Beauty Ideals

Something I enjoy with IB is the opportunity to be creative. Linking your subject to something that interests YOU or simply making associations with what you learn in school to your real life. I've come to appreciate that such knowledge is the very best, simply because it's useful. ATM I'm working on my oral presentation I'm holding on Wednesday - how are beauty ideals created and why do we adapt to these? Isn't kinda cool that I can apply my knowledge from psychology and in fact answer these questions? At least I think so, hehe...😉
Hope you've had a good Monday - I'm a bit down and sick so I'm not feeling it today at all actually. But we all have those days and tomorrow, happy Tilly will be back again. I know she'll be bc it's tapas and amazing girls on the schedule for tomorrow night!😃
/Kisses M

from my point of view


Hej! Jag har en frĂ„ga till dig :D Jag undrar hur det kommer sig att du valde just IB och inte NA eller SA? Är det sĂ„ att du anser att man fĂ„r en bredare utbildning och kan lĂ€sa lite allt möjligt pĂ„ universitetet, jag menar om du vĂ€ljer natur och sĂ„ gĂ„r du ut i nian och sĂ„ kommer du helt plötsligt pĂ„ att du vill bli advokat eller nĂ„got liknande. Anser du att IB gör att du fĂ„r ett bredare utval att vĂ€lja mellan senare om du skulle Ă„ngra dig? Skulle vara kul om du ville svara i ett inlĂ€gg dĂ„ jag sjĂ€lv inte har nĂ„gon blogg eller liknande :)


Hej pÄ dig! NÀr jag först valde gymnasium valde jag Kitas Ekonomi/Juridik och uteslöt NA helt dÀrför att jag inte brinner för Àmnen som kemi, fysik och matte. Jag skulle aldrig kunna utsÀtta mig för att lÀsa Àmnen jag tycker Àr svÄra och ointressanta bara för att "skapa en bred bas." Men sedan tog jag ju mitt pick och pack till California ett Är och efter det Àndrades min syn pÄ mitt gymnasieval.


Jag valde IB av 3 anledningar: 1) Jag ville verkligen fortsÀtta lÀsa pÄ engelska - att lÀsa pÄ svenska fanns inte pÄ kartan för mig dÄ. I framtiden kommer man ALLTID ha en fördel att prata flytande engelska i vÄr globaliserade vÀrld. 2) Jag vill ha möjligheten att plugga utomlands i framtiden - UK? US? Australia? Who knows. Men med IB har jag en sjuuuk fördel med detta. 3) Jag sÄg det som en utmaning. IB Àr tveklöst den absolut tuffaste gymnasielinjen i Sverige. Jag Àr sjukt mÄlmedveten och sÄ fort kommit pÄ tanken att ansöka sÄ var jag tvungen att göra det. Bevisa att jag skulle klara det.


Och JA, vi pĂ„ IB kommer vara nĂ„got oerhört mer förberedda Ă€n andra elever nĂ€r vi kommer till universitetet no matter vilket land det blir. Vi har lĂ€rt oss hard work, att hĂ„lla oss till deadlines, skriva litterĂ€ra uppsatser, kunskap pĂ„ djupet om (för min del) ekonomi och psykologi, som andra elever lĂ€ser först pĂ„ högskolan. Vi har lĂ€rt oss disciplin, respekt mot lĂ€rare, att ta ansvar och planera. För att inte nĂ€mna om att ta del av andra kulturer och tala, lĂ€sa och skriva flytande engelska. Detta Ă€r alla saker som svensk gymnasieutbildning tyvĂ€rr inte kan erbjuda. - (Det sista Ă€r MIN Ă„sikt som jag stĂ„r för, men ifall ni inte hĂ„ller med - fight me guys!😃)


Som jag Àven nÀmnde Àr jag mycket mÄlmedveten och vet dÀrför redan att jag vill lÀsa juridik pÄ högskolan. Om det inte Àr vad jag vill lÀr det bli psychology/marketing/ekonomi vilket alla Àr Àmnen IB har förberett mig för.


