Publicerat 2015-01-20 15:09:00 i
Today I've made up a plan for my workouts. I could never imagine that I (!!!!) would ever do something like that because I'm not organized when it comes to working out. Mostly because I do it because I love it, not necessarily to achieve something with it other than a healthy life and a better mood. However, working out everyday indicates a constant sore body which obviously is not desirable so therefore I've created a schedule indicating what cardio/muscle group I'll do each day of the week. I've also put in Wednesdays as a day off - (let's see if I can stick to that😉)! So hopefully it will go according to the plan - I'll let you know how it goes. I'm still sick but most likely I can get started later this week.
/Kisses M
Publicerat 2015-01-02 20:05:42 i
Hey you!
Just got back from the gym. The feeling afterwards is absolutely amazing. Since I had a day off yesterday I definitely was excited to be back. Working out is the bomb.
How are you doing cuties?❤️
/Kisses M
Publicerat 2014-12-27 16:32:12 i
What's up cutie pies?<3
Among others I got this lovely sports bra for Christmas. I enjoy the decent colors as well as the fact that it's super duper comfortable. I don't know about you guys but wearing uncomfortable clothing when working out doesn't exactly do me good. This one will be greatly used.
/Matilda W
Publicerat 2014-12-13 10:13:07 i
Morning readers and happy Saturday!
Just game back from a morning session at the gym with the old man and will soon get started on some homework. I have the very last load to get through before the Winter Break! Tonight it's dinner, drinks and Avenyn on the schedule - and of course all my lovely ladies!😃 Can't wait to see them all again.
Wish you a lovely Saturday!
Publicerat 2014-12-10 07:30:49 i
Morning lovers!
How are you? Started off the morning the right way - at the gym. ATM I'm on my way to school with a huge cup of coffee to go! Today I believe I'll receive my dress I ordered the other day - can't wait to see if the color is right and whether it fits. Hopefully I'll be happily surprised when I open the mailbox!😃
Have a great one,
Publicerat 2014-11-19 17:13:32 i
Hi readers and happy Wednesday!❤️
How are you today? I'm a bit bummed because I cannot workout during the time I'm on antibiotcis. And you know what happens to me in that sense... Last night I was all over the house singing, dancing, talking and simply acted a pain in the ass to my family because I have tons of energy I need to get rid of, hahaha...😔 Can't wait to be back at the gym once I'm better and for some hard work!
/Kisses M
Publicerat 2014-11-09 11:51:01 i
Good morning to you!❤️
My absolute favorite thing to do on Sunday mornings is to get up, have coffee and then hit the gym. Typically it's not very many people at the gym at that time and today it was only me and the cleaning lady, haha!😃 Did a terribly challenging abdominal session today. Now I just had some brunch and have pleeeenty of stuff for school to get done before Tuesday when I'll treat myself with a night out. Polhem, Hvit and Rudebecks are throwing the 200-days-until-Graduation party and it's masquerade ball theme - HOW cool?
Publicerat 2014-10-31 16:24:03 i
Hi babes!
Just came home with these new lovely babies - I'm like a child at Chistmas Eve, hehe... However for some reason the pictures don't bring out the actual colors whereas they are much more pink in reality!
/Kisses Matilda
Publicerat 2014-10-30 12:36:45 i
Godmorgon på er alla fina!❤️
Kom just hem efter milen på gymmet trots all träningsvärk... Alltså ibland förstår jag inte hur min vinnarskalle kan ta över så brutalt? Imorse vaknade jag med sjukt mycket träningsvärk samt väldigt ömma smalben vilket ofta tyder på att benhinnorna säger ifrån pga överansträngning. Men trots det så drack jag några koppar kaffe, smorde in smalbenen med tigerbalsam och stack iväg till gymmet för ett "lugnt pass". Slutar såklart med att när jag sprungit ca 4,5 km tänker : "Äh vafan kan lika gärna köra milen, inte så att jag inte skulle klara av det..." Och när väl den tanken eller snarare utmaningen slagit mig så vet jag att - japp, så blir det...😃 Så jaaa, får la helt enkelt skylla mig själv att jag kommer röra mig som en robot hela dagen!😉
Näpp, nu ska jag hoppa in i duschen - hoppas ni får en grym torsdag kompisar!
