Hi love bugs!
Just burst into tears because of the IB for the 100th time this semester... AND I have a even tougher one coming up after Christmas. Jeez - imagine me after IB; It will be fair to compare me to Superwoman - able to deal with anything, hehe...😉 Can really use the winter break at the moment - you feel me on that one, huh? 
Looking forward to the weekend to the very fullest though when I'll try to get some Christmas shopping done. On Saturday Mikaela baby is throwing a goodbye dinner since she's going to SB, Cali - imagine how jelly I am... On top of all Anna is turning 19 as well and not to mention it's Lucia so there are multiple reasons to celebrate!
/Kisses M
Looked myself in the mirror today to realize I'm technically a ghost atm... Missing summer and this hell of a tan I managed after a year in the Golden State!


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