Hoppas du fick en klarare bild av varför jag valt International Baccalaureate och det Àr bara att frÄga ifall du vill veta nÄgot mer.
/Kram Matilda






Hi lovers!
I only had one class today from 9:30-10:50 which indicated I was home early - lovely. Also the weather appeared to be gorgeous so I had lunch and prepared my second cup of coffee for the day and enjoyed it on the porch reading The Things They Carried by Tim O'Brien. I suddenly realized how greatful I should be because I'm in both IB English Literature as well as Swedish Lit. The two classes require you to read pleeeenty of books and of course it's painful when the book is dull or boring however I completely love when it's the other way around. In fact I've enjoyed all of the books for English so far and it's not only giving for my performance in school but also at a higher level in life. So yeah, IB, maybe it's a good thing you're forcing me to read works by authors I'd never lay my hands on, especially in the case of the very good ones!😉


Hey cutes!
It's been a long-ass day I can tell you... However I was so excited to do my first job for ElevkÄren today! It's so much fun to be a part of it, mostly because it's a very social task and you would know I love such things! Came home from school at 5ish and got some homework done before my little baby, Vilma, and I went to get some supplies for school as well as to check some stores out. Tomorrow morning I have an early start and since I'm exhausted I might actually hit the sack soon.
Kisses darlings and enjoy your night,


Hi people! If you have a minute or two to spare you should spend them on this post. It's uncomfortably long I know and I'm sorry about that but it's pretty darn interesting stuff to discuss. Since I had a couple of questions on what to do in the future I gathered them both along with my thoughts and hopes for the future all together in a post. So yeah here we go - bare with me!

Vad vill du lÀsa pÄ universitetet? Vet du vad du vill bli? :)
Super bra blogg! :)

Hejsan och tack för en fin blogg!! Har du bra betyg??? Kanske Àr en kÀnslig frÄga men vet att du pluggar mycket sÄ tÀnker att du ÀndÄ har det? Vad vill du plugga vidare till? Kram!

A: Hej och ÄÄh tack sÄ mycket! AlltsÄ okej jag har bott utomlands osv men Àr det inte en vÀldigt svensk grej att inte vÄga frÄga om en sÄdan sak som betyg? Eller lön? Eller vilket politiskt parti man röstar pÄ? Det Àr vÀl klart att det kÀnns trÄkigt att berÀtta för nÄgon vilka betyg man har eller vad man tjÀnar om man inte Àr nöjd med det - fine, det tar jag. Men detta med att man ska behövs skÀmmas över att berÀtta att man fick A eller MVG eller i mitt fall en 7:a pÄ ett prov för att man vet att de övriga fick sÀmre Àr förfasen bara vÀldigt svenskt... - Sorry, just needed to let it all out. SÄ JA, jag har bra betyg. Jag Àr bÄde nöjd och stolt över mig sjÀlv att kunna ha de siffrorna pÄ mitt sÄ kallade "report card" som jag faktiskt har med tanke pÄ att jag gÄr IB, dÀr hÄrt slit inte Àr tillrÀckligt alla gÄnger. Men precis som du sÀger sÄ Àr det ju inte för att jag slöat mig igenom IB2 och ÀndÄ fÄtt alla rÀtt pÄ proven som att jag har bra betyg utan för att jag pluggat mig dit - sÄ enkelt Àr det.

SÄ till era frÄgor angÄende universitet/framtida osv - jag har ett Ärs betÀnketid till ifall jag ska söka högskola i Sverige, men ska jag söka utomlands (vilket jag ska) börjar tiden rinna ut om jag vill börja plugga hösten 2015. Just nu Àr jag intresserad av att lÀsa juridik dvs söka law school utomlands. Mer specifikt fÄr bara namnet av "law - criminal justice" mig att bli helt pirrig i magen för fasen vad intressant det lÄter. TÀnk er till exempel att ett 15-Ärig flicka blivit vÄldtagen och att JAG kan bevisa i rÀtten att den som gjort det Àr skyldig trots alla motbevis? Eller att kunna försvara en oskyldig person som blivit falskt anklagad för ett mord? Fasen vad coolt det skulle vara. SpÀnnande, varierande men framför allt hjÀlpande till de som faktiskt behöver det.

