Måndayy is back

As I told you I only had to attend one class today - wonderful. So it's not even 12 and I'm already home. I'm gonna have something to eat, go out for a power walk and then get started on homeowork. At 4:20ish I need to attend a meeting at Chalmers with my mentor in order to decide how we're gonna work together from now on.

Can I just share something with you guys that just made me feel so good? We had a new guy in IB today, he's Swedish but just moved here from Philadelphia. I knew he didn't know anyone so I decided to take care of him, offer him to work with me, walking him to his next class since Hvitfeldtska is HUGE and I also introduced him to a couple of nice people and so on. I might be the kind of person who's generally pretty forward and social and in these types of situations I always feel the responsibility to take care of whomever it is who might need a little help. It was my last class today so I told Martin and Alex to take care of him rest of the day since I just can't stand the thought of leaving him alone. He was a nice guy and I'm certain he won't find it difficult to make new friends however it's always tough the first day in a completely new and huge school (tell me about it...) And I saw how happy and relieved he looked after I had dragged him around the school and that makes me feel great too. It's all about the little things,





Gott :)

2014-01-27 @ 15:50:07
URL: http://blogofphoto.webblogg.se
stina lindbo

duktiga tilly :)

2014-01-28 @ 19:40:45
URL: http://www.stinalindbo.com

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