Ändrade planer

Change of plans - yup, that's the way to describe it. I hade decided earlier this week to have a so-called white weekend and not drink in order to be extra excited for my birthday party that comes up later next weekend. But then Frida texted me asking if I wanted to go out with her Anna, Hanna and Linn and thought: WHY THE HELL NOT? I'M 18. So yeah, that's what's happening tonight. We're going to Valand where I've never been to before so I'm extra excited!!!!
Today was just the usual: Morning run ---> homework. Rebecca's coming over to my house soon and we'll go out for a walk and probably watch Evelina's soccer game.
I was just going through some pictures from summer and realized that I already miss my tan so much. How am I gonna make it in Sweden this year? I'm a Cali-girl obviously...


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