Good morning fellas!
Last night mommy and I decided to go rent a movie and so we did. On the way home we also got some snacks and spent the night cuddled up on the couch - lovely. Now I just slept in and will soon head out in the rain for a morning run. Later today mommy and I will go out for a couple of errands and I'll also try to get some work done for school. So yeah - I have a pretty solid Sunday ahead of me. 
What are you up to?


Q:Hej! Och tack för en super bra blogg :) Du verkar vara en sån glad och härlig person, till min fråga; hur gör man för att bli mer öppen och social? Våga ta kontakt med nya människor och har du några speciella samtalsämnen eller så när du träffar nya människor? Om du har nå tips får du gärna dela med dig av dom :)

A: Heeej och åh vad glad jag blir! Detta med att vara social och framåt tror jag ligger mycket i personligheten. Jag har till exempel alltid haft ett behov av att babbla hela tiden och dras ständigt till sociala situationer där jag kan träffa nya människor för att jag älskar det. Men samtidigt har jag inte alltid varit så  uttåtriktad som jag är nu - när jag kom hem från USA var jag extremt utvecklad på den fronten som mina närmaste kan intyga. För där tvingades jag att vara social; amerikaner vs svenskar hahah😉 Men ifall man vill vara mer social och öppen är det faktiskt bara att köra på; snacka om allt från vad som hände i helgen, hur det gick på matchen eller om läxan var svår. Egentligen tror jag inte att det spelar så stor roll om vad man säger utan hur; jag pratar naturligt sätt väldigt mycket, högt, ler, skrattar och skämtar mycket - tror att det är därför folk uppfattar mig som social för att jag är avslappnad och inte nervös vilket gör att personen jag pratar med också kan slappna av och öppna sig. The main idea är väl att hellre våga göra bort sig än att inte säga något alls? För ärligt tänk på det, ifall du vill snacka med några människor du inte känner eller en gullig kille eller whatever; vad är det absolut värsta som kan hända egentligen...? Jag tror att folk gör större grej av det än vad det egentligen är. Tänk på en muntlig redovisning i skolan t.ex? Egentligen är det inte alls farligt men man hetsar upp sig själv i onödan och blir nervös. Jag tror att man skapar all osäkerhet och nervösitet själv så egentligen får man bara släppa det and freaking go for it! Kram!

Hej Matilda! Vart ifrån kommer din svarta luvtröja? Tack för en superbra blogg! Kram
A: Hej och ååh tack så mycket! Tröjan är från Lindex!

Q: Tips bra på bra uteställen när man är 18? Känns som det är 20 årsgräns överallt :(

A: Alltså nja.. Den är svår - ärligt talat är det rätt segt tills man är 19-20, men i allmänhet lär man väl som 18-åring komma in på Valand, Trädgårn och ID iallafall. Peacok kanske? Men ett tips är ju att gå ut på fredagar, vara ute i god tid och försöka få tillgång till gästlista för att få ökad chans att komma in. Är man tjej och snygg är väl det också ett plus, hehe...😉

Q:Hejsan! Visst går du på Hvitfeldtska? Just börjat där och tyckte jag såg dig i veckan! Vilket år och vilken linje går du? Tycker du om skolan? Kram och tack för en grym blogg!

A: Nämen åh hej på dig - du borde kommit fram och hälsat! Jag går i trean och på IB (internationellt program!) Yes jag gillar skolan - den är stor och med enormt mycket människor och full med en massa sociala events vilket jag älskar - hoppas du trivs! Och tack!!


Q: Hej! Tycker verkligen att du är så himla fin och undrar lite hur du tränar din mage? Ibland kan jag känna att jag gör jättemånga situps men får aldrig någon effekt? Har du något bra tips? Tack på förhand!

Hej och åh vad snällt av dig! Jo jag vet precis hur du menar med att vanliga situps inte alltid ger effekt - dock beror det såklart lite på hur man gör dom och hur många. MEN något som jag börjat med det senaste är vad jag kallar "the abs roller" - alltså shit vilken bra träning. Man känner verkligen hur det tar i hela magen. Den är rätt lurig i början för det krävs lite balans och även styrka i mage, bål och armar men efter ett tag kommer man in i det och det funkar utmärkt! Värt att testa?😊 Kram!





