Getting over California is like getting over your first love - you don't.

Hi readers!❤️
This day has been the woooorst out - pretty sure I shed a tear while walking home because I felt sorry for myself, having to walk home in such snowy, rainy, windy and basically ughhhhh weather. Hence I'm posting some beachy pictures from my one and only place - Cali.
About to hit the gym and then to get home, have a hot shower and cuddle up in bed with my iPad! More than pleased it's Friday tomorrow - aren't you?😃
Newport Beach, Orange County, CA.
San Diego, CA.


Starting to realize it's not many days left for a much-needed Winter Break. And by that I decided to throw back two years ago when I was enjoying the American Dream to the fullest..!😃
/Kisses M


Hi you guys!❤️
Sat as usual having my morning coffee with a black dark view outside. At that point it occurred to me what life I used to have - in Cali. A typical weekend morning for me would be to go up, workout and then maybe take my host family's dog, little Tobey, down town to get coffee at Starbucks for like 20kr... I remember how I always had to repeat my name since Matilda isn't a very common name over there so after a couple of months I gave in and told them to put "Tilly" on the cup instead, hahah... Oh those were the days!❤️
Wish you a happy Thursday!


Q: Hej! Kan inte du lägga ut ett inlägg med saker du aldrig berättade om ditt utbytesår? Småhemlisar eller saker som bara inte passade att berätta? Kram!
A: Hejsan och måste bara säga att detta var en sjukt rolig fråga, hehe, för visst gjorde jag väl saker jag inte borde... Dock skrev jag nog en del om det när jag var där men vet att en hel del av er inte läste bloggen back then so here we go;
-När jag var på min första fest i USA kom en random tjej fram till mig (som senare kom att bli en av mina bästa vänner men det hade jag ingen aning om då) och frågade om jag ville ha en öl. Och lite fin och svensk och tjejig som jag var sa jag typ: "Thanks, but no thanks - I really don't like beer." Och tjejen skrattade och sa: "Oh girl, you'll like beer in less than a month fosho - that's all we drink here" innan hon gick. Jag tänkte typ hahaha det aldrig kommer att hända men med tanken på mängden beer pong vi spelade där så mycket riktigt lärde jag mig tycka om öl... Sedan när jag och Simone, som tjejen hette, blivit kompisar och var på fest sa hon: "Ey Tilly is that a beer in your hand? I told you so, didn't I?"😉"
-Jag minns den absolut dummaste frågan jag fick där: "So Tilly, is it true that in Sweden the president has made this decision that the people are only allowed to have candy on Saturdays?" - För det första har vi ingen president utan en kung, samt regering och för det andra är konceptet lördagsgodis något vissa frivilligt följer av nyttighetssjäl...  
-När jag sprang naken över skolgården på mitt amerikanska high school. Okej detdär lät verkligen inte bra men låt mig få förklara mig. På Palo Alto High School hade de en tradition om att man skulle så kallat "streaka" när man var Senior, alltså springa naken med något över huvudet som för att visa att man ändå ska lämna skolan liksom. Trodde ALDRIG att jag skulle göra detta, alltså aldrig - när jag först fick höra om det skrattade jag ihjäl mig och tyckte det var helt sjukt, men mycket riktigt så de sista veckorna på skolan sprang jag och mina bästa kompisar nakna över skolgården med maskar och body paint, haha... Det var det absolut sjukaste jag någonsin gjort kan jag säga. Aldrig fått en sådan adrenalinkick, ever. Jag trodde jag var diskret men tydligen kunde folk känna igen mig på min "tanning line" haha... But in the end of the day - OH WELL, right?
Dessa var bara några grejer jag kom på såhär, men fråga gärna på om det är något mer specifikt ni vill veta!


I don't have such a love-hate relationship to anything like I do to my American memories. The feeling of flipping through the pictures have such an influence on me - both good and bad. First I feel all warm and happy - only looking at the pictures makes me smile and I can literally forget about the present because I'm all caught up by the memories and then suddenly it breaks my heart because I realize how outrageously much I miss it all. And at that point all I want to do is to delete all evidence I have in order to deny the fact that I even was there because it is so difficult to me not knowing when I'm going back. Although I've been home more than a year I assume I will never for real take in all the stuff I experienced, so therefore I'm certain it will always be a huge part of me<3
The pictures are from Sedona, Arizona and the Grand Canyon - how incredible?


