Mitt 2013

2013 has been infinitely long. Probably due to the fact that I moved across the ocean halfway through it. Probably because at the beginning of 2013 I lived in Palo Alto in California, went to Palo Alto High School where my best friends were Tia, Simone, Jordan, Olivia and Hannah, where I'd one day go tanning by a friend's pool, go to San Francisco with Maureen, watch movies with J.T, go on a spontaneous trip for the weekend to L.A with friends, bike over to Stanford and watch football, basketball or baseball games with John, buy coffee at Starbucks, hook up with a baseball or football guy or make movies in video production for school. To finally go to a perfect American high school Prom with my best friends and a handsome date in a bright pink, open-back dress with glitter on it in SF, walk through a formal graduation, go on senior nights and trips to Sunset State Beach for a night of beaching, camping, drinking, laughing and watching shooting stars.
Yeah those were the times. Leaving California was the hardest thing I ever had to do however coming home was exciting too. Coming home to people with open arms and to realize I still had people here in Sweden made my homecoming much easier. Also, Sweden for once offered an incredible summer with the best weather in years which too contributed to smiles for the California girl ;)
Hm, what else? I attended IB which both make up the stupidest yet best decision I've made 2013. Switching around between schools a lot which I've been doing isn't actually all bad; in fact I love it. It makes be have a lot of different kinds of people in my life which I'm so greatful for. 
This year has been exciting and eventful, just the way I like it. So tonight we're gonna celebrate the year of 2013 and when I think back about it; it's been pretty darn good. I'm a lucky ass fuck,



Med tanke på att du var utbytesstudent ett år undrar jag om ditt år i usa räknas i sverige eller om du får ta studenten ett år senare än dina kompisar?

Svar: Hejsan!
Mitt svar är tyvärr nej - det svenska skolsystemet godkänner inte ett år i ett Amerikanskt high school som ett "riktigt svenskt skolår" då de tycker att systemen är för olika. Så nej, jag kommer inte ta studenten med mina jämnåriga kompisar, vilket givetvis är väldigt synd. Men å andra sidan skulle jag inte bytt bort något på denna jord åt mitt utbytesår i California! Dock är det värt att kolla upp med din svenska skola om det finns möjlighet att läsa ikapp kurser innan och efter ditt år i USA, men min rektor rekommenderade inte detta då det riskerar dåliga betyg... Lycka till,

Matilda Warvne

2014-01-04 @ 18:42:44

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