Good morning fellas! What's up today? Last night didn't turn out to be awfully late which I thank God for today of course. Sebastian picked me and Karro up and then Karro spent the night! Just got up to hug my daddy goodbye since he's going away for a business trip to Japan. Now I'm about to finish up my coffee and then head out for a power walk while Karro's still asleep.
Later today I'll try to gather a few questions I've had lately in a post for you guys!


Happy Friday love bugs!
How convenient it's Friday already, huh?😉 I don't know about you but I'm welcoming this day with open arms and a huge embrace. And also all of you who started school on Monday give yourselves a hug for officially gotten through the very first week.
I get off school at 2:30 today whereas I'll go home to work out, get some lines down for my Extended Essay and hopefully manage to briefly step by the store to get a couple of stuff for tonight. It's such freedom to be able to just take the car myself whenever I feel like it and save loads of time. Then my darling Karro is coming over to exchange outfits (the perks of wearing the same size as your friends😉) and then get ready together before we will go to Hanna's who's throwing the pre-party for the night for a bunch of girls. Excited to the fullest indeed.


Alltså GUD - kom på mig själv idag med att jag verkligen inte har en enda ledig minut?! Känns som om jag ständigt är påväg till något; om det inte är ett träningspass eller en psykologilektion, är det en lunchdate, träff med min hjälplärare i matte eller ett snabbt besök på ett cafè för att fylla på med lite coffein... Älskar ju att ha fullt upp och konstant träffa en massa människor så planerar ju in en massa saker hela tiden...!😃 Men visst är det härligt att aldrig vara uttråkad? Tror dock att jag ibland behöver tvinga mig själv att lägga mig i himmelsängen någon minut, till och med lägga ifrån mig engelskaboken och bara pusta ut... Är riktigt dålig på det, men tror att det behövs även om det inte känns så.
Har precis spenderat lite tid med pappa på matten så ska byta om och fixa till mig lite innan jag ska iväg till en kompis! 
Imorgon är det fredag och of course mina kära vänner är den redan helt fullbokad...😉


Hi angels!
Just ordered in a lovely cup of caffeine to help me get through some homework. Then I only have one more class to go - wow can't believe this week has gone so fast? Do you agree?

Tomorrow I have a shorter day in school and then later I'll meet up with best friends to have wine and drinks together before we'll spend the night out dancing. How about those plans to celebrate the weekend, right?😉



Världens bästa tips när det kommer till hår faktiskt - känner verkligen att håret känns fylligare och tjockare efter bara några tvättar - lovely.


Good morning angels!
Last night I realized it's only a month left for my 19th birthday - can you believe it? Whie so excited!
This morning, mommy and I had morning coffee and then we decided to go out for a morning walk together before we headed to school/work. It was absolutely gorgeous weather out despite the cold.
About to head to my first class - enjoy your day!


Hey soulmates and sorry for a bad update today!
Got off school at 1 and immediately hurried back home to work out in the lovely and sunny weather and once I got out was pouring!?!? Always such a good timing, Tilly...😉 Anyways now I just finished up with some strength and stretching and will soon hit the shower.
How was your day, babies?


Hey cutes!
It's been a long-ass day I can tell you... However I was so excited to do my first job for Elevkåren today! It's so much fun to be a part of it, mostly because it's a very social task and you would know I love such things! Came home from school at 5ish and got some homework done before my little baby, Vilma, and I went to get some supplies for school as well as to check some stores out. Tomorrow morning I have an early start and since I'm exhausted I might actually hit the sack soon.
Kisses darlings and enjoy your night,


Good morning love bugs!
I assume it's times like these I realize what a geek I am - I actually don't mind going back to school, sort of looking forward to do so, haha... I assume the excitement won't last long though but for the moment I'm actually all okay with it.
Today I'll be working a little with Elevkåren as well during one of my gaps since there are plenty of tickets for the kick-off party to sell, so I bet my day will stay pretty busy!
I wish you the best of days cuties.
Pictures were taken on Saturday night by my one and only, Karolina - //xx


Hi loves!
Can't believe I'm still awake due to the fact that I'm pretty sure I had about 5 hours of sleep in total the past two nights. It's been exhausting yet eventual and I'm happy that I got to finish up this summer best possible way.
About to hit the sack early tonight and then at 6:30 tomorrow morning I'll be up for some coffee and a workout before I'll head to school...
Bye bye summer, it's been real.


