Christmas @Starbucks
Good morning sunshines!
Can you believe it's no school for more than two weeks, Christmas Eve in 4 days, Christmas Day in 5 and New Year's Eve in 11 days? Holy macaroni time flies!
I had an absolutely lovely Friday yesterday. Started out with a Christmas party with my grade at Hvitfeldtska and then a more formal event in the Vasa church with the whole school. I spent the afternoon with daddy and Vilma in the city - getting a couple of gifts and then we had coffee at Starbucks. I absolutely love Starbucks this time a year because it's so much Christmas spirit. But mostly because it reminds me of the US...❤️
Then at around 6ish daddy and I went to the gym for a hard workout before we had white wine and shrimps for dinner. How was your Friday?
/Matilda W

My little love bug.



Vilma and I.

This was last night's dinner. Oh how I love spending time at the summer house with the whole family and have absolutely lovely grilled dishes for dinner. Grilled chicken, salmon, halloumi as well as veggies are my absolute favorites.
ATM: About to finish up my glass of white wine with the fam-bam either on the porch while the sun is setting or maybe we will cuddle up on the couch to watch a movie. Tomorrow afternoonish Josie and I are driving back to the city. Feels sort of nice to come back to reality again, however the kind of intense and stressed out person I am definitely needs this kind of relaxing time every now and then...
Had such an amazing time at Åby Trav last night with the fam-bam!❤️ We started the night out with dinner in the sun before we started playing. Since basically no one in my family is experienced for shit when it comes to these kinds of games we just enjoyed the night together while the sun was setting, having ice-cream and cheering for our horses! There is always a good amount of laughter when we are all together - so happy to be apart of a family like mine! Later today we are leaving for the summer house all together.

Daddy and I!

Absolutely had no clue that they had remoulded Askimsbadet like completely? I was aware that they were gonna throw this opening for the new pier today however I didn't know basically everything was all new? So cool!
My sisters and I decided to enjoy a couple of lovely hours on the pier. Makes me think of California so much since there are piers everywhere over there.

Well the title can basically sum up my day today since it's been so busy at work. I assume it makes sense since the sun's been out quite a lot and it has been super hot as well. Josie and my parents surprised me before it was time to close up so they had some ice-cream and also gave me a ride home - lovely!
Now I'm enjoying the sun a bit and will soon have dinner!

Birthday Brunch
Good morning darlings!
How are you? I doubt there is anything better than waking up to a sunny morning as well as a long-weekend with plenty of exciting stuff planned. I had my morning coffee and wrapped up an assignment for economics with daddy so that I could send my teacher the final draft and get it all out of the way.
As I mentioned my baby sister turned 15 a couple of weeks ago and is celebrating it today by throwing a brunch. So all of the Warvne's contributed with whatever they do best (or actually we were forced to do so on the demand of the little miss princess in the family.) Anyway here's the result. Pretty darn yummi if you ask me.
Talk to you later! Kram,

Mother's day

Absolutely love this picture of the three of us, mostly because my mommy is so beautiful (and also because Josie and look hilarious...;))
Other than that I've officially voted for the first time, in the EU-election. Oh how mature I feel...;) Before voting my dad goes: "Hey Tilly what makes you feel more like an adult? Voting for the first time or getting in on a 22+ night club?" Oh, he knows me too well...
Did those of you who are 18+ vote?
Good morning to my favorite blog, favorite readers and favorite day!
Last night Vilma couldn't fall asleep so she asked if she could sleep in my bed and so she did. We share the aggressive gene of kicking and punching in our sleep so we pretty much equal after a night spent together, haha... This also meant I got to wake up next to the birthday girl! She's turning 15 years old today! HAPPY BIRTHDAY HONEY! So tonight the family and her boyfriend are having a birthday dinner for her. And like the new iPhone 5S wasn't enough she also got to wake up to a sunny day - lovely!
Happy Friday folks. XX,

As an IB-student (or any student?) it's lovely to wake up on Friday morning and knowing there are only a few classes left before the weekend. And this Friday is a little special too since we're having the campaign so it will be a busy day! For later today/tonight my plans aren't settled yet however tomorrow night it's drinks and laughter on the schedule with lovely people! Cheers for the weekend!
Enjoy your day babes!!! Love you,