Just got on the train from work and "Young and Beautiful" with Lana Del Rey came on in my Urbanears. I haven't listen to that song since I moved back from California because I simply just can't. Every time the song comes on I have to turn it off immediately because it hurts too much. It's highly likely impossible for you to understand what this song means to me so it's quite pointless for me to even try to explain. Either way, all I can say is that I spent hours alone, sobbing in my room back in Cali listening to this song on repeat. It was by the time when I was realizing I was going home and since the song is associated with that kind of harsh experience it's to me so touching. It might be difficult for most of you to relate to such things but I can say that leaving California was the hardest thing I ever had to do.
It's interesting how I still turn so emotional when the song comes on. And how I still miss Cali so outrageously much, my home❤️
In my hot pink sweatpants from A&F and my favorite t-shirt from Newport Beach I reluctantly spent my first night in my own bed after a year away...


It's funny how 4th of July has come to be more of a name than an actually date... Oh well let's just say that today is a tough day not to be in the US. My fellas in the Golden State are most likely still asleep at this hour due to the time difference but once they are up I might not go on Instagram or Facebook too much because the pictures will make me miss it even more...

Cali inspo

Hi guys! 
The stomch flu couldn't hit me at a worse timing and it would be fair to compare me to a zombie at this point. I haven't eaten all day and can barely have a zip of water although I'm dehydrated. Just woke up from a 4h nap to realize that all the girls are getting ready for Hanna's birthday dinner at this point only to know I'll be stuck here in bed... There's nothing worse than missing out on stuff and even worse when it's due to the stomach flu...😔
Since I don't have anything else to do but being stuck here I've been looking online for some shopping which I never have time for otherwise. I got inspired by my one and only favorite place of all times - Cali. And in my loneliness I start to miss it even more...

Spring breakers

My American friends are all on Spring break at the moment and I couldn't be more jealous... Thinking about my year in California always brings me mixed feelings; sometimes it just makes me smile because I remember how happy I was however unfortunately it too gives me less happy feelings because I miss it sososo much. Sometimes I miss it so much that it hurts... But at the same time I'm certain I will get back there at one point, I know I will. Oh how I miss the happiest place on earth, the Golden State - I'll be back for you Cali. Kisses, 
Here are some lovely shots from last year during Spring break - enjoooooy;
My dream dorm at beautiful Stanford University.
Sickest city on the earth - San Fran, ladies and gentlemen.
Celebrating the beginning of Spring Break the right way - POOL PARTY!
Beeeeeach babe. Miss you, Hannah!
Stayed at this lovely house up in Bel Air for two nights - W O W.
The definition of California - could roller blade along Santa Monica for a living when I get older, hehe...😉

Birthday boy

Good morning peeps and welcome Saturday!
It's not an ordinary day today because it's my host little brother, J.T's birthday! HAPPY BIRTHDAY LITTLE GUY! Can't believe he has grown so big... Wow I really miss this happy little creature. I want to wish him the best of days,
Missin' my little buddy. Happy birthday again, J!


FRÅGA: Hej, fin blogg! Tänkte bara fråga, vilket år på IB går du nu? Och var du senior eller junior när du var i USA? Jag själv är utbytesstudent just nu och planerar att gå IB sedan när jag kommer hem. Vad tycker du om IB? Tacksam för svar! :) 
SVAR: Detta är en av de vanligaste frågorna jag får - so here we go. Jag var senior i USA! Väldigt kul med tanke på att jag fick gå på Prom, vara med på Senior Night/Picnic, Senior Ditch Day och sist men inte minst - GRADUATION.
Jag går första året på IB, IB2 (IB är bara två år!) Linjen är ansedd som den tuffaste linjen att gå som gymnasieelev i Sverige då den kräver att du som elev är ambitiös, tar ansvar, och lägger ner väldigt mycket tid på plugg. Utöver ämnena i skolan ska du även vara aktiv i CAS (Creativity, Activity, Service) - där jag har springning som Activity, min blogg som Creativity och är tillsammans med en annan tjej ansvarig för Amnesty på Hvitfeldtska för Service. Sedan ska man även skriva en Extended Essay under sista året av IB och sedan skriva slutprov i ALLA ämnena som betyder 70% av ditt slutbetyg. Så ja, det är jävligt tufft men är du envis som tusan och verkligen kämpar i två år så kommer det vara SÅÅÅÅÅ värt det. Enligt statistik klarar sig IB elever bättre på högskolor i Sverige och det är betydligt större chans att du kommer in på colleges/universities utomlands. 
Så to sum up: Ifall du hanterar engelska bra (skriva, prata, läsa) och är beredd att lägga ner den tiden som krävs - GÖR DET! Jag är supernöjd med mitt val, då det inte finns en chans i världen att jag skulle vilja läsa på svenska efter det att jag flyttade hem från Cali. Lycka till med ditt år i USA och IB! 
 Missin' them sunny days by the beach in the Golden State. This is from lovely San Diego.


