Publicerat 2014-09-27 18:57:00 i
Vad jag hade på mig på min stora dag - den nybeställda svarta klänningen från Nelly.
Alla mina favvisar.
Min attraktiva syssling och vän Sarah.
Kan inte förstå hur många fina grejer jag fick - tack så sjukligt mycket!
Jag och Karro-älsklingen.
Hanna, Karro, jag, Rebecca och Linda!
Publicerat 2014-08-23 14:05:02 i
Hi friends!❤️
Had a super cozy time last night and this morning at around 11ish I drove up to the summer house all by myself - go me!😉
Now I just got here and daddy, Josie and I just got the (freaking heavy) boat out of the water since it's off season. Now we just got back and are all freezing cold so now I'm hanging out by the fire place to regain my body temperature. About to have lunch with my family and cousins and then at 5ish Josie and I will drive back to the city. Tonight I'm going to Karro's to get ready together, have a few glasses of wine and then meet up with some of her friends before we will attend this pool party Karro's invited to. Sounds like good-ass plans the last Saturday of the summer now, doesn't it?
Can't wait to see my baby tonight!
Publicerat 2014-08-08 13:41:48 i
Hey friends!
Wow had such an amazing time last night with my lovely ladies having dinner, drinks and dessert together. Although some of them didn't know each other from before they all went great together and as a hostess that's the best possible scenario. Since most of them spent the night we had such a hilarious time in the bunk room and literally spent an hour laughing our asses of for absolutely no reason like little girls having their first sleep over. Now we've had a late breakfast together before they all left - oh how much I appreciate these girls!
Linn, Karro, Carro, Rebecca, Linda, Sarah, Hanna and Frida!
Amazing cheesecakes my mom made for us all, topped with raspberries and dark chocolate.
Beautiful Sarah and Hanna!
Publicerat 2014-06-11 11:25:57 i
Do you guys wanna know what's the best part about not graduating this year? To be able to celebrate to the fullest with all of my friends. I was so happy and excited for them all day yesterday. Pretty sure I didn't spot either of them without a smile on their faces last night which makes me smile if possible even more.
Att sprida energi
Publicerat 2014-06-09 08:15:25 i
Hej på er sockerbitar!
Alltså fasen vilken energi jag vaknade med imorse. Ni vet en såndär morgon när solen lyser in, fåglarna kvittrar och allt är bara fett jävla bra. Dem morgnar gillar vi! Vill verkligen dela med mig av den med er för att det är så underbart. Just dragit till med ett jäkla hårt springpass och lite styrketräning innan jag duschat och inser att jag har nästan en timme till innan jag måste gå (?!?!) Snabbare än vanligt idag helt enkelt, hehe...😉 Ska iallafall åka in till skolan en kortis innan daddy hämtar upp mig så åker vi till landet - lovely! Längtar såååå!
Imorgon blir 26 grader varmt och strålande sol när mina älskade vänner från Kitas äntligen springer ut. Fasen vad de har väntat! Är så jäkla stolt och glad över dem så det lär väl bli ett jäkla gråtkalas kan jag tänka mig. Ska sedan åka iväg på de mottagningar jag hinner - alltså fy vilken hemsk människa man känner sig, men det är ju rent sagt omöjligt att hinna med alla. Men ska krama om dem rejält på utspringet och sedan fira ännu rejälare på kvällen!
Nu ska jag njuta en stund i solen innan jag drar iväg!
Enjoy this day to the fullest friends! xx,
SB 2014 part II
Publicerat 2014-06-01 18:07:14 i
Hejsan vänner!
Hur mår vi idag? Alltså jag är inte bara trött pga brist på sömn utan hela min kropp är även helt mörbultad!?!?! Någon mer Summerburst-deltagare som känner igen sig? Har även en massa blåmärken på hela min stackars lilla kropp. Menmen vad gör man inte för att få komma David Guetta så nära som möjligt? ARMBÅGAR...😉
Har tagit det väldigt lugnt idag och bara njutit i solen med mina systrar och sedan tränat vilket kan ha varit det värsta någonsin men kände ändå för ett träningspass nu efter helgen. Men vafan och dansa intensivt till först Steve Angello och sedan Guetta är ju riktigt kämpigt det med...
Har just dragit på mig en hoodie och ska krypa upp i soffan och mysa hela kvällen! Imorgon har jag något nytt, speciellt och spännande på schemat. Berättar då!
