Vad jag hade på mig på min stora dag - den nybeställda svarta klänningen från Nelly.

Alla mina favvisar.

Min attraktiva syssling och vän Sarah.

Kan inte förstå hur många fina grejer jag fick - tack så sjukligt mycket!

Jag och Karro-älsklingen.

Hanna, Karro, jag, Rebecca och Linda!

Glömde helt av att lägga upp bilderna jag tog med systemen från förfesten hos mig i fredags - blev bara någon mobilbild då om jag inte minns fel? Iallafall var det ju en riktigt lyckad kväll och förhoppningsvis bjuder även den kommande helgen på lite festligheter skulle jag tro - hur perfekt nu när det är de sista lediga dagarna innan skolan börjar?
SB 2014 part II
Hejsan vänner!
Hur mår vi idag? Alltså jag är inte bara trött pga brist på sömn utan hela min kropp är även helt mörbultad!?!?! Någon mer Summerburst-deltagare som känner igen sig? Har även en massa blåmärken på hela min stackars lilla kropp. Menmen vad gör man inte för att få komma David Guetta så nära som möjligt? ARMBÅGAR...😉
Har tagit det väldigt lugnt idag och bara njutit i solen med mina systrar och sedan tränat vilket kan ha varit det värsta någonsin men kände ändå för ett träningspass nu efter helgen. Men vafan och dansa intensivt till först Steve Angello och sedan Guetta är ju riktigt kämpigt det med...
Har just dragit på mig en hoodie och ska krypa upp i soffan och mysa hela kvällen! Imorgon har jag något nytt, speciellt och spännande på schemat. Berättar då!
Bjuder på bilder från helgen del 2 som älskade Linn tagit. Check them out,

GRYMMA bilder tagna av Linn och hennes Samsung... Fan saknar faktiskt min Samsung-bebis lite nu bara för det. Hursomhelst summerar de upp denna amazing helg riktigt jäkla bra. PUSS OCH KRAM PÅ ALLA UNDERBARA KOMPISAR!
/peace, xx
Hejsan hoppsan bloggisen!
After math tutoring I almost fell asleep on the couch after dinner, hehe... I guess I'm not completely over my virus yet although I don't want to admit it. My head was aching so badly so I came up with the idea to have a huge cup of coffee (the first shot of caffeine in like 48 h) HOLY HELL what it was good. My headache disappeard in a second and it also contributed to the energy I needed; got plenty of homework done and I was just about to change into working out clothes to head out for a run but my mom was like: "No way José you're working out today - you spent all day yesterday puking and sleeping..." Soooo no run for me. However I think I'm getting up early tomorrow morning to run when she can't stop me...😉
Other than that I have finally decided on a date for my drinks night with the girls! It's a day right after I've taken my finals which I (of course) want to celebrate to the fullest. Fortunately it seems like most of the favorite ladies in my life can make it!!! Such a convenient motivation to get through finals.
Have a cozy night and I'll talk to you tomorrow!

Detta lär vara en av de härligaste bilderna jag någonsin tagit. Inte för att jag är ett superstort fan av öl utan för att denna bilden skriker sommar, grill, drinkar, sol och världens bästa vänner ute på Tjörn. Can't wait till sommarkvällar som denna ute på vårt nybyggda sommarställe nu. Summer - get your ass here now, will ya?
You know what I feel like doing at some point? Just drag all the lovely ladies in my life to my place and just have a drink night. Not necessarily that we have to go out clubbing after just mix a variety of delicious and pretty drinks and have a great time all the girls! I assume this is what happens to me when I'm all caught up in homework and duties on a regular basis so it just comes to a point when I need to just not think about that upcoming test or assignment and just have a fun night, laughing with my best friends. I'm definitely planning to have one of these nights soon. Pussar och kramar,

Får se vad som händer imorgon kväll men lite partaj ska nog jag och mina älskade vänner skaka fram... Det är ju trots allt fredag...😉
Vad gör det om 100 år
Last night was full of laughter, drinks and my lovely ladies. Exactly what I needed. I spent the night at Frida's and now I'm on my way to school. Guess I'm feeling the way I deserve today - men vad gör det om 100 år?

My gorgeous ladies are graduating in 100 days.
Ayia Napa, baby
Guess what I'm doing June 18-25? I'm going to hang out at a pool party with an exotic drink in my hand and WITH ALL OF MY BABES FROM KITAS IN FREAKING AYIA NAPA! Can you believe it? They're going there for the graduation trip and offered me months ago to come a long, but I was uncertain where I was going to be with school and money at that point. However then we brought it up again and my lovely parents are letting me go with them - THANK YOU! This was the very great news I was gonna share with you guys this weekend, however there were some complications with the hotel room and such, but it's now fixed and I can't express my happiness.
I've told you guys how much it hurts that I won't graduate with these lovely girls so the fact that they insisted having me on their graduation trip makes me so happy. And also it's great to have something to look forward to. Have you guys made up any plans for summer yet?