Hi angles!❤️
Kan inte ens fatta att jag borde ha söndagsångest idag för att det känns så fel!?!?! Herre min jet vart tog sommaren vägen liksom?
Kvällen igår spenderas with my one and only - Karro-baby. Min darling slängde ihop en amazing drink med gin, lime, soda och hallon som vi sedan satt och smuttade på ur margaritaglas med sugrör på hennes rum och pratade och allt och inget. Det borde vara lag på att ha en vän som henne som alltid förstår hur jag tänker. How lovely? 
Sedan drog vi vidare till poolparty och hade som alltid en väldigt fancy och bara helt amazing kväll ihop. Perfect way to finish up this summer, right?
Bilderna är tagna av Karro herself - hoppas ni kikat in på hennes och Nicolinas blogg:


Hi friends!❤️
Had a super cozy time last night and this morning at around 11ish I drove up to the summer house all by myself - go me!😉
Now I just got here and daddy, Josie and I just got the (freaking heavy) boat out of the water since it's off season. Now we just got back and are all freezing cold so now I'm hanging out by the fire place to regain my body temperature. About to have lunch with my family and cousins and then at 5ish Josie and I will drive back to the city. Tonight I'm going to Karro's to get ready together, have a few glasses of wine and then meet up with some of her friends before we will attend this pool party Karro's invited to. Sounds like good-ass plans the last Saturday of the summer now, doesn't it?
Can't wait to see my baby tonight!


Hi love bugs! How are you doing tonight? Getting ready for a night out or is it the kind of Friday when a tasty dinner, candy and a hell of a good movie is on the schedule?
I'm about to have a movie night - so relaxing! I actually have plenty of friends going out tonight but I simply just didn't feel like it today. Tomorrow during the day I'm driving MYSELF (!!!) up to the summer house to spend the day with my cousins. Then at 5/6ish I believe my sister and I will drive back to the city since I'm most likely spending the night with friends and drinks - but more about that tmro!
So yeah I'm gonna go find a good movie and then check out! 


Look what daddy and I just picked up? Although I look terribly ugly I've been staring at it for like the past hour. It's taken right before the theoretical driving test so I was a bit nervous and due to the fact that first had one photograph taken and was rejected because I smiled too much (hey c'mon when do you ever smile too much?😉) I had to get a retake done which resulted in me looking very serious and also a bit mad. Oh well just like my daddy said: "You only have to put up with it the following 10 years or so...😉" - BUT I COULDN'T CARE LESS BC I'M FREAKING LICENSED SO HELL TO THE YEAH!


This is what you receive when you're licensed!😃 How pretty?


I don't have such a love-hate relationship to anything like I do to my American memories. The feeling of flipping through the pictures have such an influence on me - both good and bad. First I feel all warm and happy - only looking at the pictures makes me smile and I can literally forget about the present because I'm all caught up by the memories and then suddenly it breaks my heart because I realize how outrageously much I miss it all. And at that point all I want to do is to delete all evidence I have in order to deny the fact that I even was there because it is so difficult to me not knowing when I'm going back. Although I've been home more than a year I assume I will never for real take in all the stuff I experienced, so therefore I'm certain it will always be a huge part of me<3
The pictures are from Sedona, Arizona and the Grand Canyon - how incredible?


Good morning lovers!❤️
How are you today? 
Spent last night at Linnea's with all the girls having amazing food, dessert and drinks. It was so much fun to see everyone again since it's been a while. At around 11ish we decided to continue the night at the Docks and so we did. Since one of the girls wasn't drinking she offered to drive us all home so I was in bed at 1:30ish which felt amazing - you know me, I need my sleep😉 I guess I was exhausted too since yesterday was so busy and eventful! 
Now I'm all cuddled up on the couch with blankets and pillows as well as my morning cup of coffee and about to watch a couple of episodes of Paradise Hotel in hope to see what cute guys this season will offer, hehe... Then I'll head out for a power walk and at 3 I'm seeing a potential tutor in maths for a meeting over a coffee to put a schedule together.


