they? 
Cinnamon rolls or buns are to me typically very Swedish, but you can definitely find them in the US too but most likely not without some sort of icing. My host mom had a tradition to make them (the Swedish way) for Christmas and they were super good! Aw, that makes me miss her so much...

Vem vill hångla?

Look at all of these candy chapstick flavors I bought before I left California. For those of you who didn't know these are all the very popular ones in the US. And they taste AMAZING!


Hey folks!
Being here at the beach house with my family only to relax is probably exactly what I need right now. And believe me when I say that I really don't mind it, it's just that time to relax to me also means time to think and that's what this post will be about. I'm not sure how much I told you about how hard on me it was to leave California, but it really was. It's like I've been denying it since the day I arrived back in Sweden because I know how sad it makes me. I thought that spending time with all of my friends here, go out and do stuff would make me forget about the whole California thing and believe me when I say that it did, in fact for moment I thought that was actually just it - I was "over" California.
Unfortunately it was harder than I expected and when I don't stay super busy, which I've basically been trying to do lately, the feelings that are hunting me down. I would describe it like they are always chasing me but they don't find time to catch up with me until I have time to think. I've never been in love but I would describe it like I once fell in love with California and am in the process to get over it, maybe? I don't know. But in the end of the day I know I need to face it in order to get over it and it takes patience, which is the one thing in the world I lack the most.
Anyway I miss America, California, Palo Alto, my host family, my friends, my school, the heat, the golden beaches, the city lights, the language, the surfers, the life guards, the nature, the people, the houses, the parties, having a Starbucks on every freaking corner, the roadtrips and sososo much more... Well it sucks!
BUT I have a WONDERFUL family and WONDERFUL friends who have been more than perfect these almost three weeks I've been home and I'm indescribably greatful for that. 
Since the weather literally is the best in years right now, I couldn't ask for more. This day has begun really well too, with some blogging and my morning latte in the sun. When I've finished I'm going for a run before it's most likely time to hit the beach.
Tomorrow Andreas is hitting the road to Tjörn and we're going swimming. He's the kind of annoying person who has been working his ass of lately and therefore spent zero time in the sun and yet he will for sure be tanner than me, which is embarrassing as fuck since I lived in California all last year... Oh well, I have to  make sure to get some color today in an attempt to catch up with him.

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