Working my ass off on my Individual Oral Presentation for English at the moment. It's going be worth 15% of my final grade so it's a very important task. In the presentation I'm discussing how distance to something tends to create apprecitaton to it based on a book we read, Into The Wild. I can definitely recommend both the book and the movie - I really enjoyed it. However what I wanted to get at was that in my presentation I'm linking this idea to my own experience of this - when I moved and moved back from California and I'm actually pretty satisfied with how it turned out. Now all I have to do is to make a hell of a good presentation of it tomorrow in class.
I used this picture in my presentation - totally LOVE it. And my baby doll of course. Remember to appreciate things in life peeps. We tend to focus on the negative way to often. /Peace Tilly.

En sådan dag, idag

It occurs to me that I in fact miss California. Every. Fucking. Day. It's actually pretty stupid that I'm walking around pale and cold in Sweden when I could be hanging out at a pool party with tan legs and blonde hair...
Basically my everyday last year...


JEEZ! I need to share something with you guys that we in California would say is "HELLA COOL". One of my very best friends all last year was Tia and she's the happiest and most cheery girl I have ever met - always with a smile on her face. However this year she as everyone else attended college and Tia was the only incoming Freshman getting into UCLA as a cheerleader. She's absolutely amazing at cheering and I literally want her life - I'm so incredibly jealous of everything she gets to experience. 
And well look at this;
WITH FREAKING TAYLOR LAUTNER - and yes of course Tia's the one hugging him (to the left.)
And this is her to the right.... Amazing.
Honestly SO proud of you Tia! And actually, if you're gonna keep hanging out with celebrities like that I actually might have to come visit pretty darn soon. Miss you my baby-girl!

Happy Birthday

One of my bestest friends back in Cali is turning 19 today - time flies! Happy freaking Birthday, beautiful Simone!!!!!


Simone and I before Prom.

Ett år på en hylla

I decided to clean out my room today and I threw out a lot of shit. I love that feeling! Also I packed up some boxes from the US I couldn't get myself to do last summer since it was too emotional.
Anyway, I created this shelf in my room full of stuff and memories from the US! It turned out really pretty and it feels great to have a special space for it all,

Mitt 2013

2013 has been infinitely long. Probably due to the fact that I moved across the ocean halfway through it. Probably because at the beginning of 2013 I lived in Palo Alto in California, went to Palo Alto High School where my best friends were Tia, Simone, Jordan, Olivia and Hannah, where I'd one day go tanning by a friend's pool, go to San Francisco with Maureen, watch movies with J.T, go on a spontaneous trip for the weekend to L.A with friends, bike over to Stanford and watch football, basketball or baseball games with John, buy coffee at Starbucks, hook up with a baseball or football guy or make movies in video production for school. To finally go to a perfect American high school Prom with my best friends and a handsome date in a bright pink, open-back dress with glitter on it in SF, walk through a formal graduation, go on senior nights and trips to Sunset State Beach for a night of beaching, camping, drinking, laughing and watching shooting stars.
Yeah those were the times. Leaving California was the hardest thing I ever had to do however coming home was exciting too. Coming home to people with open arms and to realize I still had people here in Sweden made my homecoming much easier. Also, Sweden for once offered an incredible summer with the best weather in years which too contributed to smiles for the California girl ;)
Hm, what else? I attended IB which both make up the stupidest yet best decision I've made 2013. Switching around between schools a lot which I've been doing isn't actually all bad; in fact I love it. It makes be have a lot of different kinds of people in my life which I'm so greatful for. 
This year has been exciting and eventful, just the way I like it. So tonight we're gonna celebrate the year of 2013 and when I think back about it; it's been pretty darn good. I'm a lucky ass fuck,

Throwin' it back

Since it's New Year's tomorrow I wanted to throw it back until a year ago, when I spent this lovely night in California. For those of you who didn't follow my blog at that point, here you go! So many great memories with my best friends however in fact this was the best one,


I was casually going though pictures from Cali on my iPad and I always end up getting these mixed feelings about it. Looking at the pictures makes me wanna cry because I miss it so much however they make me feel so great at the same time since it indeed was the best year of my life and to be remind of that kind of happiness of course will make you feel good. Wow I miss those times! I just instagrammed this picture from one of the best days; my first professional baseball game in San Francisco with the caption;"Once you have fallen in love with America, there's no way back."The AT&T ball park is one of the finest in the nation and I also got the opportunity to live in the Bay Area when they won it all. I'm one lucky girl,


When the rain is pouring and it's constantly dark I can't do anything but missing my home, California - my other home. I miss the heat, I miss the people, I miss all the new things I was introduced to, I miss tan legs and having a Starbucks on every corner. Oh, how I miss California,

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