Just ordered this absolutely gorgeous maxi kimono from I've been looking around for the perfect one and I'm pretty sure this is it!


My mood now is pretty shitty atm... Mostly because I'm too tired to function. But I did drag myself out for a power walk, managed to get some strength exercises done at home and to clean my room which was a mess! I believe I'll cuddle up on the couch again to watch another movie. Aww this is one of the very few days I'd actually wouldn't mind a cozy guy next to me,  snuggling all night in front of a movie...😊


A bunch of pictures from last night when my friend, Biggie, threw a pool party. Unfortunately I didn't have my camera/phone much which maybe was a good decision considering the fact that I was thrown in the pool multiple times, hehe...😉 Today I'm a little less full of energy though as opposed to last night and since the weather isn't at its best being all cuddled up on the couch doesn't sound too bad after all. And on top of all one of my favorite movies, "LOL" just got on - whey!


It's funny how my mommy gets all "mommy" while we are on vacation. Check out what she made yesterday - cinnamon rolls! How pretty they turned out. Go mommy!❤️


Good morning crackers! How are we all holding up today?
I'm pretty bummed to leave the summer house and the best coast today already. I was planning on staying longer but when my sister was driving home today I decided to go with her... Once I get home, Karro will come over to my place so that we can start getting ready for the night together before we're heading to the pool party! How are you spending this day?
ATM: Woke up super early this morning - even before my daddy who's also a morning person. I had some morning coffee and think I'll head out for a morning workout any minute now.
Wouldn't mind a couple of more days in paradise... 


This was last night's dinner. Oh how I love spending time at the summer house with the whole family and have absolutely lovely grilled dishes for dinner. Grilled chicken, salmon, halloumi as well as veggies are my absolute favorites. 
ATM: About to finish up my glass of white wine with the fam-bam either on the porch while the sun is setting or maybe we will cuddle up on the couch to watch a movie. Tomorrow afternoonish Josie and I are driving back to the city. Feels sort of nice to come back to reality again, however the kind of intense and stressed out person I am definitely needs this kind of relaxing time every now and then... 


Much needed supplies a summer day like this. If I'm stuck in an ice-cream stall every other week, I'm going to enjoy the sun to the fullest once I get the opportunity.
ATM: About to head out for a boat tour with mommy and daddy before we will get started on dinner. I believe grilled salmon, halloumi and spinach is on the menu.


Good morning readers!
My body is screaming for some rest, especially my legs. I guess that's what happens to me when I move out to the summer house because I absolutely just love working out here - running, swimming, go for late night walks, strength - you name it. I love it all so I just do it all too, hehe... So this morning I subsituted the morning run with an hour long walk with new great songs in my headphones! Just had some breakfi and got started on some math out on the porch. Now it's getting a little bit too hot though so the fam-bam and I decided to go out boating!
Did I tell you how much I enjoy being here? Just having the freedom to walk around with no make-up, all salty and beachy hair and tan topless? Lovely.
Tomorrow afternoonish, Josie and I will drive back to Gothenburg though and tomorrow night a lovely friend of mine whom I haven't seen all summer is throwing a pool party so that's where I'll be spending my night!
What are the plans for today, sugars?


Got this lovely piece of fabric yesterday so maybe you can tell that I am too falling for this whole thing with animal prints - but I'm actually starting to find it kinda hot. The fabric is not too thick either so it's a perfect piece to wear on summer nights out. Can't wait to match it with a black dress or playsuit with a pair of high black heels. Let's just say I'm in love already.


Such an amazing morning... Woke up at 7am this  and once I got out of the bunk room I decided to go for a short morning walk due to the gorgeous morning. Even before my morning coffee - can you believe it? I love how fresh the air is in the mornings as opposed to in the middle of the day. By the time I got back my parents had woke up so we had morning coffee together before I headed out for a run. Now my mom and I are about to head down for a swim in the sea to cool down. 


Let me hold you for the last time
It's the last chance to feel again
But you broke me, now I can't feel anything

When I love you it's so untrue
I can't even convince myself
When I'm speaking it's the voice of someone else

Oh, it tears me up
I tried to hold on but it hurts too much
I tried to forgive but it's not enough
To make it all okay

You can't play on broken strings
You can't feel anything
That your heart don't want to feel
I can't tell you something that ain't real

Oh, the truth hurts and lies worse
How can I give anymore
When I love you a little less than before?


Good morning love bugs!
Decided to get this day going with a cup of black coffee in the sun and my way too fat mathematics book for IB... A shitty way to spend the summer but things need to get done and that's just what it is... After a couple of hours I gave up and headed out for a power walk and finished up with some strength exercises. Just got in my bathing suit and I'm about to enjoy the lovely bowl of a late breakfast. 
Peace out friends,


Hey crackers❤️
It's been a great day today actually. Since the weather was gorgeous before lunch we decided to go out boating! At around 3ish we were back at the summer house and once it started pouring. Although I've enjoyed this weather to the fullest I actually didn't mind some rain since it's been outrageously hot for days now. Later we had shrimps for dinner and now Vilma and I just got back from a late night power walk. I'm about to cuddle up in bed now.




