Hejsan hoppsan bloggisen!
After math tutoring I almost fell asleep on the couch after dinner, hehe... I guess I'm not completely over my virus yet although I don't want to admit it. My head was aching so badly so I came up with the idea to have a huge cup of coffee (the first shot of caffeine in like 48 h) HOLY HELL what it was good. My headache disappeard in a second and it also contributed to the energy I needed; got plenty of homework done and I was just about to change into working out clothes to head out for a run but my mom was like: "No way José you're working out today - you spent all day yesterday puking and sleeping..." Soooo no run for me. However I think I'm getting up early tomorrow morning to run when she can't stop me...😉
Other than that I have finally decided on a date for my drinks night with the girls! It's a day right after I've taken my finals which I (of course) want to celebrate to the fullest. Fortunately it seems like most of the favorite ladies in my life can make it!!! Such a convenient motivation to get through finals.
Have a cozy night and I'll talk to you tomorrow!
Detta lär vara en av de härligaste bilderna jag någonsin tagit. Inte för att jag är ett superstort fan av öl utan för att denna bilden skriker sommar, grill, drinkar, sol och världens bästa vänner ute på Tjörn. Can't wait till sommarkvällar som denna ute på vårt nybyggda sommarställe nu. Summer - get your ass here now, will ya?