Literally spent about 20 minutes at home after the driving test before I headed to Hvitfeldtska to speak to Elevkåren and also pick up a shirt. Then immediately when I got home I changed into workout clothes and Evelina came over before we headed out for a power walk. Now I just got home and had a shower and sat down on the couch and took a deep breath for the first time today it feels like...😉 Oh well I only have about 10 more minutes of relaxing time before I need to get ready for the night. Linnea is turning 19 so the girls will gather at her place in Hovås for dinner and drinks before we might go out dancing. Since I'm a bit sick I haven't decided whether or not to come along but it would be fun to do so to celebrate Linnea and also the fact that I got my license!😃


Due to the title I hope you understand why my first post of the day comes up at 1:20...😉 YES IT'S TRUE - I GOT MY DRIVER'S LICENSE!
I took teoriprovet exactly a week ago and fortunately I passed and this morning it was time for me to take the driving test. I really tried to stay calm but you know how it is... Either way I passed the driving section as well so I'm officially licensed! How lovely? 
About to run now though because I need to get ready since I'm going to Hvitfeldtska for an errand.
Talk to you later,
Feels more than great to toss this no longer needed practice driving sign away - iiiiiih FREEDOM!


Today I've been on top of the world. You know when you're just in such an amazing mood? It's lovely, isn't it? Basically about the facts that I'm still on summer break, it's my birthday in 5 (!!!!) weeks and that I'm graduating in 187 days (hahaha😉) - but still you know? Simply just happy.
ATM: About to finish up a book for my Swedish  class and in a few my big sister arrives from a week with the love of her life in Italy so I'm excited to see her and spend the night with her.
What are you doing tonight?
From earlier today when I had my less intense workout. Although I'm sick and should be taking it slow my body can definitely handle a couple of walks and a few crunches on the floor, hehe...😉


Glömde helt av att lägga upp bilderna jag tog med systemen från förfesten hos mig i fredags - blev bara någon mobilbild då om jag inte minns fel? Iallafall var det ju en riktigt lyckad kväll och förhoppningsvis bjuder även den kommande helgen på lite festligheter skulle jag tro - hur perfekt nu när det är de sista lediga dagarna innan skolan börjar?


Good morning fellllllas!
How are you holding up today? It's funny how I took for granted that I'll be back at school earlier than some of my friends only because I'm in gymnasium and they are about so start university but apparently that wasn't the case at all? They'd be making fun of me because they didn't know for sure what to do after graduation however they knew I was bound to do one more year so; "HA, not so funny anymore, huh?" - (many of them starts today and I have a week of summer left...😉) Or summer idk, I'm actually gonna spend loads of the time that's remaining on homework but eithey way it feels nice to be home, having more flexibility with my time as well as not being bound to a schedule!
About to head out for a slow walk - my throat isn't getting any better so I guess working out too hard isn't the best idea. Tomorrow I'll go to Hvitfeldtska to pick up some stuff and speak to "Elevkåren" since I might be interested to join and then later I'll celebrate my friend, Linnea, who's turning 19!
Here's my new jacket in animal prints which I looooove. It definitely gives a solid outfit some sparkle, doesn't it?❤️


Hi angels! 
Spent this day studying actually... Can't be aware of the fact that it's only one week left until I'll be back at school without feeling that I got things sort of under control. After all I have a hell of a year in front of me before I can enjoy the upcoming spring scheduled with PROM and GRADUATION(!!!!!)😃
Either way now I just saw Karro in the city for a catch up and right before I left I briefly saw Nicci as well so that was exciting. At the moment I'm hurrying back home for some practice driving with the old man before I'm gonna spend the night reading. 
How's your Monday been so far? Are you guys back at school yet?❤️


Hell to the yeah - alltså denna låten behöver lyssnas på om den så inte har. Amazing.


Good morning peeps!xx
Woke up with a terribly soar throat about an hour ago and immediately I made myself some hot coffee and now I'm all cuddled up with blankets and pillows. It's cold outside and basically feels like fall and I'm not liking it. If I'd still be in California at this point, I'd most likely enjoy summer several more months... Now I'm gonna get some reading,"Simon och ekarna", done for my Swedish literature class done. Isn't sort of funny that I'm struggling with my reading in Swedish due to all the work I do in English? I mean although I haven't been in Swedish school the past two years I'm still all Swedish, always gone to Swedish school before I moved to the US and I speak Swedish at home etc... Oh well I assume it's good for me to keep up with my Swedish literature class as well as körkortsteori which are the only materials in Swedish for me at this point. Could we also discuss the fact that I got a better grade in IB English Literature A as oppose to IB Swedish Literature A...? C'mon Tills...