Bjuder på bilder från helgen del 2 som älskade Linn tagit. Check them out,
GRYMMA bilder tagna av Linn och hennes Samsung... Fan saknar faktiskt min Samsung-bebis lite nu bara för det. Hursomhelst summerar de upp denna amazing helg riktigt jäkla bra. PUSS OCH KRAM PÅ ALLA UNDERBARA KOMPISAR!
/peace, xx
Publicerat 2014-05-24 21:34:46 i
Hi to you my lovely friends!
What are you up to?
So happy I got some pictures of my lovely friends who are going to their SENIOR PROM for Sjölins tonight! They all looked so pretty - I felt like a proud mom with tears in her eyes, hehe... ;) Since I'm not going to Prom I acted as a photographer today - can't get over how handsome my favorite guys look or how gorgeous Rebecca are. Hope they are enjoying their night to the fullest.
Publicerat 2014-05-11 20:56:48 i
Hejsan hoppsan bloggisen!
After math tutoring I almost fell asleep on the couch after dinner, hehe... I guess I'm not completely over my virus yet although I don't want to admit it. My head was aching so badly so I came up with the idea to have a huge cup of coffee (the first shot of caffeine in like 48 h) HOLY HELL what it was good. My headache disappeard in a second and it also contributed to the energy I needed; got plenty of homework done and I was just about to change into working out clothes to head out for a run but my mom was like: "No way José you're working out today - you spent all day yesterday puking and sleeping..." Soooo no run for me. However I think I'm getting up early tomorrow morning to run when she can't stop me...😉
Other than that I have finally decided on a date for my drinks night with the girls! It's a day right after I've taken my finals which I (of course) want to celebrate to the fullest. Fortunately it seems like most of the favorite ladies in my life can make it!!! Such a convenient motivation to get through finals.
Have a cozy night and I'll talk to you tomorrow!
Detta lär vara en av de härligaste bilderna jag någonsin tagit. Inte för att jag är ett superstort fan av öl utan för att denna bilden skriker sommar, grill, drinkar, sol och världens bästa vänner ute på Tjörn. Can't wait till sommarkvällar som denna ute på vårt nybyggda sommarställe nu. Summer - get your ass here now, will ya?
Godmorgon favvo-bloggisen
Publicerat 2014-04-06 11:10:57 i
Good morning peeps!
Wow I had such a fun night last night. We had planned out this very solid hangout with a bunch of people having drinks together and it turned out to be such a fun night. That was literally what I wanted to do yesterday - not go out clubbing, just a casual hangout with lovely people. I'm so excited for making friends in the year above me since they are my age and they are all so sweet! Cheers for a great way to end a Saturday!
I woke up around 9ish this morning and had coffee with my mommy before we decided to head out for a walk. It's petty cold out yet it felt great with some fresh air. Now I'll make myself som breakfast and enjoy a couple of episodes of Suits.
How are my love bugs doing today?
Mina attraktiva små kompisar och jag. Puss på er!
19 barre
Publicerat 2014-03-20 19:38:33 i
IDAG SÄGER VI GRATTIS TILL MIN FINASTE ÄNGEL REBECCA SOM FYLLER ÅR IDAG! Grattis mitt hjärta. Hoppas du fått en kanondag!❤️
MEN VI SÄGER ÄVEN GRATTIS TILL DEN FINASTE KILLEN JAG KÄNNER! (+min trognaste blogg-läsare.) Hoppas även du fick en toppendag! Kramissss på dig Andreas❤️
Hejsan bloggisen
Publicerat 2014-03-06 18:28:00 i
It has been a looooong ass day, today. Holy shit, Stina, Biggie and I were literally about to die during economics but we survived. After school I hurried downtown to meet up with Rebecca and Linda at Da Matteo. Had a lovely time with my ladies as usual.
Tomorrow morning I'm working out before school. After my last class I'll most likely meet up with Maximilian, whom I haven't seen in a loooong time so I'm super excited. Then later tomorrow night some girl friends of mine and I may or may not party - we'll see how it ends up...
Have a good night lovies! Tomorrow it's finally Friday again - hang in there,
The perfect way to end this long ass Thursday...
Vad gör det om 100 år
Publicerat 2014-03-05 09:53:38 i
Last night was full of laughter, drinks and my lovely ladies. Exactly what I needed. I spent the night at Frida's and now I'm on my way to school. Guess I'm feeling the way I deserve today - men vad gör det om 100 år?