/Kisses M
Publicerat 2014-10-24 17:26:06 i
Hi my favorites and happy Friday!
I've been pretty cranky all day despite the fact that fall break is coming up - really don't know why? I guess I'm just stressed out about school and also that I'm taking Högskoleprovet tomorrow for the very first time. Are any of you going to take it?
Also the rain pisses me off, hahaha! But for real though?! What's the point with doing your hair and make-up as well as to put on a cute outfit if the rain will just make you look like shit anyway? Oh well enough with the cranky mood. I basically just dropped off my stuff and headed towards the gym once I got home. And as usual it made me feel a lot better. Now I'll just have a cozy night and mentally prepare for tomorrow.
Publicerat 2014-10-21 19:15:31 i
This is in fact an awesome new product by Arla - drickkvarg! It's healthy, delicious and super easy to bring on the go.
/Hugs Tilly❤️
Publicerat 2014-10-15 11:31:32 i
Good (late) morning friends!<3
Slept in until 8ish this morning whereupon I had some coffee before I dropped my little princess, Vilma, off at school to later hit the gym for a workout. Last night I spontaneously decided to run the mile (NOT AN AMERICAN MILE, but 10km;)) which I haven't done in a looooong time. But it felt great yet some sore legs today of coure. This morning I decided to do some easier cardio and then mostly abdominal exercises, so most likely I won't be able to laugh tomorrow, hahah... so sad!
Now I just got home, had a shower and put on my silken morning robe to continue this day studying... I'll also try to go to the city at some point for a couple of errands.
How are you guys doing today?
Publicerat 2014-10-09 07:36:06 i
Morning lovers!
Just got on the bus after a workout session at the gym. Although this is my second super early morning at the gym I can already tell it is doing me good. Not only in terms of time since IB basically takes all I have at this point, but also psychologically - it's like therapy to me. Lovely!
Can't believe it's Thursday already? Wow time certainly flies. Don't know how to spend this weekend yet. Preferably I'd hang out with my beloved and missed friends however unfortunately I'm not sure IB will allow that, but we'll see. As usual I'll try to make the best out of it.
Have a lovely day, love bugs!!!❤️
/xoxo Tilly
Publicerat 2014-09-25 19:36:18 i
Hi darlings!
Don't really know where my Thursday afternoon went off but it went quick, hehe... Either way I managed to go get the few last things for tomorrow night with mommy as well as to get my nails done. Now I'm waiting for them to dry so that Vilma and I can head out for a run together. Then I'll have a shower and cuddle up with my iPad in my bed to watch the latest episode of Sons of Anarchy!
Nighty friends and hopefully I'll mange to put up a post with pictures taken with my new camera that I've already forgotten I'm getting tomorrow...😉
Publicerat 2014-09-12 16:25:05 i
After a long-ass day in school whereas BY THE WAY maths was my last class I couldn't wait to come home and take in the fact that it's weekend. Of course I immediately changed into work out clothing and headed out for a run. Felt absolutely great to simply just clear my head after such a long day in school. About to get into the shower before I'll gather my stuff for tonight and go over to Karro's!
Publicerat 2014-09-05 10:44:59 i
... between healthy and unhealthy has lately appeared to become rather blurry for plenty of people. I had a comment touching on the topic so I felt like sharing it with you guys to reveal my point of view on the subject!
Hej! Måste bara säga att du är sjukt duktig som springer flera gånger i veckan! Men har du vilodagar? För jag har hört att det är viktigt att återhämta sig :* hur snabbt springer du 3 km på? Måste bara säga att jag sprang ute för första gången i helgen tack vare dig (blev inspirerad) och då Sprang jag 7 km! Hur långt brukar du springa?
Och en till fråga? Räknar du kalorier? För du är ju jättefit! Och jag spelar baslet nu i högsbo och funderar på att börja springa som du, räcker det att springa några gånger i veckan och äta rätt för att bli vältränad? :) tack för bäääästa bloggen!!! 😚😚
Hej och åh tack så mycket! Kan nog med handen på hjärtat inte säga att jag alltid har vilodagar, men det går i perioder. Allt är beroende på vad jag känner för. Ifall jag en vecka känner för att springa varje dag, gör jag det. Men ifall jag en vecka inte känner för att springa alls nöjer jag mig med en promenad varje dag. Enligt mig är det precis det som är det viktigaste - man ska träna för att man vill och mår bra av det, inte endast för att se bra ut. MEN du har rätt att ifall man ska få den bästa träningseffekten så ska man ta vilodagar - det är då musklerna återhämtar och bygger upp sig.
