
Can't not even express my happiness right now... I JUST WENT OUT FOR THE FIRST RUN IN A WEEK - WIHO! My cough did actually say otherwise this morning but when I looked out the window and it's absolutely gorgeous outside I thought: "What the hell..." I enjoyed every second of it and it put me in such a good mood. I know some of you might think that one week without working out isn't the end of the world but to me it is. The amount of physical and mental energy it provides for me is outrageous.
Did I ever tell you about the five worst days of my life? I twisted my ankle really bad during a basketball game a few years ago and due to the huge swollen area the doctor put my entire leg in a cast for five days because he might thought I was broken... Fortunately it wasn't however those five days were the worst; I cried everyday because I just hated the feeling of being tramped and not being able to do things myself - I hate asking people for help. I didn't even go to school because I couldn't stand the thought of showing myself weak in front of my class mates... And the worst part was that I couldn't play basketball... Oh well it's just funny how addicted I am to constantly being active. I assume I need it in my life...
Nah, now I'm done sharing - time to hit the shower. PUSSSS PÅ ER,


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