Utöver det har jag vĂ€l lite tankar pĂ„ marknadsföring av nĂ„got slag med. Min pappa har sagt att jag skulle passa bra som det - har dock inte bestĂ€mt mig om det Ă€r en bra eller dĂ„lig sak dĂ„ han kanske bara tycker att jag Ă€r A PAIN IN THE ASS och dĂ€rför skulle passa bra att jobba inom marketing...?😉

Men either way sĂ„ vill jag ha en hög och tuff utbildning. För enligt mig sĂ„ hör de tvĂ„ delarna ihop. I Sverige Ă€r det möjligt att lĂ€sa bygg eller stylist (inget elakt menat för er som lĂ€ser detta!!!) och sedan fĂ„ bra pĂ„ högskoleprovet och kunna komma in precis vartsomhelst. SjĂ€lvklart Ă€r vĂ€l inte detta riktigt sant i alla lĂ€gen, men ni förstĂ„r vad jag försöker komma. Det var sĂ„nt jĂ€kla snack nĂ€r man gick i 9:an om att: "Åh du bara MÅSTE vĂ€lja en högskoleförberedande utbildning i gymnasiet annars Ă€r du körd!" - BULLSHIT! Faktiskt, ren bullshit. SĂ„ FINE, det svenska skolsystemet tillĂ„ter dig att vara lat, sĂ„ Ă€r det. Men sedan Ă€r det ju upp till dig sjĂ€lv och du tĂ€nker vara det eller inte. FÖR MIG Ă€r det sĂ„hĂ€r: Hellre att man lĂ€ser en jĂ€vligt tuff och utmanande linje för att det utvecklar ett driv hos en person, samt vilja och förmĂ„ga att kunna klara tuffa utmaningar. BĂ„de IB och juridik Ă€r sĂ„dana och eftersom jag Ă€r intresserad av bĂ„da dessa Ă€r jag jĂ€kligt glad att de tvĂ„ Ă€ven Ă€r riktiga utmaningar. Vill dock inte att ni tar detta pĂ„ fel sĂ€tt - som person Ă€r jag vĂ€ldigt mĂ„linriktad och en sĂ„dan typ som konstant söker utmaningar, DÄRFÖR tycker JAG pĂ„ detta viset.



Jag vill dÀrför ha en utbildning och jobb som ger mig möjligheterna till att 1) Göra nÄgot jag bara Àlskar 2) Kunna hjÀlpa mÀnniskor 3) TjÀna jÀvligt bra med pengar pÄ det och dÀrmed kÀnna att allt hÄrt slit varit vÀrt det - och jag hoppas att det blir en grym jÀvla kriminaladvokat av mig i framtiden!





Hey darlings!
Just a couple of minutes ago I had my predicted grades uploaded and I just have to say one thing - hell to the motherfucking yes. Excuse me, but seriously I'm not even going to be modest with this happiness in respect to others at this point because why should I? I aim for the highest, I always do. And I'm so darn proud of myself for my establishments this year. All I can say is that hard work pays off and now I'm more than motivated to work even harder next year to keep it up. Shit, I love life right now!
Peace out,
From earlier today. Such a perfect day...


Good morning friends!
To be honest I don't think you want to know how I spent my Saturday morning, hehe... But as the pain in the ass I am, I'm going to tell you anyway. It all started out last week when my math teacher goes: "Holy shit! You need to get your shit together and start filing, girl!" So yeah that's what I've been doing. Literally spent 3 hours on it, haha. It's insane! The piles of papers never decreased. Pretty sure I was about to start sobbing at one point. Mostly because any of this shit can come on the end of year exams in like three weeks. Yey...
I got some responses on my post yesterday so I'll upload a post later bringing up what you guys asked me to! And also I want to say that I think you guys' comments/emails are so adorable!!!! Pussar pÄ er!

