Good morning crackers!
Spent last night at Hardrocks Café with an awesome group of people to celebrate my little doll, Carro, who finally turned 18! It's been a while since I've been to Hardrock so it felt nice to be back. Especially since I've been there but in the US several times it's definitely a favorite place to go to. After dinner and a couple of drinks we went to a bar for some wine and chatting. Around 11:30 basically everyone decided to continue the night at Park Lane but since Nici and weren't in that kind of mood we went home! Such a great decision now since I just managed a 10km run in 30 degrees which I most likely wouldn't have been able to if I went out clubbing last night. It's a gorgeous morning outside and running in this kind of climate in only a pair of loose shorts and a sports bra reminds me so much of California - it was my everyday over there!
Birthday gaaaaal.