Hi dolls!
My amazing baby sister always manages to create such cool headers for my blog. Typically it's usually me saying: "Okay Vilma I (you) need to change my header - this one's getting old..." And she goes: "Well yeah it's true, hit me up with some pictures and I'll see what I can do about the situation." And each time it turns out so cool. So THANKS LOVE!❤
Watcha think?
Now I'm all cuddled up in bed and can't wait to have a goodnight sleep. On top of all I'm off work both tomorrow and Tuesday due to the terrible weather so I get to sleep in (or yeah you know me, I don't do that) to like 8am?😉 


Got these babies a couple of weeks ago and I absolutely love them. Not only are they sort of different from my usual type of style but they're so comfortable since the fabric is amazing. 


It was pouring (!!!!!) this morning so I asked my baby sister to come with me to Kungsbacka since there aren't much to do on days like these. My boss told me to shut down earlier than usual so I'm just gonna have Vilma try out some ice-cream and then we will head to Kungsmässan a couple of hours before mommy will pick us up. It's my cousin's birthday today so we will go over there to celebrate!


Promised you guys to show the new maxi kimono I got online on and well here it is. In the picture I simply decided to wear it with a black body, white shorts as well as white heels but it also goes great together with a tight black dress or so! Absolutely love the way it manages to make a pretty simple outfit much more party - score!


Good morning friends!
... or actually I don't know if it's a good morning. But heeeey wanna know what that means? That we had a hell of a night last night! It was so much fun. And I absolutely love the way Frida and I were like: "Okay friend - let's just have an amazing night, tonight - okay?" And so we did. 
Evelina, Frida and Rebecca came over to my place at 8-ish for some pregame and then we headed into the city at around 10:30-ish. It was just one of those nights when everyone's (more than) happy and we met soooo many ppl out we knew from before which always is exciting. So yeah - simply cheeeers for nights like these. 
Now I'm back at work and will get off at around 4-ish and then I'm planning to go home, work out and have dinner with my baby sister. What are you guys doing today?
Many kisses,


Hejsan gullisar! 
När man suttit och pluggat på engelska i några timmar am I craving Swedish så japp - here we go. Faktiskt kul detdär med språk för igår när jag och Vilma var ute på promis insåg jag hur mycket jag saknar att prata engelska nu när jag inte går i skolan så pratade lite med henne då bara för att, hehe...😉
ATM: Så sitter jag i en frys med shorts och flip flops och hatar mig själv väldigt mycket för att jag prompt ska trotsa höstvädret. Med andra ord är jag på jobbet och valde shorts framför långbyxor vilket var ett sämre val denna morgon. Men bara några timmar till - kriga Tilly! Får dricka mycket kaffe och dansa runt lite i kiosken för att hålla värmen!😉
Har även en riktig gladis-nyhet på G eftersom att jag (min skickliga syster) håller på att jobba på en ny header till bloggen. Sånt är ju bara så kul - älskar förändringar!
er matildis❤️


Good morning favorites!
This is hilarious because literally the minute I decided to go out for a power walk the weather changed completely in less than a second. It was all clear and now it's POURING. I'm gonna go find my rain gear and put my phone in a plastic bag - the weather can't stop me, hehe😉
What's the plan for today, love bugs?❤️
Was expected this view by the lake today but I assume that's not gonna happen...


Literally one of my studying essentials, hehe... - Honestly ppl in IB who don't drink coffee - how the hell are you still alive? What's your secret? I know I found mine...😉 Actually it's funny how a simple drink like this can motivate me to study in the summer. But it does.
Just had my neighbor who's also a student at Chalmers over for a couple of hours. Although it's summer my love-hate relationship with mathe-fucking-matics hasn't gone away for any fancy vacations to Hawaii... It's always around and will be waiting patiently at Hvitfeldtska for me to get back to school and it will be more difficult than ever. SO, I decided to stay on top of things and learn it as opposed to deny it. Today I also contacted a graduated IB student who offered tutoring. I've discussed this so many times on the blog before and it's only because I find it so interesting - in order to learn something that's been bugging me I'm gonna have to work for it. Hard. And that's just what it is. With mathematics there's no other way - you either learn it or you don't. So if that means that I'm gonna have to spend a couple of hours on maths everday this summer (which I have) I'm gonna do it whether I like it or not. I assume it explains both the love and hate I have for maths because I hate not understanding things because it makes me feel stupid, which I'm not, and I also hate asking for help, which I definitely need to work on. On the other hand I love the feeling of finally understanding something and feeling that all the shit I've gone through in fact was worth it.
Enough about that, huh? So what's up guys? I'm gonna clean my room because it's literally a mess - HOW can it possible be, when I cleaned it like yesterday? Sometimes I wonder if I have a serious problem or if I'm simply just a messy kinda gal!?😉 Then mommy and I will go get groceries together and later tonight I'll hopefully get some practice driving and reading done for school!
Tomorrow we will have our beloved Friday back but since I'll be back at work I don't look forward to it too much. However tomorrow night heels, glitter, drinks, dancing and best friends are on the schedule - yeyyyy!