A sudden turn

Hi there again!
I'm taking some things of what I wrote in the earlier post back because this day didn't turn out to be so unprodoctive after all. My baby sister gave me shit for being hungover and forced me to go out running with her and so I did. My whole body was literally (okay figuratively) crying however it felt great with some fresh air and also we managed to catch the sun down.
Now I'm about to shower and put on a new cozy sweatshirt I got today - I'll show it tomorrow! And then actually get some homework done. I'll most likely fall asleep while doing so however it seems that workout at least gave me some energy.
Natti pÄ er,
Detta mina kÀra vÀnner och lÀsare Àr mina nya leksaker. Vad som gör en IB:are glad och motiverad helt enkelt... 

NÀr emojisarna tar över

Hej mina gossigaste lÀsare!
If I was about to describe my mood right now it would be with the "Thank-God"/"Namaste" iPhone-emoji. Lol about the fact that I actually just wrote that but the funniest part is that I know you all certainly knew which one I just referred to, haha...😉 But isn't it true though? That in certain cases the emojis are better to use than actual words? My friends know that I'd never ever send a text without at least like 5 of them. They express what you want to say so perfectly sometimes, don't they?...? And you know this one: 😏 aka "peddo-smiley" - it's highly likely the one I use the most. One time I asked a guy if he wanted to hang out the following weekend and was ought to put a "smiling smiley" next to it. But of course I - BY MISTAKE(!!!!) - put the freaking "peddo-smiley" instead. So embarrassing and awkward yet such typical thing for me to do though. Somehow that godamn smiley just tends to make everything sexual, haha... 
Oh well back to my emoji-explained mood - it is due to the fact that this day is over AND that my tutor cancelled on me. Not that I'd rather spend my whole Thursday afternoon at Chalmers which now will be the case, but because it's the first day back in school and I need a tender start. Don't we all?
With some slow beats in my headphones I'm on my way home to get started on duties.
How was your day, cutie pies?
T I L L Ä Y 
Som den IB-tönt jag Àr förvÀntas man att ta vara pÄ all ledig tid till att plugga. Och ÀndÄ ligger man efter... SMD!

Hejsan bloggisen

Som jag skrev igÄr sÄ slutade jag kl 12 idag istÀllet för 4, sÄ har just kommit hem, kÀkat lite lunch och nu tÀnkte jag göra mig en kaffe innan jag sÀtter igÄng med en sjuihelvetes massa plugg som ska vara gjort... TÀnkte trÀna senare sÄ det blir nog lite spinning-cykel och stryka - hemmatrÀning helt enkelt.Hoppas denna grÄa och regniga torsdag gÄr er vÀg, mina vÀnner. Kramisss,
Ville bara visa er vad definitionen av en IB-elev ser ut om ni aldrig trÀffat pÄ en i era dagar. Typiska drag Àr ofta; fullproppad vÀska, böcker pÄ armen och tvÄ kaffemuggar... Dock har denna bruden smink och ingen rosa ryggsÀck med unicorns pÄ - det hade annars varit nÄgra andra tydliga tecken. Peace!

Envis som 17

Sometimes I just can't believe myself - I'm so freaking stubborn. I have a math test coming up on Thursday and I just couldn't understand a specific part that I know will be on the test and I literally sat here for hours trying to figure it out. I gave up like 4 times but finally I got it. You should have seen me at this point because I was sitting here smiling for myself haha. I felt like putting on Beyonce's Single Ladies and just dance my ass off of happiness. It's funny though because for those of you who know me would know I'm not patient for shit, but once I've decided to get through something I'm so freaking stubborn and determined to reach my goal. May or may not be good in all situations, however in math I'm glad I have such ability because finally I FUCKING FIGURED IT OUT, HA.
Okay enough about school I just needed to share, hehe... What's up this week? Hm, plenty of hw of course (shit I wasn't supposed to mention school? Jeez), Wednesday we'll have an Amnesty meeting, on Thursday I'm catching up with my favorite Linda baby. We'll probably go get coffee and just talk which we are both very good at;) Much needed! Friday I'm most likely seeing my amigo Andreas and och Saturday we have a perfect girls night planned - more about that later.
Mondays=cozy days in my favorite Newport Beach shirt.


