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I promised to tell you about my plans Wednesday so here you are. I decided to throw a little something at my house on Tjörn for a couple of friends. I've invited about 20 of them to have dinner, party and sleep at the beach house Wednesday night. It's exciting because basically all of my closest friends have never met each other before so I think it will be fun. 
We're gonna put up the party tent and grill meat for dinner with potatoes, sauce and salad that I will prep. Later we're gonna make drinks, have a have a beer pong tournament going and hopefully I will find time to teach my friends a couple of other drinking games I picked up in California. Rebecca offered to bring her speakers to plug in so I'll prepare a playlist on Spotify. Since the beach is very close I was thinking it might be fun to do some skinny dipping later when it's dark...
I went shopping for groceries with my daddy today. I'm super exciting and hope everyone will have a good time!
Look at this beautiful panorama I took while boating on Tjörn - such a pretty place to show my friends around.


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