Mig själv i ett nötskal
So I've been thinking about something... I literally always do this thing, which actually is sort of annoying. I ALWAYS look forward to breaks, I mean who doesn't? And then when they finally come I enjoy like one day of them and then I'm bored. If I go away on a trip it's different of course, since you're busy exploring and such, but always when I'm just at home it takes me about one day and then I'm just like: "AAAAARGH" This break have I already; worked out a lot, gotten homework done, hung out with my friends, went shopping, cleaned my room, driven to Freeport, gone out for dinner, gone to the movies, have like three movie nights at home, ordered some stuff online, message friends I haven't seen in a while to hang out later this week.... And it's only Tuesday and I'm BORED!
WHY am I so impatient and intense all the time? The majority of my friends just want me to shut up sometimes or speak a little slower, because they couldn't understand a word of what I was saying. But then I guess it sort of makes sense that I LOOOVED living in California since I got to explore and do things ALL THE TIME and also people over there are generally a lot more talkative (not necessarily for the better.)
Oh well I do have some plans later this week, but I just don't understand how everyone's like: "Oh my God, I slept in to 2pm today and then I watched a movie and had dinner and it's SOOOO relaxing." - 2pm???? Honestly? I've woken up at 6:30 every morning...