FRÅGA: Hej, fin blogg! TĂ€nkte bara frĂ„ga, vilket Ă„r pĂ„ IB gĂ„r du nu? Och var du senior eller junior nĂ€r du var i USA? Jag sjĂ€lv Ă€r utbytesstudent just nu och planerar att gĂ„ IB sedan nĂ€r jag kommer hem. Vad tycker du om IB? Tacksam för svar! :) 
SVAR: Detta Àr en av de vanligaste frÄgorna jag fÄr - so here we go. Jag var senior i USA! VÀldigt kul med tanke pÄ att jag fick gÄ pÄ Prom, vara med pÄ Senior Night/Picnic, Senior Ditch Day och sist men inte minst - GRADUATION.
Jag gĂ„r första Ă„ret pĂ„ IB, IB2 (IB Ă€r bara tvĂ„ Ă„r!) Linjen Ă€r ansedd som den tuffaste linjen att gĂ„ som gymnasieelev i Sverige dĂ„ den krĂ€ver att du som elev Ă€r ambitiös, tar ansvar, och lĂ€gger ner vĂ€ldigt mycket tid pĂ„ plugg. Utöver Ă€mnena i skolan ska du Ă€ven vara aktiv i CAS (Creativity, Activity, Service) - dĂ€r jag har springning som Activity, min blogg som Creativity och Ă€r tillsammans med en annan tjej ansvarig för Amnesty pĂ„ Hvitfeldtska för Service. Sedan ska man Ă€ven skriva en Extended Essay under sista Ă„ret av IB och sedan skriva slutprov i ALLA Ă€mnena som betyder 70% av ditt slutbetyg. SĂ„ ja, det Ă€r jĂ€vligt tufft men Ă€r du envis som tusan och verkligen kĂ€mpar i tvĂ„ Ă„r sĂ„ kommer det vara SÅÅÅÅÅ vĂ€rt det. Enligt statistik klarar sig IB elever bĂ€ttre pĂ„ högskolor i Sverige och det Ă€r betydligt större chans att du kommer in pĂ„ colleges/universities utomlands. 
SĂ„ to sum up: Ifall du hanterar engelska bra (skriva, prata, lĂ€sa) och Ă€r beredd att lĂ€gga ner den tiden som krĂ€vs - GÖR DET! Jag Ă€r supernöjd med mitt val, dĂ„ det inte finns en chans i vĂ€rlden att jag skulle vilja lĂ€sa pĂ„ svenska efter det att jag flyttade hem frĂ„n Cali. Lycka till med ditt Ă„r i USA och IB! 
 Missin' them sunny days by the beach in the Golden State. This is from lovely San Diego.

Hej bloggisen

Thursday today guys and only two more days to go before we can enjoy the weekend. I have a huge economics test tomorrow which I don't feel enough prepared to write, however I don't have a choice to take it later due to plenty of other assignments... 
Nu blir det plugg för fulla muggar,


Working my ass off on my Individual Oral Presentation for English at the moment. It's going be worth 15% of my final grade so it's a very important task. In the presentation I'm discussing how distance to something tends to create apprecitaton to it based on a book we read, Into The Wild. I can definitely recommend both the book and the movie - I really enjoyed it. However what I wanted to get at was that in my presentation I'm linking this idea to my own experience of this - when I moved and moved back from California and I'm actually pretty satisfied with how it turned out. Now all I have to do is to make a hell of a good presentation of it tomorrow in class.
I used this picture in my presentation - totally LOVE it. And my baby doll of course. Remember to appreciate things in life peeps. We tend to focus on the negative way to often. /Peace Tilly.