Just got back from a morning workout with my favorite person! And on top of all we had the most beautiful view!
Promenad-dejt för kvällen
My baby doll and I decided to go out for a late night power walk together to just share some thoughts. Perfect way to end this Wednesday.
Good night love bugs,

My babyyyyy
Ja, tack

Finishing up Valentine's Day with delicious food.
I Haga
My mom and I decided to go on a coffee date in Haga today - it's Valentine's Day after all. I absolutely LOVE Haga and today it occurred to me that I haven't been there since I was little. It's so adorable!
On the way home we went shopping for groceries - I'm having dinner at home with my parents. The second season of our beloved TV-show, House of Cards, got available on Netflix today actually so we know how we're spending our night;)
Hope you all are enjoying this lovely day and both give and receive some love,


Just finished up the birthday dinner for my dad - once again HAPPY BIRTHDAY, OLD MAN! My mom and I made the most delicious taco pies and salade for dinner. I loved it - hopfully the birthday boy enjoyed it too as well as his birthday presents.
Didn't get a lot of sleep last night so I'm gonna cuddle up in my bed now. Tomorrow I will (most likely) have the most amazing news to share with you guys. Only thinking about it makes me smile... I'll let you know tomorrow. Nighty, nighty love bugs,
Birthday boy
Godmorgon solstålar!
Snackat så mycket engelska (med mig själv) för att öva på min presentation så att idag kände jag för svenska, hehe... Kul med lite omväxling every once in a while.
Gårdagen blev minst sagt inte som vi planerat men vi hade det iallafall jättemys hos Carro med vin, prat och snack! Hade verkligen en jättekul kväll även om det inte gick precis enligt planerna, men who cares? Vi hade stört kul. Jävligt oklart att jag (!!!!) inte tog några bilder heller - vad tänkte jag på? Sorry för det.
Idag har vi ett födelsedagsbarn i familjen - pappsen blir hela 53 år! GRATTIS! Så ikväll blir det middag för honom med god mat och presenter. Sedan åker jag till Klarisen så ska vi och Linn ha filmkväll - så himla mys! Jättepepp på det verkligen!
Ska vänta på att min lilla docka vaknar och dra med henne ut på en promenad hade jag tänkt, eftersom det bara är jag och Vilmisen hemma atm.

Min minst sagt snygga pappa på hans bröllopsdag ca 20 år sedan. GRATTIS IGEN!
Lillasyster blir stor
SHOUTOUT to my baby sister who attends a new school today. She's starting 8th grade - like what the F, when did that happen? I love her to the moon and back and wish this georgeous little creature all the best today!

Beefeater In
Just had lunch at a super cozy Brittish place called Beefeater In. I had fish and it was really good. Right now we're getting coffee!
Hope y'all are having a nice day!

En sådan där mysig myskväll
Tonight Vilma and I decided to have a girls movie night just the two of us. I haven't gotten enough of sleep recently so I can't wait. We're either watching a movie or a couple of episodes of Pretty Little Liars but I honestly don't really care that much as long as I get to cuddle with my favorite little sister!

Tilly parkerar
Look at this parking job! It's my first one and I'm so proud.
When I came home my mom had made a super yummi dinner for our family and her sister and her family. I finally got to see my cute cousins again I haven't seen all last year so that was super fun.
Rebecca and her big brother Tobias offered to pick me up to go back to Gothenburg so I just got home. It felt so nice to finally be home, since I've been away so much lately.
Much love to you homies!

Hi people!
Just had THE BEST dinner my parents cooked. Dad grilled peppers and meat and my mom made carrots and different kinds of cabbage in the oven, salad and homemade tzatziki. Look how yummi it looks!
Tomorrow morning I think Rebecca is coming over to my place to hang out. The sun is supposed to be out so hopefully we can go to the beach. Around 1,2 my cousins will arrive!
Have a nice evening, friends!

Aldrig för mycket av Mr. Gatsby
Hey there!
Today when we were driving back from Tjörn to Gothenburg we saw the "De Vet Du" guys in their "De Vet Du" car. It was hilarious because what are the odds for that to happen...?
We just got back a couple of hours ago and I met up with Evelina immediately for some tanning and swimming in Sisjön. Now I just had dinner with my family and tonight we're going to the movies to watch the Great Gatsby. Since I totally LOVE both the movie and the book and my family hasn't seen it yet we decided to watch it tonight, so therefore I'm super excited! I have to get ready now. Talk to you all later!