Good morning readers!
Had such a lovely morning waking up in the summer house! Had breakfi before I headed out for my morning run. About to shower and put my bathing suit on to spend some time in the sun on the porch before we're going out boating - can't wait!


Hi to you my friends!
Got a vanilla ice latte on the go before the fam-bam and I headed to the summer house. Now we just had dinner and Vilma and I was thinking to finish up this outrageously hot day with a power walk. Hopefully the temperature will become more comfortable once the sun is down. 
How are you spending your Friday night?


Sweden just keeps getting hotter and hotter and I don't know how much longer we can take it, haha😉 We're not used to be exposed to such heat. Can't wait to get out to the summer house already!
Today I've managed a power walk in the morning before I finished one of my books for school (yey!) Speaking of school - we will be back at Hvitfeldtska again in exactly a month! Can't believe it's so soon. BUT that will be the first day of the count-down for graduation - how lovely?


Had such an amazing time at Åby Trav last night with the fam-bam!❤️ We started the night out with dinner in the sun before we started playing. Since basically no one in my family is experienced for shit when it comes to these kinds of games we just enjoyed the night together while the sun was setting, having ice-cream and cheering for our horses! There is always a good amount of laughter when we are all together - so happy to be apart of a family like mine! Later today we are leaving for the summer house all together. 
Daddy and I!


We Swedes have another smoking hot day coming up and here are my cooling summer day essentials. Ice cold water melon as well as some LOKA Crush and LOKA Strawberry Ice Cream! I'm spending the day in the sun and will hopefully get some reading done for school. @6ish my beloved family and I are spending the night at "Åby Trav". What are you guys doing today?


Good morning crackers!
Spent last night at Hardrocks Café with an awesome group of people to celebrate my little doll, Carro, who finally turned 18! It's been a while since I've been to Hardrock so it felt nice to be back. Especially since I've been there but in the US several times it's definitely a favorite place to go to. After dinner and a couple of drinks we went to a bar for some wine and chatting. Around 11:30 basically everyone decided to continue the night at Park Lane but since Nici and weren't in that kind of mood we went home! Such a great decision now since I just managed a 10km run in 30 degrees which I most likely wouldn't have been able to if I went out clubbing last night. It's a gorgeous morning outside and running in this kind of climate in only a pair of loose shorts and a sports bra reminds me so much of California - it was my everyday over there!
Birthday gaaaaal.


Hi lovely readers,
spent the day with my one and only, Karolina! We've been biking, tanning, swimming and having plenty of fruits - basically what a perfect summer day is to me. When we got back from the pier we started getting ready for the night. My other lovely friend, Carolina, is FINALLY turning 18 so we're having dinner and drinks at Hardrocks to celebrate her. HAPPY BDAY, GIRL!
My baby, Karro❤️❤️❤️


HEJSAN BLOGGISEN! Vet att jag lovade detta inlägg redan igårkväll men eftersom jag, mamma och Jossan sprang runt på stan för att handla räkor samt tillbehör, vin, ta ut mina nya (ROSA!!!) p-piller och hjälpa Jossan med pojkvänsfödelsedagspresent (oj vilket ord...) allt detta efter mitt jobb så var vi inte hemma förrän sent. But here we go - 

Q:Hej och tack för en fin blogg!! Hur gamla är dina systrar och vem av dem är du närmast med? Blogger de? Kram!

Hej och åh tack så mycket!! De är 15 och snart 21 och nej ingen av de bloggar tyvärr... Oj vilken intressant fråga - aldrig fått den innan. Skulle säga att jag och Jossan alltid varit närmast när vi var yngre eftersom det bara skiljer 2 år på oss medan Vilma alltid varit lillfisen som varit 4 och 6 år yngre än oss. Men när jag bodde i USA kan jag tänkte mig att Jossan och Vilma bondande en hel del med tanke på att jag borde i en annan världsdel. När jag kom hem dock, har jag och Vilma blivit supernära så nu skulle jag nog säga att vi är väldigt tighta alla tre - alla kan bonda och pakta med varann😉 De finns heller INGEN jag hellre berättar allt för eller lyssnar bättre på än dessa två.

Mina finaste små hjärtan!❤️

Vart är din svarta bikini ifrån? Den du hade i Ayia Napa? <3

Antar att det är denna du syftar på? Överdelen är ifrån VS, dock är underdelen på denna bilden Klaras, men har även bild på mig i det hela VS-setet (andra och tredje bilden!) - tror att denna fortfarande går att beställa!😊


Träffar du någon kille/killar just nu? Tack för en fin blogg!!