Jag tar aldrig tid på mig själv när jag springer därför att jag tycker att det är irrelevant - springer tills jag blir trött helt enkelt. Men när jag tränade basket spelade jag SM, Scania Cup och var med på landslagsuttagningar - då vet jag att jag timeade mig själv på "The Cooper's Test" (3km) och tror jag låg på ca 11-11.5 minuter som bäst om jag inte minns helt fel.
Jag springer väldigt olika - återigen vad jag känner för; men skulle säga allt mellan 3 och 8 km kanske. Jag blir jätteglad när jag kan inspirera andra med min träning - det är ju precis vad man som bloggare vill kunna göra; inspirera. MEN kalorier ska man inte räkna. Träning fungerar inte så. Tränar du mer, måste du äta mer annars går det inte ihop. Men bara för att du ska äta mer innebär givetvis inte det dålig mat, utan mitt bästa tips är att träna så mycket du känner att du vill och mår bra av och ät så nyttigt som möjligt. Men att minska mängden mat/räkna kalorier är direkt farligt för det kan sluta i ätstörningar vilket är the worst scenario ifall du vill bli mer "fit". Detta har jag egen erfarenhet och det är därför jag vill avråda dig starkt till detta, för jag vet precis hur det är.
But to wrap things up - träna inte för att bli fit, det är inte så det fungerar! Träna så länge du njuter av det och känner att du och din kropp mår bra av det!!! Tack så jättemycket igen och lycka till!😃
Publicerat 2014-09-03 07:34:02 i
Good morning love bugs!
Set the alarm at 6:15 this morning to briefly have time to chug a cup of caffeine and put my workout gear on before heading out in the woods. It's such an amazing morning to be alive and I can already tell you this day will turn out warm and sunny. I'm literally soaked in sweat at the moment (sorry for the details, folks haha...😉) so I'm about to have a shower, get dressed, wrap up my stuff and prepare a coffee to-go before I'll pick up the homies for Stenungsön.
How are you doing today?
Publicerat 2014-09-01 19:49:09 i
Had such an exciting day in school today actually. Mostly due to the fact that I love being a part of Serviceutskottet, Elevkåren. I already enjoy it to the fullest so hopefully I can contribute with something to the organization as well.
Spent hours on a huge paper for maths to the point when half of me wanted to go to bed and the other half to start sobbing so therefore I decided to go out for a killer workout. And so I did. Managed about 5km full of sprints so let's just say I'm exhausted at this point. If you know me you'd know I wouldn't time myself or such. I simply had three rules; sprint as many times as possible throughout the 5k, run the very fastest as possible during sprints, preferably in such speed I'd almost fall over and lastly I can't during any circumstances stop after a sprint to catch my breath. Did I ever tell you the only time I have ever stopped during a run? It was when I lived in California and had just realized the fact that I was going home. It was the very last time I ran around the Stanford lake and I started sobbing so badly I couldn't breathe. That was the only time, ever. Either way now I've finished up with push-ups, dips, sit-ups, some abs rolling as well as some exercises for the bum...😉
Hell yeah I love this feeling. Exhausted to the very fullest.
Publicerat 2014-08-26 15:08:59 i
Hey soulmates and sorry for a bad update today!
Got off school at 1 and immediately hurried back home to work out in the lovely and sunny weather and once I got out was pouring!?!? Always such a good timing, Tilly...😉 Anyways now I just finished up with some strength and stretching and will soon hit the shower.
How was your day, babies?
Publicerat 2014-07-20 11:25:51 i
As the title says I started out this Sunday morning with a killer workout. Oh how I love those mornings. Sprinting uphill to the rhythm of the beats in my headphones and then finish up with an amount of sit-ups and push-ups that will make my muscles ache - hell yeah!😃 Now I just got to KBA and I'm about to get started here. What are you up to today?
Svettig och go som man är... Kan ej förklara kärleken till att vara tillbaka till träningen igen efter världens längsta och äckligaste förkylning. PEACE OUT FELLAS!