
Hey folks!
Being here at the beach house with my family only to relax is probably exactly what I need right now. And believe me when I say that I really don't mind it, it's just that time to relax to me also means time to think and that's what this post will be about. I'm not sure how much I told you about how hard on me it was to leave California, but it really was. It's like I've been denying it since the day I arrived back in Sweden because I know how sad it makes me. I thought that spending time with all of my friends here, go out and do stuff would make me forget about the whole California thing and believe me when I say that it did, in fact for moment I thought that was actually just it - I was "over" California.
Unfortunately it was harder than I expected and when I don't stay super busy, which I've basically been trying to do lately, the feelings that are hunting me down. I would describe it like they are always chasing me but they don't find time to catch up with me until I have time to think. I've never been in love but I would describe it like I once fell in love with California and am in the process to get over it, maybe? I don't know. But in the end of the day I know I need to face it in order to get over it and it takes patience, which is the one thing in the world I lack the most.
Anyway I miss America, California, Palo Alto, my host family, my friends, my school, the heat, the golden beaches, the city lights, the language, the surfers, the life guards, the nature, the people, the houses, the parties, having a Starbucks on every freaking corner, the roadtrips and sososo much more... Well it sucks!
BUT I have a WONDERFUL family and WONDERFUL friends who have been more than perfect these almost three weeks I've been home and I'm indescribably greatful for that. 
Since the weather literally is the best in years right now, I couldn't ask for more. This day has begun really well too, with some blogging and my morning latte in the sun. When I've finished I'm going for a run before it's most likely time to hit the beach.
Tomorrow Andreas is hitting the road to Tjörn and we're going swimming. He's the kind of annoying person who has been working his ass of lately and therefore spent zero time in the sun and yet he will for sure be tanner than me, which is embarrassing as fuck since I lived in California all last year... Oh well, I have to  make sure to get some color today in an attempt to catch up with him.


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