My gorgeous ladies are graduating in 100 days.
Zup' official diary?
Publicerat 2014-02-23 18:11:33 i
Now I'm on my way home and I can't wait to cuddle up on the couch with something to eat and watch a couple of episodes of Sons of Anarchy. I hade such a cozy time with Frida - honestly we should spend more time together since we always end up giving each other so much energy. Love you, my doll! Thumbs up for amazing friends. Peace out,
Love this crazy lil creature of mine who always brings so many smiles to my face.
Ayia Napa, baby
Publicerat 2014-02-18 18:17:53 i
Guess what I'm doing June 18-25? I'm going to hang out at a pool party with an exotic drink in my hand and WITH ALL OF MY BABES FROM KITAS IN FREAKING AYIA NAPA! Can you believe it? They're going there for the graduation trip and offered me months ago to come a long, but I was uncertain where I was going to be with school and money at that point. However then we brought it up again and my lovely parents are letting me go with them - THANK YOU! This was the very great news I was gonna share with you guys this weekend, however there were some complications with the hotel room and such, but it's now fixed and I can't express my happiness.
I've told you guys how much it hurts that I won't graduate with these lovely girls so the fact that they insisted having me on their graduation trip makes me so happy. And also it's great to have something to look forward to. Have you guys made up any plans for summer yet?
Here are some lovely pictures I found online from this lovely party island we're going to. I'll definitely look up more specific pictures of our hotel and such later on... I'm at least proud I know now that Ayia Napa is located on Cyprus rather than in Turkey/Spain I thought it did about two weeks ago, hehe... ;)
Något nytt
Publicerat 2014-02-16 14:13:59 i
What's up? I was gonna say good morning at first but I realized it's already 2pm hehe...
Last night turned out to be awesome though! Mikaela, Klara and I as well as three friends of Klara whom I've only met like once before pregamed at Klara's house and had a great time until 11ish when we were hitting the club. We were planning on going to Excet since we were on the list, however it got pretty late and we decided to go out in Kungsbacka instead which I was really excited about since I haven't been there before. So we ended up at Ester's and had an awesome night!
Since I was far away from home Klara offered me so sleep at her place. We cuddled with her cat, Smirnoff (lovin' the name!!) all night and woke up at 11:30ish, had a cozy breakfast together before she dropped me off at my house. Lovely time with a lovely girllll! Now daddy and I watching Sons of Anarchy but I actually need to get some hw done today... Oh well let's see what happens with that hehe...
Decided to wear a pretty simple yet relaxing outfit last night, with a white open back top and black skinny jeans.
Puss på en grym kompis och en bra kväll!
Typical Tilly
Publicerat 2014-02-12 19:40:44 i
Organic and ecological... Typical me.
It's actually hilarious though because when my friends spot me drinking this wine they think I do it because it's a healthier opinion than like hard alcohol - but heeeeey it's the taste I enjoy, okay? It's actually my favorite ;)
In about an hour I'll head over to Carro'a place for a few (or many) glasses of wine/drinks and hanging out before we're going out tonight. Excited, excited! Turn it upppp,
Publicerat 2014-01-29 11:09:00 i
... weekend, a sparkly outfit, falsies, (plenty) of wine, drinks, my favorite girls, music...
Weekend get your ass here faster, will ya
Publicerat 2013-08-19 19:31:06 i
Had such nice time grabbing coffee with Leo today. I told him all about my year in Palo Alto and he shared all of the experiences he gathered so far at Hvitfeldtska. In fact, he actually got very excited for Thursday.
Now I just had dinner and I think my dad and I are driving tonight.
Have an awesome night people and enjoy the rest of your summer.
Passa på
Publicerat 2013-08-19 12:23:02 i
Look - the sun's out! School starts on Thursday and this week offers really good weather everyday which is great, so I can get some nice color before that! Rebecca and I just got back from our morning workout and are now hanging out in the sun. Later today I'm going to Kitas to talk to the principal about the transfer and then I'm meeting up Leo whom I haven't seen since I got back from California! We were thinking to just crab a coffee somewhere in the city and catch up. Leo goes to Hvitfeldtska and since he's a year younger we're gonna be in the same grade, although we'll be taking different classes.
What are you guys doing today?
Också en latte på det
Publicerat 2013-08-17 19:33:58 i
Such nice day with this guy today. We always laugh a lot and can talk about basically everything. Love hanging out with him! Here he is at Espresso House.