Top//NewYorker - Shorts//WetSeal - Jacket//Lindex - Golden Rings//Gina Tricot



Hi lovers!
Just got back from the city and my catch up -date with Andreas. Oh how I love spending time with this guy. It's funny how I always feel like that after seeing him and then yet we can't manage to see each other more often which is a shame. He's just one of those friends who always listens to what I have to say although I always talk a lot and although I'm certain he disagrees with opinions of mine, he'll listen anyway and respect me which is something I appreciate to the fullest. Hopefully he sees me the same way in terms of this. Cheers for great friends, honestly they are the best.
Just got some food in my system and now I'm about to head to grandma's to spend a couple of hours there.
First we decided to sit outside since the sun was out but once we got our drinks it started to pour so we had to move inside. Oh Sweden, how unpredictable yet amazing aren't you?😉


Hi love bugs!
What's up? I'm actually in sort of a hurry since I have a driving class scheduled at 1:30 and then immediately after I'll head into the city to hang out with my beloved friend, Andreas, whom I haven't seen in too long! Beyond excited for that!❤️
How are you spending this day?


This kind of top is definitely on the wish list because it's very a everyday kind of shirt, comfy yet pretty. I also enjoy the fact that they come in multiple colors! These ones are from Nelly but I'm pretty sure other shops provide them as well, both in stores and online. Much wanted!


Decided to end this pretty long ass day with an hour long walk around the lake with my baby sister. I love the fact that we managed to catch the sunset since the weather hasn't been on top today yet offered such a pretty night! But mostly I enjoy sharing all of my feelings and thoughts with Vilma as well as taking part of hers. These nights are simply just pretty darn dope


Good morning lovers!
Can't believe it's so cold outside. Just got back from my morning workout and I'm freezing cold!?!? So not ready for fall yet... 
So friends - what's up today? Anything exciting? Share with me, will ya! I'm trying to see as many friends as possible before I go back to school since I'm dreading this year to be awful and busy and tiring and just outrageously and terribly  horrible.
What my family and I grilled for dinner along with some meat the other day at the beach house. So not done with these absolutely amazing BBQ-dinners in the sunset... 


Är väl kanske inte världens tjejigaste tjej alla gånger då jag är rätt dålig på allt som har med smink, hår osv att göra men att fixa naglarna då och då år faktiskt kul. Älskar att jag känner mig så kvinnlig då, hehe...😉 Valde färgen vitt på eftersom att det känns så somrigt och är så fint på brunbrända händer. 
Just nu ligger jag och tittar på Sex and the City (haha vadå inte tjejig, Tilly...?) och ska snart sätta på mig träningsskorna och ge mig ut på en power walk med min fina Evelina.


Absolutely love these kinds of breakfasts because it's healthy yet simple. Also I like the fact that it's satisfying but it doesn't make you feel stuffed which is a feeling I definitely hate. Here I decided to top with a kiwi, sunflower seeds, raw almonds and coconut flakes. 


Good morning friends and good morning Monday!
Went to bed at 8pm last night since I was lacking sleep from the night before, hehe... So about 12 lovely hours of sleep later I woke up. Had some coffee with my big sister before we headed out for a power walk together. Now I'm on way to my driving class. When I get back I'll figure out how to spend the rest of this day.