Here are some lovely pictures I found online from this lovely party island we're going to. I'll definitely look up more specific pictures of our hotel and such later on... I'm at least proud I know now that Ayia Napa is located on Cyprus rather than in Turkey/Spain I thought it did about two weeks ago, hehe... ;)
Något nytt
What's up? I was gonna say good morning at first but I realized it's already 2pm hehe...
Last night turned out to be awesome though! Mikaela, Klara and I as well as three friends of Klara whom I've only met like once before pregamed at Klara's house and had a great time until 11ish when we were hitting the club. We were planning on going to Excet since we were on the list, however it got pretty late and we decided to go out in Kungsbacka instead which I was really excited about since I haven't been there before. So we ended up at Ester's and had an awesome night!
Since I was far away from home Klara offered me so sleep at her place. We cuddled with her cat, Smirnoff (lovin' the name!!) all night and woke up at 11:30ish, had a cozy breakfast together before she dropped me off at my house. Lovely time with a lovely girllll! Now daddy and I watching Sons of Anarchy but I actually need to get some hw done today... Oh well let's see what happens with that hehe...

Decided to wear a pretty simple yet relaxing outfit last night, with a white open back top and black skinny jeans.

Puss på en grym kompis och en bra kväll!
Typical Tilly

Organic and ecological... Typical me.
It's actually hilarious though because when my friends spot me drinking this wine they think I do it because it's a healthier opinion than like hard alcohol - but heeeeey it's the taste I enjoy, okay? It's actually my favorite ;)
In about an hour I'll head over to Carro'a place for a few (or many) glasses of wine/drinks and hanging out before we're going out tonight. Excited, excited! Turn it upppp,
Good morning friends!
Or actually it's not morning anymore, hehe...
Last night was absolutely perfect and Frida had prepared the most amazing dinner, drinks, dessert - WOW. And as the blogger I am, I of course recorded the night best way possible. I'm gonna go ahead and put last night in the winning column - HAPPY BIRTHDAY FRIDA,

Turn uppppp
It's time to turn it up guys - it's Saturday night and my beautiful baby Frida is turning 19 so we are C E L E B R A T I N G!
Ses vi ute i vimlet?

The top's from Bubbleroom. And also what do you think about my new hair cut and generally blonder hair?
... weekend, a sparkly outfit, falsies, (plenty) of wine, drinks, my favorite girls, music...

Weekend get your ass here faster, will ya
En bra kväll
Yesterday was GREAT! I'm really happy I ended up going because it was a great opportunity for me to bond with my classmates. I guess it's always going to be a little awkward since I'm older but hanging out with them really makes it easier since they are all adorable. And also I did choose to live in California a year and thus be a year behind my actual grade. So glad I'm doing it with these people!

Here are some pictures from the night,

Alla blir 18...
Literally though, all of my friends went out after Jade and Johanna's dinner/pregame last night but me. Alexander came to hangout with me a while though, so I wasn't all alone...
Today I think I might go with my mom and dad to the beach house after I've finished blogging and working out. I have loads of homework to get done this weekend so I think I'll work on that.
Tonight my big sister and her friend Emma are having their 20th birthday party so I think I'll go to that.

Klarre 18
Last night was super fun! Klara had invited about 30 girls to her place, where half of us was from Kitas and the other half from Kullavik. They were all super sweet girls! We had dinner, dessert and drinks until 10ish when Anna, Linn and I left. Most of the girls went out after and I considered going with them but then came to the conclusion that it would be pure stupidity to go out on a fake-ID so close to my 18th birthday if I would get caught...

Kräftskiva...? En fråga - får man äta revbensspjäll?
I don't think I need to add much more to this blog post than all of these pictures below... Holy macaroni, I love you all so much!

Sun-day, fun-day
These lovely pictures are from earlier tonight at Linnea's house. She had invited us all over for dinner and pregame. It was basically all of the girls from my old class, so it was super fun to see them all again. Some girls went out after, but I didn't really feel like it and besides - I'm actually not 18 yet, haha...
Hope you all are having a good night - can't wait to go to bed.

Maja 18
Last night I was invited to celebrate Maja's 18th birthday at her house. We used to play on the same basketball team and back in the days the girls on the team were super tight and we used to have so much fun together. There were 8 us there last night, so it was sort of a reunion. I realized today that I didn't get a picture of the birthday girl, since she was all over the place but at least I got one of Hanna, Zuhal and Jessica.
Sebastian was Rebecca's and my hero last night and picked us up after since it's pretty far away.

Lekledarna Klara och Matilda
Last night Klara and I took over and taught all the girls drinking games before the party. Last night was 10/10 - lovely friends, good food and drinks, good music and good-looking guys. CHEERS!