Hej på dig och tackar!! Ja, jag träffar väl killar men ingen speciell och inget seriöst för tillfället!😊

Q: Hej Matilda! Tränar du så mycket som du gör endast för att se bra ut???

A: Hejsan! Och NEJ som jag skrivit så många gånger här på bloggisen. Jag skulle ALDRIG palla att lägga ner den tiden och energin jag gör på att träna om jag inte verkligen älskade det. Ärligt talat är jag lyckligt lottad att just jag har ett sånt härligt förhållande till träningen för jag vet att alla inte har det och att "pallra sig till gymmet" är det jobbigaste på hela dagen. Men det är väl klart då det finns dagar när regnet öser ner, jag är ätit för dåligt, är allmänt sur och gnällig samt för trött i kroppen men ÄNDÅ tar jag mig ut för att jag vet att det kommer kännas så mycket bättre efter. Det är min extrema envishet som gör sådant möjligt för mig, men skulle ändå säga att 9.5/10 gånger jag är ute och tränar är jag supertagg på att göra det och njuter till 110%! Kram.


Q: Var e den ifrån? Sjukt snygg

A: Den är från Bik Bok och tackar!!


Q: Har du någonsin gått in på falskleg innan du var 18 och har du blivit nekad på någon klubb någon gång?

Hejsan! Ja, jag har gått in på falsklegg och inte vilket falskleg som helst utan en av Sveriges största bloggarens leg (smart Tilly) - men det fungerade alldeles strålande trots att det enda vi egentligen delar utseendemässigt är hårfärgen!😉 Nämen ärligt talat - inget jag rekommenderar faktiskt! Allt gick lysande för mig, men åker man dit kan det gå illa så NEJ GÖR INTE DET - spara det tills det är på riktigt. Sedan det att jag fyllt 18 har jag och mina kompisar någon gång blivit nekande, ja - men samtidigt är man 18 och försöker på en klubb som har 22 eller 25 så får man väl skylla sig själv, hehe. Fast samtidigt, testar man inte kommer man ju absolut inte in, ellerhur?😉

Q: Hej Matilda och tack för en superfin blogg!! Har du någonsin testat på att röka eller snusa? Om inte hur gör man för att säga nej utan att verka "töntig"? /Kram<3

Hej på dig och Gud vad söt du är - tack så mycket!! Jag har ALDRIG testat på att röka därför att 1) Det är det mest onödiga som existerar på vår jord 2) Lägger hellre pengar på annat 3) Att göra något bara för att "passa in" är det absolut töntigaste jag vet. Att du frågar om snusning är faktiskt kul därför att jag framtill ca en månad sedan även aldrig testat detta men eftersom alla mina närmaste killkompisar snusar frågade de mig och tjejkompis på en fest om vi inte kunde testa eftersom vi antagligen skulle se hilarious ut. Det var det vidrigaste jag stoppat i min mun efter typ rotfyllning med morotssmak - FY! Och eftersom jag är en väldigt glad och pratsam människa ville snus-fan inte stanna kvar under läppen så den åkte ut lika fort, därför vet jag knappt om detta räknas alls haha... INGET JAG REKOMMENDERAR IALLAFALL! Det enda jag kan tipsa om för dig att säga är: "Nej, tack!" Och ifall de tycker du är töntigt pga det så får de väl tycka det? Antagligen vet de själva om att det inte är bra och ångrar sig när de ser dig vara stark nog och tacka nej. Kan dessutom säga att denna hetsen att det är "ballt" att röka kommer ge sig desto äldre du blir. Idag är jag snart 19 och har aldrig rökt medan jag har vänner/bekanta som rökt upp säkert tusentals cancerpinnar i deras liv - vem tror du har bäst lungor, jag eller dem? KRAM!


YOU KNOW THE RULE FELLOWS - keep leaving comments/sending emails to [email protected]





Just had the coziest dinner with my big sister and mommy celebrating that I have 9 days off of work coming up. Shrimps and white wine was on the menu - lovely. About to have another glass of wine and spend the night talking about everything with my sister and mama!


Good morning darlings!❤️
ATM I'm hanging out on the porch in the sun with a huge glass of cold water after a hard workout. Can't believe I was out just a little after 8am and yet it was already 28 degrees out!

I bet some of you have tried these bad boys above out already but if you haven't it's time for you to do so. Paulins Granola is one of the tastiest ones I've had. I remember back in the US and my host mom, Maureen, and I desperately ran around all over the store in order to find müsli which I loved having for breakfast at that point. However müsli came to be a pretty European or maybe even a Swedish kind of dish and finally Maureen got me some granola from Trader Joe's which was delicious. I haven't had granola ever since because I haven't found one I really like, but Paulins is definitely providing some good ones. And on top of all this kind is pretty healthy which I obviously don't mind either. I've also had "Supermüsli" from the same brand and I was enjoying it to the fullest!

BTW I've collected some questions from you guys that I will gather in a post tonight with answers! Keep asking me such questions or come up with ideas for me to write about - I LOVE THAT!