Hey babies!
Last night Nicci, Karro and Blanka came over for Sangrias and laughter before we headed to the party. I had such a great time meeting all these new people I've never met before and I did actually get home way later than planned. But oh well that's what summers are for, right?
Amazing sangria we made last night.
Karolina and Nicolina.


how's your day going this rainy Saturday? Honestly I HATE the rainy weather so much, hahah... Pretty sure I love the sun more than I love myself...
I was supposed to leave for the city tomorrow with the fambam but I decided to leave a day earlier since my friends are going to this party tonight and I really felt like tagging along. When I get home I'll start getting ready for the night and then my darlings Nicolina and Karolina will come over for (plenty of) wine and talks which the three of us are very good at...😉 And on top of all I get to spend a night alone in the house which I loooove!
 Karolina and I!❤️


Good morning angels! How are you doing today?
I'm in this amazing mood and I have plenty of energy to spread and get rid of today. It's most likely due to the fact that I had about 11 hours of sleep last night - AMEN! Now I just finished up my morning cup of coffee and daddy and I are about to head out for some practice driving. Then I need to work out and get some mathematics done before my aunt and cousins are coming to spend time with us at the summer house. Since they live in the Netherlands we don't see them very often so I'm excited to do so!😊
At around 6ish I'll head back to the city to spend the night - more about that later.

V A N I L L A ❤️ L A C E

Got this baby from my love bugs, Carolina, Karolina and Sarah for throwing the dinner party at my summer house last night. How kind of them? And on top of all it smells absolutely amazing so I'll gladly add it to the VS collection.
Thanks darlings!


Hey friends!
Wow had such an amazing time last night with my lovely ladies having dinner, drinks and dessert together. Although some of them didn't know each other from before they all went great together and as a hostess that's the best possible scenario. Since most of them spent the night we had such a hilarious time in the bunk room and literally spent an hour laughing our asses of for absolutely no reason like little girls having their first sleep over. Now we've had a late breakfast together before they all left - oh how much I appreciate these girls!
Linn, Karro, Carro, Rebecca, Linda, Sarah, Hanna and Frida!
Amazing cheesecakes my mom made for us all, topped with raspberries and dark chocolate.
 Beautiful Sarah and Hanna!


Good (super) early morning! 
I woke up at 6 - yey I'm back at my usual schedule, hehe... But honestly I bet it's good for me to be up early so that I can start getting used to the fact that we're gonna be back at school pretty soon.
I slept in the bunk room and when I got in the house daddy just got up and since it was a bit chilly we decided to make a fire - such cozy morning. Good thing my daddy is a morning person as well so that I have someone to keep me company.Then I had coffee and breakfast on the porch in the sun with my parents and now I'll prolly head out for a workout with mommy!
Talk to you later, 


Hi love bugs!
When I went to work this morning I still hadn't decided whether or not to stay in the city and attend the Summer Party @Port Du Solei or to go to the summer house. Therefore I packed glittery clothing, heels, make-up and hair spray for work, hahah😉 Unfortunately I decided not to go out - mostly because I wanna get started on the preparations for tomorrow night when about 15 girls are coming to the summer house for dinner, drinks and a sleep over! Now I'm still at work and daddy is about to step by for some ice-cream and then we'll drive home to get some stuff before we'll head west! Can't wait.


Tycker det är så kul att kolla kläder precis denna tiden på året - då de har kvar en del sommarkläder men även börjar få in nytt inför hösten! Här är några riktiga inspo-outfits.
Har även köpt ett par nya zig zag-brallor som redan är en sjuk favvo. Ska visa er så snart jag får tillfälle!


Ligger och väntar att dessa ska torka på både tår- och fingernaglar! Använder aldrig nagellack verkligen, men tänkte vara lite kvinnlig och sophisticated for once...😉 Givet blev det ju ingen diskret eller ljus sommarfärg utan mörkblått med en massa glitter i - äh vafan ska man köra kan man lika gärna gå all in! Behöver dock att torkningen skyndar sig lite nu för lilla Tilly är aptrött och har snittat en läggningstid på hela 20:20 varje kväll denna veckan - det ni!😉 Imorgon startar jag nog dagen med ett träningspass innan jobbet och efter jobbet är det lite oklart vad som står på schemat än; tanken var att åka direkt ut till mitt sommarhus men nu försöker girlfriends of mine få med mig på Sommarfesten på Port Du Solei, vilket heller inte låter så dumt. Får se vad som sker!

