M O N D A Y A G A I N ⭐

Good morning fellas!
The funny thing with work is that it doesn't matter whether is a weekday or weekend to me since I always work 6 days and then get 9 off so although it's Monday morning it doesn't really bother me that much since I've been working all weekend... So thoughts day? I did actually decided to start on a more healthy life today (I know, I know  I'm never super duper unhealthy...) since it always happens during summers; bad food habits, desserts, alcohol... You name it. I feel a lot better when I have more control of what I'm eating and mostly my workouts turn out better as well so yeah it's August and I figured it's time for a change! Anyone with me?
I work three more days before I'll head out to the summer house and you wanna know what? On Thursday all of my lovely ladies in my life are coming over for dinner, drinks and simply just an awesome time! HOW NICE?
About to finish up my cup of black coffee and head out for a power walk before work! What are you doing today?


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