Såhär härligt hade jag och (nästan hela) familjen tidigare ikväll på Stråvalla strand. Detta kan nog vara min nya absoluta (svenska) favvo-strand. Tycker den är så superhärlig verkligen. Min lilla familjis kom förbi Kungsbacka på en glass innan vi åkte ut till Stråvalla för ett kvällsdopp innan vi begav oss hem igen. Lovely day! Kisses,


Just got to work and I have to say wow how I love my job. 99% of my costumers are happy and kind and basically all of them love the ice-cream I'm selling. I'm so stoked I get to sell such good quality of ice-cream. A couple of days ago I asked a man whether he would like his receipt or not and he goes: "Your smile is worth more than all the receipts in the whole wide world" - HOW sweet wasn't that? 
Have a good one babes,
Passion fruits and raspberries - so fresh and sweet. 


Hi love bugs!
After work today Julia stepped by for an ice-cream and to pick me up before we went to her place for a hangout by the pool. Although it was pretty late in the afternoon it was still super hot. Now I just got home to have some dinner and daddy and I are about to head out for a driving session. Tonight I believe I'm hitting the sack early since I'm exhausted.


A few months ago I got this new conditioner specifically for blondes. At that point I hadn't tried it out yet however now I have and I love it! I love the color and especially now in combination with all the sun my her gets during summer. Definitely something I recommend to all my blonde blog readers!😘


As the title says I started out this Sunday morning with a killer workout. Oh how I love those mornings. Sprinting uphill to the rhythm of the beats in my headphones and then finish up with an amount of sit-ups and push-ups that will make my muscles ache - hell yeah!😃 Now I just got to KBA and I'm about to get started here. What are you up to today? 
Svettig och go som man är... Kan ej förklara kärleken till att vara tillbaka till träningen igen efter världens längsta och äckligaste förkylning. PEACE OUT FELLAS!


Just got on the train from work and "Young and Beautiful" with Lana Del Rey came on in my Urbanears. I haven't listen to that song since I moved back from California because I simply just can't. Every time the song comes on I have to turn it off immediately because it hurts too much. It's highly likely impossible for you to understand what this song means to me so it's quite pointless for me to even try to explain. Either way, all I can say is that I spent hours alone, sobbing in my room back in Cali listening to this song on repeat. It was by the time when I was realizing I was going home and since the song is associated with that kind of harsh experience it's to me so touching. It might be difficult for most of you to relate to such things but I can say that leaving California was the hardest thing I ever had to do.
It's interesting how I still turn so emotional when the song comes on. And how I still miss Cali so outrageously much, my home❤️
In my hot pink sweatpants from A&F and my favorite t-shirt from Newport Beach I reluctantly spent my first night in my own bed after a year away...


Godmorgon på er gullisar!
Sitter just nu på pendeln påväg till jobbet med en latte i handen och allt känns lite halvkul to be honest. Är inte alls sugen på att sälja glass idag utan vill vara på landet med familjen, träna, dricka morgonkaffe i solen, bada, sola och äta grillat och dricka vin i solnedgången...😔
Nä usch vilken gnällspik jag är, men känns inte riktigt som om jag kommer vara ledig alls i sommar - det finns alltid körkortsteori att göra, böcker att läsa, mattetal som ska lösas och glassar som ska säljas... Oh well gillar ju att ha fullt upp så nu får jag ta mig i kragen lite faktiskt... Hursomhelst hade vi en ypperligt trevlig kväll igår alla tjejerna som börjades hos Mikaela i Hovås och avslutades i Schlagerbaren - alltid trevligt!
Have a good one - kisses,
Fina Mikaela, Linnea, Anna, Linn och Julia!
Jag, Anna, Mikaela och Julia!


On my way to work now with an old Spotify playlist in my Urbanears, you know all those old beats with like Ne-Yo, Chris Brown, Rihanna and so on. Wow I've completely forgotten how much I love RnB!😃 Managed a workout and a shower this morning before throwing a couple of things together for work!
Happy Friday love bugs. xx,


Hi peeps!
After work I had some salmon and veggies for dinner before I had a workout. Now I just got back and I'm about to have a shower before I need to figure out what to wear for tomorrow night. It's drinks, music, friends and clubbing on the schedule after work so I need to come up with an outfit tonight already. Can't wait for an awesome Friday night coming up with heels, lashes, strawberry martinis, summer beats and laughter with my girls! How lovely?


How's my crackers this morning? 
I would be lying if I'd say it wasn't difficult to get back to work again. Mostly because I had my morning coffee in the sun which is my favorite way to spend my mornings before school, job, homework or a workout. It's always like that: "Yeah I'll get going but first a relaxing few minutes with my coffee"😉
Last night we gathered a bunch of girls at Frida's for dinner and dessert together. I bet it wasn't one single silent second in that room. But how lovely isn't that? Everyone has so much to tell since we've been apart and we all share our own opinions and point of views - lovely!


