jeans kinda gal
Hi folks!
Definitely no girly-girl when it comes to skirts. For some reason I'm super duper uncomfortable wearing them but I assume that's only due to the fact that I never do, hehe!😃 I'm definitely more of a jeans kinda gal however now I got myself two black skirts so I'm forced to start wearing them. One of them is in leather and I think it's so pretty!

Black Beauty
Hi lovies!<3
Been considering too long whether or not to get myself a black hat. I think it's absolutely gorgeous, especially to a black skirt, a sweater and blonde curls... However at the same time I think I'd wear it more frequently during summer so maybe I shall wait around until that? I also want to find the perfect one and in fact, this one is pretty darn close...

What's up cutie pies?<3
Among others I got this lovely sports bra for Christmas. I enjoy the decent colors as well as the fact that it's super duper comfortable. I don't know about you guys but wearing uncomfortable clothing when working out doesn't exactly do me good. This one will be greatly used.
/Matilda W

Åhléns// size 34
Christmas @Starbucks
Good morning sunshines!
Can you believe it's no school for more than two weeks, Christmas Eve in 4 days, Christmas Day in 5 and New Year's Eve in 11 days? Holy macaroni time flies!
I had an absolutely lovely Friday yesterday. Started out with a Christmas party with my grade at Hvitfeldtska and then a more formal event in the Vasa church with the whole school. I spent the afternoon with daddy and Vilma in the city - getting a couple of gifts and then we had coffee at Starbucks. I absolutely love Starbucks this time a year because it's so much Christmas spirit. But mostly because it reminds me of the US...❤️
Then at around 6ish daddy and I went to the gym for a hard workout before we had white wine and shrimps for dinner. How was your Friday?
/Matilda W

My little love bug.



Vilma and I.

This black beauty full of glitter was waiting in the mailbox for me today when I got home. Absolutely gorgeous with a black pair of skinny jeans/a leather skirt, heels and fake lashes. Perfect for this season when I've made up party plans for both Juldagen and New Year's Eve - can't wait!😃
ViFurry Jacket

Basically in love with this gorgeooooous jacket... I've already got like five black ones because I simply can't have enough of them.This one's from Vila, Nelly and would go great with my Nike's, Vans, Primes, heels - you name it <3 Let's see if I can control myself when it comes to this one...;)

Absolutely love my new sweater from H&M (size XS). It's super cozy and warm which is perfect for fall! It comes in this brownish color and also in grey!<3
2 W A N T I E S



Let's just say that the sales @Nelly had me... Pretty pieces though, right?😃
/Kisses M❤️

Hallå babes!
Ni vet när man får en såndär sjuk dille på något? På typ någon maträtt eller klädesplagg eller SKOR. Alltså dessa är top-notch säger jag bara. Wedges and sneakers in one - kan det bli bättre? Behöver att de svarta darlingsen blir mina en dag.
Peace out,

I ordered these babies on my birthday and due to that they offered my a huge discount on Nelly - how generous? They are high as shit but that's the point right?😉 So yeah now I have another pair of darlings to add to the collection and since they are black they will be greatly used. While we're on new stuff here's my second silk kimono I got from my two darling Linda and Rebecca. Oh how I love birthdays...😃
Klänningen är bara såååå snygg och du med! Vart kommer den ifrån? Kram<3
Åh tack så mycket - klänningen är ifrån Nelly och i storleken XS. Eftersom den är väldigt urringad använde jag faktiskt en pytteliten säkerhetshål som ni ser på bilderna!😃 Den ligger på 499kr!


This grey off-shoulder baby got to come home with me today. Maybe we shall consider it as an early birthday gift to myself!😃 This Monday really took it out of me so I'm about to cuddle up in bed pretty soon I think...
Enjoy your night and I'll update you tomorrow!

So much fall inspiration over this collection and although I mentioned this morning I miss summer already I somehow don't mind fall to enter either because it does have its good sides as well. Completely love this.

Good morning fellllllas!
How are you holding up today? It's funny how I took for granted that I'll be back at school earlier than some of my friends only because I'm in gymnasium and they are about so start university but apparently that wasn't the case at all? They'd be making fun of me because they didn't know for sure what to do after graduation however they knew I was bound to do one more year so; "HA, not so funny anymore, huh?" - (many of them starts today and I have a week of summer left...😉) Or summer idk, I'm actually gonna spend loads of the time that's remaining on homework but eithey way it feels nice to be home, having more flexibility with my time as well as not being bound to a schedule!
About to head out for a slow walk - my throat isn't getting any better so I guess working out too hard isn't the best idea. Tomorrow I'll go to Hvitfeldtska to pick up some stuff and speak to "Elevkåren" since I might be interested to join and then later I'll celebrate my friend, Linnea, who's turning 19!

Here's my new jacket in animal prints which I looooove. It definitely gives a solid outfit some sparkle, doesn't it?❤️

Got these babies a couple of weeks ago and I absolutely love them. Not only are they sort of different from my usual type of style but they're so comfortable since the fabric is amazing.

Promised you guys to show the new maxi kimono I got online on and well here it is. In the picture I simply decided to wear it with a black body, white shorts as well as white heels but it also goes great together with a tight black dress or so! Absolutely love the way it manages to make a pretty simple outfit much more party - score!

This kind of top is definitely on the wish list because it's very a everyday kind of shirt, comfy yet pretty. I also enjoy the fact that they come in multiple colors! These ones are from Nelly but I'm pretty sure other shops provide them as well, both in stores and online. Much wanted!