So whether we like it or not; fall is here. Which means rain, darkness, wind and cold wheather. I lived in California all last year, so yeah the wheather of Sweden SUCKS to me, but what can we do? Literally, wheather is the least thing in life we can affect, so we're just gonna have to deal with it.
So we might as well just make it as cozy as we can, right? I don't know about you guys, but I'm the type of person who just freezes ALL THE TIME. Like it's insane - I'm constantly freezing cold. So I think SWEATERS is the way to go this fall and upcoming winter. Obviously, we need warm jackets and such, but I believe in layers! I got this super cozy sweater from H&M for only 99 kr! It also comes in black - check it out if you like it. I love it!!! More sweaters, more cardigans!
Stay warm and keep those stuffy noses and fever days away!

stina lindbo
hahah keep the snut away! fiiiin
Matilda Warvne