Been doing a couple of errands this morning before I managed a work out. So satisfied I'm back again. It might sound cheesy but it's required for both my body and soul in order to function to the fullest!😃
Tonight Frida's throwing "Halv 8 hos mig" so it's a tasty dinner and lovely friends on the schedule tonight. Much needed - PEACE OUT,
Längtar tills de små men ändå synliga muskler letar sig tillbaka på både armar och ben som just nu varit jämförbara med spaghettis...😉


Hi you girls and boys!
Woke up to my last day off which felt pretty sad... But tomorrow I'll be back in KBA and all the ice-cream with a smile on my face again!😃 Last night I catched up with Karolina and Nicolina - whey so much fun to see them again. Since they are "IB-people" it's completely fine to substitute one Swedish word or another for English which I love, hehe... BY THE WAY, check out their new blog - I like it a lot because they take great pictures but mostly bc they run it together so it's possible for them to update often! (although I've been blogging for two years I still don't know how to link. Sorry folks - copy past though!!!)
Karrobaby and I from last night. 




Hi favorites!
About to head out with mommy for a drive - did I tell you I've scheduled my driving test? I won't tell you when so don't you even try but hey it's awesome right? It feels great.
After that I'll get ready for the night with some lovely ladies - wine& a catch-up, beyond excited.
From my cocktail night with the girls a couple of months ago - oh how I love all of you and I'm so excited to see some of you tonight! Enjoy your evening, crackers.


Just woke up and I'm in the like best mood ever!?!?! Haha I don't even know why but that feeling is amazing, isn't it? I'm still in bed but I'm about to get up, have coffee and then work out. Can't decide whether is a power walk or a run kind of day. Yesterday I did both so I might do that again, hehe...?😉 This is what happens to me when a cold prevents me from working out, once I'm back again I just wanna work out all the time and then I get injured so I maybe I should just calm my shit down a little...
What's up today honey buns? Anything fun???? I'll finish up the day with LOVELY girls for catch-up wine in the city - how great? 
From Stråvalla Beach a couple of days ago. If my friends are reading this - can we please go here for like a day or something? It's freaking gorgeous.


Water melon, mangos and raspberries I had today. Since the colors turned out to look absolutely gorgeous together I just had to take a picture. 
ATM: Was in a pretty cranky mood earlier today so I decided to just get out for a run and turn up the volume to max in my headphones and just let it all out. NOTHING or NO ONE can make me feel better than a hard workout. That's for sure. I'm glad I've found the antidote to shitty modes...;)




Good morning crackers!
Am I the only one feeling a little bummed it's July 14 already? Like how did we come to that? I have a couple of exciting stuff planned ahead of me before Thursday which is the day I'm gonna be back at work again... 
ATM I'm studying maths on the porch since the sun's out - I thought it was going to pour all day today? In a few I'll pack my things up though and work out. In fact I actually don't mind a little rain if that's the case. Don't you agree it's pretty refreshing with some rain drops while running as long as it doesn't make you soaked?


Äh vafan! En sådan grå, regning och lite halvtrist dag som denna har varit saknar man ju det helgalna livet vi hade på Napa för några veckor sedan, visst gör man?😉 


Good morning people! 
How are you today? I'm sort of bummed because if felt so dull waking up to this fog now when we've had absolutely gorgeous weather for days! Either way last night was amazing and I'm so happy we ended up going to the Docks, partly because we haven't been there before but also because it was such a cool and huge place!
Much love to all the ladies from last night - kisses,
Alla mina babes!
Rebecca, jag, Malin och Agnes!


Godmorgon mina änglar! 
Hur mås det? We all good!? Jag hade en supermysig och rolig kväll igår hos Eve som fixat så fint för alla girlsen med grill, vin osv! En typisk sommarkväll verkligen. Efter det drog vi vidare till en kille som bor relativt nära för ännu mer gött sommarhäng så det var kul! Idag ska tydligen vädret vara lite sämre igen? Eller tror det iallafall så vi får se vad jag hittar på. Ska nog ta mig ut och träna lite nu iallafall!


Absolutely had no clue that they had remoulded Askimsbadet like completely? I was aware that they were gonna throw this opening for the new pier today however I didn't know basically everything was all new? So cool!
My sisters and I decided to enjoy a couple of lovely hours on the pier. Makes me think of California so much since there are piers everywhere over there.


Hi darlings!
How R U all holding up? I started this day out with a couple of hours on math before Josie and I went out for a power walk. Love getting as much as possible done during the mornings since those are my most active hours. About to head up to the lake or the sea with with sisters for some tanning and swimming. At 6ish I'll head to Evelinas for BBQ and drinks with lovely friends of mine - such a perfect way to finish up this Friday. Tomorrow night we're going out clubbing a few girls and on Sunday I'm watching the World Cup with some friends. Exciting few days coming up, right?