N E W 🌟 I N

Here's my new Kimono I orderd from Nelly a couple of days ago so it arrived yesterday. It's exactly like I imagine it to be and I believe I'd wear it over a tight black dress or maybe a pair of black shorts and a body... I absolutely love it and I hope it will go as well with high heels as with sneakers!


Good morning crackers! Got up the usual time to have coffee and then I headed out for a morning workout. This morning it started to feel a little like fall and I hate it. Once I got out I regretted not putting an extra sweater on and when I got back I had a hot shower since I was freezing(!?) I even had a cup of tea which I literally just have during winters... Gaaah - summer is this it? Either way I had my favorite kind of tea from Lipton, Vanilla Caramel - it's so delicious. Also their Blueberry Muffin and Strawberry Cheesecake are amazing. About to head to work now in pants, yes you heard it; pants (!!!!)


Felt like overwhelming you guys with like loads of pictures from this summer. Can't believe all the things I've done... And hey wanna know what the best part is? It's not over yet!

M O N D A Y A G A I N ⭐

Good morning fellas!
The funny thing with work is that it doesn't matter whether is a weekday or weekend to me since I always work 6 days and then get 9 off so although it's Monday morning it doesn't really bother me that much since I've been working all weekend... So thoughts day? I did actually decided to start on a more healthy life today (I know, I know  I'm never super duper unhealthy...) since it always happens during summers; bad food habits, desserts, alcohol... You name it. I feel a lot better when I have more control of what I'm eating and mostly my workouts turn out better as well so yeah it's August and I figured it's time for a change! Anyone with me?
I work three more days before I'll head out to the summer house and you wanna know what? On Thursday all of my lovely ladies in my life are coming over for dinner, drinks and simply just an awesome time! HOW NICE?
About to finish up my cup of black coffee and head out for a power walk before work! What are you doing today?


Today's dinner á la Tilly. How do I not have a boyfriend? 


Hej bloggisen och sorry för dålig uppdatering! Blir lite så när jag flänger runt mellan jobb, plugg, träning och mitt sociala liv, hehe😉 Igår hade vi iallafall det supermysigt hemma hos Rebecca med en massa goa drinkar och vin i solnedgången på hennes altan med härliga sommar beats i bakgrunden - underbart! Tyvärr blev väl inte kvällen riktigt som vi tänkt oss och vi var hemma lite tidigare än planerat men fasen vad skönt att sova bra många mer timmar än planerat! Ni känner ju mig och vet hur viktig sömnen är för mig.
Nu blir det jobb i några timmar till sedan känner jag för myskväll ikväll - ska övertala min syster att hålla mig sällis!
Hur ser eran dag ut idag, mina vänner?
Hanna, Frida och jag.
Rebecca, jag och Frida.
Jag och Frida.
Hanna, Frida och Rebecca.
Jag och Frida.


Good morning favorites!
Last night Klara and Philip picked me up at work and then we went to Klara's to get ready before we made it to Julia's. She had made such tasty dinner with chicken and rice! And for dessert we had this delicious raspberry and chocolate mousse - about to steal that recipe, Julia!😉 After dinner we finished up our pink wine and chatted for a couple of hours before Frida and I drove back to my place to hit the sack. - gonna miss my little girl, Julia, loads and I wish her all the best in Skåne!❤️
Got up at 8ish for a morning run and got back to shower, get dressed and say bye to Frida. About to head to work now and I can tell it will be a busy day selling ice-cream today... After work I'll hurry back home to shower and get ready for tonight. A bunch of girls are coming over for wine and laughter before we will head to the city for some clubbing - can't wait!


This little one got to come home with me the other day in the size S. In 99% of the cases I'd be a 0 or XS but I actually wanted to have this one in S so it doesn't become too short. That's the main reason I typically dislike tight dresses or skirts (and thus the reason I'm a shorts girl) because I hate the feeling of being uncomfortable for a potential panties flash - heheh😉 Either way this one was super comfortable and on top of all I absolutely love the sort of open back. You'll find it on H&M for only 199kr!


Hi lovers! 
Can't believe it's August 1 today already... Like where did the summer go? It's basically impossible to imagine myself back at Hvitfeldtska in less than a month... 
Today is my first day of six back at work so that's where I'm at for the moment. When I get off at 6ish this afternoon I'll change and then go directly to Julia's because she's throwing a goodbye dinner for the girls since she's moving to Skåne in a couple of days!
I'm gonna miss this lil fool...❤️

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