Working my ass off on my Individual Oral Presentation for English at the moment. It's going be worth 15% of my final grade so it's a very important task. In the presentation I'm discussing how distance to something tends to create apprecitaton to it based on a book we read, Into The Wild. I can definitely recommend both the book and the movie - I really enjoyed it. However what I wanted to get at was that in my presentation I'm linking this idea to my own experience of this - when I moved and moved back from California and I'm actually pretty satisfied with how it turned out. Now all I have to do is to make a hell of a good presentation of it tomorrow in class.

I used this picture in my presentation - totally LOVE it. And my baby doll of course. Remember to appreciate things in life peeps. We tend to focus on the negative way to often. /Peace Tilly.

du skrev för nån dag sen att du hade typ nyheter att berätta? vad var det?
Matilda Warvne