What more to ask for than a workout in the morning, pool and friends in the afternoon, tacos for dinner and then a beach hangout with my best friend/daddy on a summer day like this? I've been all over the place today but I ain't complaining. 


Ett (mycket) sent godmorgon säger jag till er, fina läsare! Efter ett gråtutbrott igår på grund av allt jobb/plugg/körkortsteori som jag har på schemat i sommar så bestämde sig AP-TÖNTEN herself att sätta sig och plugga matte några härliga timmar denna soliga och varma morgonen, så ja därmed det sena godmorgon... The lovely thing with IB - there's always something to keep you busy. 
Nog om det - nu göttar jag mig lite i solen men ska snart sticka ut på ett tränigspass innan jag ska till Julia (och Julias pool😉) med Anna för lite  gött sommarhäng. Ikväll är planerna ytterst oklara so far. 
Vad jag hade på mig häromdagen när jag skulle ta några glas med mina vänner. Använder aldrig tighta skjolar verkligen... Vet inte varför men är verkligen en shorts-brud. Hursomhelst tycker jag det är galet snyggt och med en stor t-shirt och sneakers som på bilden även COMFY AS F***! Kan ju även tillägga att de två sista bilderna är mig i ett nötskal då min lillasyster säger att jag "Ärligt talat blivit ful på alla bilder och måste anstränga mig mer..." Så blir såklart oseriös istället. /xx, PEACE OUT! 


Spent most of the day in the sun however at 4ish I just couldn't take it anymore since it was too hot. Pretty sure it's been about 33 degrees today - wow. Either way, then I had a shower and got in my Calvin Klein's and got started on homework. It may sucks, but it needs to be done...
I have a hell of a weekend in front of the though with super duper plans on Friday, Saturday as well as Sunday - weekend, hit me already!


This morning I managed the most challenging workout in weeks and MAN what good it makes me feel. I literally had a smile on my face. Since the weather is on top Josie and I decided to spend a good few hours at Hovåsbadet! Most likely we'll get back home for lunch.
Where are you guys spending this gorgeous day?


Love bugs,
how are we doing tonight? Just got back from the city where Hanna, Frida and I met up for a glass of wine and a catch up. Fortunately, it cleared up so we had gorgeous weather - lovely! Just got home to watch the soccer game and WHAT THE HECK!? I may not know a lot about soccer, but it's not supposed to be 5 to NOTHING after 30 minutes? My dad's on a business trip to Germany at this point so I bet he is having a great time at least.
Other than that I'll say nighty to you now. Sleep tight friends. Hugs,


Literally me in a nutshell above... I HATE cold water. Actually it's the worst ever. Either way I did get in - so yeah go Tilly! Just got home and it just started pouring!!! The weather of Sweden in a nutshell... Sebastian will come over in a minute to hang out and then I'll get ready for tonight. Hopefully the rain will pass and the sun will come out again. 


Alltså ÅH vilken härlig morgon - men jäkligt varmt. Så underbart att få sova ur för första gången på länge nu kändes det som. Satte mig ner direkt med lite avtalspapper för jobbet som jag skulle skicka in idag, hällde i mig lite kaffe innan Rebecca kom över. Eftersom båda vart borta en del och pga jobbet så har vi inte hunnit ses så mycket - därför var det perfekt med en catch up!  
Nu nu ligger jag och gassar i solen. Mår typ bajs över att min bränna jag fick på Cypern försvunnit lika fort som den kommit, men nu jävlar ska den tillbaka!😉 Som den plugghäst jag är ska jag även ta tag i lite plugg på eftermiddagen. Ikväll blir det vin och snack med goa brudar!
Min bästaste lilla docka.


Hi darlings!
Got home from work at 7ish and my baby sister and I decided to have a movie's night. Such a perfect way to celebrate the fact that I have 9 days off from work now. Feel like I haven't spent enough of time with Vilma lately, partly because I've been away but also bc of work. The two of us are super close and basically dependent on each other. It's pretty funny how my mom once said: "Everytime you guys come home from something the first thing you ask is always 'Where's Matilda/Vilma?'" Haha it's pretty funny because it's true.
Bjuder på lite härliga sommarbilder från Tjörn eftersom jag idag faktiskt bjudit in de 20 härligaste tjejerna i mitt liv till ett rejält kalas i det nybyggda huset i sommar! Can't wait.


I have so much energy today - really hope that's a sign of me getting better. It was a gorgeous morning so I went out for a power walk and did some exercise at home before getting ready for work. It's my last work day now before 9 days off - WHIIIE! And also the sun is coming to Sweden - lovely! Tomorrow night I'll go out for a couple of glasses of wine with Frida and Hanna. 
Start to feel like summer now, doesn't it?


Well the title can basically sum up my day today since it's been so busy at work. I assume it makes sense since the sun's been out quite a lot and it has been super hot as well. Josie and my parents surprised me before it was time to close up so they had some ice-cream and also gave me a ride home - lovely! 
Now I'm enjoying the sun a bit and will soon have dinner!