Tillbaka till verkligheten

Okay that's a lie... I've been studying every day this week, hehe... However this is the first day it actually occurred to me that "SHIT! It's Saturday and only two days left before we're back in school again..." Which means I need to get a few things done! Studying in my princess bed with a latte makes it all a lot easier though - it's all about the environment - BELIEVE ME, I'M PRETTY DARN EXPERIENCED WHEN IT COMES TO STUDYING;)
The blog post I promised you guys are coming up later with my (exciting!!) plans for tonight. Fun, fun!


Today we had the HUGE group 4 project required to get done in IB2. We literally worked from 8-16 with like 30 minutes break in between so I'm exhausted. However we almost finished and tomorrow we will do the presentation so everyone will bring cookies etc and show up our posters.
Even though I was terribly tired when I got home I went out running and I can tell you I'm super proud of myself for doing so. Now I'm going to bake for tomorrow to have something to bribe the judges with xx,
Basically my long-ass day in school.

David's Bagare

Hej gosisar!
Just sat down at David's Bagare with a yummi Cappucino and loads of homework. Since I'm going to a party tomorrow night and then out on Saturday I need to get a lot of economics done today and math homework done tomorrow with my tutor after school!
Finish up your Thursday best possible way. Xx,

SÄ överlever du IB

Requirement nĂșmero 1: Pink school supplies including a lot of flowers, preferably Diddle.
Requirement 2: loads and loads of CAFFEINE. Not pure shit like Redbull or Monster - COFFEE! And if you don't like it, sucks for you - drink it anyway, it'll come around.
Peace out friends,  

Varför? DÀrför!

It just occured to me the other day or actually no it occurs to me everyday, however what I'm referring to is my somehow odd choice of programme. These last weeks before Christmas I've asked myself too many times WHY DO I PUT MYSELF THROUGH THE IB-PROGRAMME? WHYYYYYY?
But then I always end up giving myself the same answer; Because it's gonna be worth it. No matter where I end up, it's gonna be worth it. For those of you who don't know much about the International Baccalaureate programme, I can tell you that it is hard. There's a requirement for a minimum of 6 classes, where at least 3 needs to be Higher Levels (more time in class, more to cover, tougher requirements.) We have for the most part terrible schedules with long days and plenty of homework. And in the end of IB3 we have final exams during two weeks in every single class and these results make up 70% of our entire final grade and in additional, our teachers are not marking these - IB examiners all over the world are and these are people we have never faced. In order to receive our IB diploma (graduation), we need to hand in an "Extended Essay" (about 30 pages), a TOK-essay, IOP:s/IOC:s (additional assignments for each class) as well as outside of school perform and collect CAS-points (creativity, activity and service) and we need to have 50 hours for each at the end of IB3 and these need to be evaluated and done continuosly. And as a native Swede I also have to mention that all of my classes are with teachers who speaks English with accents like Indian, Chinese, French, American, Brittish, Swedish and so on for those of you who didn't know.
So then I again ask myself; WHY, MATILDA - WHY? But then again it's gonna be worth it, I'm certain. Additionally I could not see myself study in any other language than English at the moment which also contributes to my decision and if I'm ever gonna be back for college in California this is the best way for me to go. Finally, those of you who know me won't be surprised when I say that once I've started something I'm going to finish it - it's simply too late to back down now,

Missing California every single day.


I'm sure I've already told you about how much I loved Kitas and was definitely planning on going back when I moved back from California, but during the summer I realized that I just couldn't study in Swedish anymore, it wasn't what I wanted. I really loved Kitas as a school as well as the teachers and schedule but especially my friends - honestly not graduating with that group of girls breaks my heart. But I'm so greatful we kept in touch and are still hanging out! Anyway, Kitas is a super small yet cozy school and to be honest I only applied to Hvitfeldtska because of their IB programme but now I've actually come to like it. It's a huge school with so many different kinds of people which is convenient to me since I love socializing  ;) Anyway something else I like with the school are the very old buildings and aulas as well as the views - look! How pretty aren't these pictures I took today? Wonderful. Speaking of Hvitfeldtska and IB today we had the best guest speaker who spoke about study skills specifically for IB. He was a professional IB examiner himself and came with great advice as well as he managed to calm us down about everything we will face in IB,

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