Vi tjejer
Have you guys ever thought about our need as girls to constantly judge each other? It's among us everyday, all the time. I'm not saying I'm necessarily completely innocent myself either, although I'm trying not to do it. When I say that girls are judgmental I'm not only thinking of how we constantly talk shit on one another, rather, I'm referring to the LOOKS we give each other. And honestly it happens EVERYDAY. In fact I think some girls do it unconsciously, literally they don't even think about that they're doing it - but they do and that's why I want to label it - our JUDGMENTAL LOOKS. WHY?! If you see a girl with a pretty bag or a cute top why not tell her rather than giving her a nasty look? Your nasty look is most likely based on jealousy anyway and although jealousy might be what you feel im that specific moment, if that's the case, do you really want to show it? And also if you give a nasty look, when you can definitely expect to get one back...
Guys never, or rarely do this so why should we girls??? We need to step it up... I mean we can easily give our friends compliments as well as they give them to us, so why can't we give people we don't know compliments too? What is there to lose? It's not like they're gonna get upset - most likely surprised at first, then happy.
I'm going to Hvitfeldtska, which is one of the largest (if not the largest?) school in Gothenburg and is crowded with people everywhere, all the time. That means that anywhere you go, at any time during the day we girls pass each other by and we judge and judge and judge... I don't know what your guys' opinions are on this topic, but I'm just getting soooo tired of it... These looks need to stop - think about it, it's just so unnecessary! Appreciate each other instead! At least this is what I think: If you show your appreciation to people in your surroundings no matter if you know them or not, they are highly likely to show their appreciation back. This will definitely contribute to more smiles among us and if I'm not mistaken, we love to smile, don't we?

love your blog du är så poetisk och framförallt SNYGG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
så jävla rätt matilda!!
Älskar din blogg. Jag ska åka på ett utbytesår nästa år och du är en så stor inspiration till mig. Hade varit så roligt om du kunde skriva ett inlägg om dit utbytesår. Typ vad man ska tänka på i skolan och med familjen, hur det är att komma tillbaka... Hade gärna sett ett sånt och tror att fler hade gillat det :)
Älskar bloggen!! :)