Morning love bugs!
Last night before falling asleep I started sobbing... Because of a guy? Of course not. Because this godamn fucking stupid cold apparantly is here to stay which keeps me from working out. I don't know how to put it without sounding like I'm all "Uuugh I need to work out or else I'll be all fat"... Working out means so much to me it's insane. It's like my right hand and it hurts so much when a stupid cough prevents me from enjoying it. Oh what to do? This morning I managed a short power walk (almost) without coughing... That's a step in the right direction, huh? Really hope so.
Enough about that... I have two more days of ice-cream selling to get done before I have 9 days off - lovely!😃 And also it seems like the weather is turning a little better too - oh how convenient!
Enjoy this day gals n boyz and remember to step by KBA for some ice-cream. Would be much needed a hot day like this.


Hi peeps!
Like I wrote yesterday I spent last night at Linn's with a bunch of girls to compete in "DRINK-SM". Linn had prepared with snacks and such and I was so excited to see her apartment since I haven't been there yet! Since all girls provided such delicious drinks I assume we finished pretty even although Linn will for sure gain the award for the strongest drink...😉 Later some decided to go out but since Klara and I had work the next day, Klara's boyfriend and his friend picked us up in the city and drove us home.
I love summer in such way because it's okay to stay up a little later than usual and just enjoy the fact that I'm off school. I can dig it!
Fina Klara och Frida!


Mornin' fellas! It's about to be a hot day - I can already tell so. On the one hand it's a real bummer that I don't get to spend it in a bathing suit by the sea yet on the other hand I'll have a busy day selling ice-cream which always is exciting!😃 Either way I got to enjoy a little bit of sun this morning while having my morning cup of coffee.


HEJSAN HOPPSAN BLOGGISEN! Hur mår ni? Allt väl? Tycker att det är lite kul att jag döpte detta inlägg till TGIF när det tekniskt sett för mig inte är fallet då jag även jobbar hela helgen men vafan - vem gillar inte fredagar? Alltid något speciellt ändå, typ som att kunderna är ännu trevligare och gladare än vanligt och det är grymt kul ska jag säga er. Har ca 2 timmar kvar här i kiosken innan jag ska super-duper-skynda mig hem för en snabb dusch och göra mig iordning inför ikväll. Juste, det är en annan grym sak med att det är fredag därför att bruttan på bilden styr DRINK-SM hos sig ikväll - hur kul!?Så Klara, Frida och jag bildade lag och hoppas på vinst...😉 Principen är då att man blandar en drink inom laget och bjuder alla så att alla får smaka på allas och sedan bedöma vilken som var bäst...!😃
Puss och kram och kyss på er alla och så vill jag önska er en FETT BRA FREDAG,


It's funny how 4th of July has come to be more of a name than an actually date... Oh well let's just say that today is a tough day not to be in the US. My fellas in the Golden State are most likely still asleep at this hour due to the time difference but once they are up I might not go on Instagram or Facebook too much because the pictures will make me miss it even more...


Typ så ja... Känns verkligen som om jag flänger runt mellan jobb, hem, plugg, kompisar och en massa nya ställen hela tiden. Inte en sekund pustar jag ut - men vafan, det är ju så jag vill ha det!😁 
Puss på er crackers,


Hi people! If you have a minute or two to spare you should spend them on this post. It's uncomfortably long I know and I'm sorry about that but it's pretty darn interesting stuff to discuss. Since I had a couple of questions on what to do in the future I gathered them both along with my thoughts and hopes for the future all together in a post. So yeah here we go - bare with me!

Vad vill du läsa på universitetet? Vet du vad du vill bli? :)
Super bra blogg! :)

Hejsan och tack för en fin blogg!! Har du bra betyg??? Kanske är en känslig fråga men vet att du pluggar mycket så tänker att du ändå har det? Vad vill du plugga vidare till? Kram!

A: Hej och ååh tack så mycket! Alltså okej jag har bott utomlands osv men är det inte en väldigt svensk grej att inte våga fråga om en sådan sak som betyg? Eller lön? Eller vilket politiskt parti man röstar på? Det är väl klart att det känns tråkigt att berätta för någon vilka betyg man har eller vad man tjänar om man inte är nöjd med det - fine, det tar jag. Men detta med att man ska behövs skämmas över att berätta att man fick A eller MVG eller i mitt fall en 7:a på ett prov för att man vet att de övriga fick sämre är förfasen bara väldigt svenskt... - Sorry, just needed to let it all out. Så JA, jag har bra betyg. Jag är både nöjd och stolt över mig själv att kunna ha de siffrorna på mitt så kallade "report card" som jag faktiskt har med tanke på att jag går IB, där hårt slit inte är tillräckligt alla gånger. Men precis som du säger så är det ju inte för att jag slöat mig igenom IB2 och ändå fått alla rätt på proven som att jag har bra betyg utan för att jag pluggat mig dit - så enkelt är det.

