För liten flytväst - check

Holy shit, this day has certainly been the absolute definition of a perfect summer day. Rebecca and I woke up at 9ish and had morning coffee on the porch.  And we were both surprised by the really good weather, since we thought it was supposed to be cold all day.
We packed a lunch and my dad took us out boating with Vilma and mommy and it was an absolutely gorgeous day. Later my dad, Rebecca and I went running together and we ended up taking a quick swim and the water was so warm and refreshing. 
Now Rebecca just left and I had salmon for dinner on the porch with the fam. 
Rebecca and I have known each other for so long, but after we both got back from the US it feels like we have gotten even closer. We're super similar and basically love all the same things, it's almost ridiculous. Cheers for having a best friend, much love to you homie!
Since Rebecca needed to borrow a life jacket I took my very old one which is tiny. Good thing I didn't fall into the water, because I don't think it would have given me support for shit, haha...


The perfect day, I love you to death!

Matilda Warvne

2013-07-30 @ 22:35:37

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