Så till era frågor angående universitet/framtida osv - jag har ett års betänketid till ifall jag ska söka högskola i Sverige, men ska jag söka utomlands (vilket jag ska) börjar tiden rinna ut om jag vill börja plugga hösten 2015. Just nu är jag intresserad av att läsa juridik dvs söka law school utomlands. Mer specifikt får bara namnet av "law - criminal justice" mig att bli helt pirrig i magen för fasen vad intressant det låter. Tänk er till exempel att ett 15-årig flicka blivit våldtagen och att JAG kan bevisa i rätten att den som gjort det är skyldig trots alla motbevis? Eller att kunna försvara en oskyldig person som blivit falskt anklagad för ett mord? Fasen vad coolt det skulle vara. Spännande, varierande men framför allt hjälpande till de som faktiskt behöver det.

Utöver det har jag väl lite tankar på marknadsföring av något slag med. Min pappa har sagt att jag skulle passa bra som det - har dock inte bestämt mig om det är en bra eller dålig sak då han kanske bara tycker att jag är A PAIN IN THE ASS och därför skulle passa bra att jobba inom marketing...?😉

Men either way så vill jag ha en hög och tuff utbildning. För enligt mig så hör de två delarna ihop. I Sverige är det möjligt att läsa bygg eller stylist (inget elakt menat för er som läser detta!!!) och sedan få bra på högskoleprovet och kunna komma in precis vartsomhelst. Självklart är väl inte detta riktigt sant i alla lägen, men ni förstår vad jag försöker komma. Det var sånt jäkla snack när man gick i 9:an om att: "Åh du bara MÅSTE välja en högskoleförberedande utbildning i gymnasiet annars är du körd!" - BULLSHIT! Faktiskt, ren bullshit. Så FINE, det svenska skolsystemet tillåter dig att vara lat, så är det. Men sedan är det ju upp till dig själv och du tänker vara det eller inte. FÖR MIG är det såhär: Hellre att man läser en jävligt tuff och utmanande linje för att det utvecklar ett driv hos en person, samt vilja och förmåga att kunna klara tuffa utmaningar. Både IB och juridik är sådana och eftersom jag är intresserad av båda dessa är jag jäkligt glad att de två även är riktiga utmaningar. Vill dock inte att ni tar detta på fel sätt - som person är jag väldigt målinriktad och en sådan typ som konstant söker utmaningar, DÄRFÖR tycker JAG på detta viset.



Jag vill därför ha en utbildning och jobb som ger mig möjligheterna till att 1) Göra något jag bara älskar 2) Kunna hjälpa människor 3) Tjäna jävligt bra med pengar på det och därmed känna att allt hårt slit varit värt det - och jag hoppas att det blir en grym jävla kriminaladvokat av mig i framtiden!





Julia picked me up last night before we went to get Mikaela, Klara and Philip. We ended up at Cicero to have some wine and basically just a cozy time!!! Much love to you guys!
Now I'm back in my beloved little ice-cream stall and holy shit it's cold out today. I'm wearing plenty of layers however it doesn't make much of a difference... It feels like I'm literally in the freezer with all the ice-cream...😔
Tonight I might be hanging out with a friend of mine and tomorrow night is scheduled with lovely friends and (many!!!) drinks - I'll tell you about that later!



Hur mår vi? Allt bra??? Kom just hem från jobbet och ska bara landa en liten stund innan jag måste hoppa in i duschen och sedan fixa mig! Ska möta upp några grymt bra brudar i stan ikväll och snacka massa skit över ett glas eller två. Så väldigt mysigt eftersom solen tittat fram nu och verkar vilja stanna ett tag!





On my way to my first real week of work since I have six days in a row to face now. Atm it's pouring outside so hopefully the sun can come out soon to attract some ice-cream customers...😉 
How are you beautiful souls holding up today?
Can't believe the most challenging thing a week ago was to get my ass from the bed to the sun bed by the pool... 


It makes absolutely no sense to me at all that I start to peel NOW!? What the heck I got back from Cyprus like a week ago and now I'm peeling!? Either way I guess the only way is to moisturize... I'm so bummed though because I don't want to lose my tan already. Please Sweden - offer some godamn sun now, will ya?
My answer to everything these days...


Come up with something better than the feeling of waking up by the sunshine breaking through your window and that you've had plenty of sleep? I know I can't. And on top of all I love being home alone - it's all quiet and relaxing. Had my morning coffee and went out for a power walk to catch the little sunshine this day has to offer... Shit, I wanna go back to Cyprus already... On my way back I ran into Paula so we finished the walk together with her little pup as well!😃 So nice to see her again and it felt great to share my longing for working out with her because we're in the same boat in terms of being sick and not able to work out and additionally she's one of the few who actually can relate to my crazy yet lovely little relationship to exercise😉

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