Hi friends!
Definitely didn't feel it this morning at all. It was just that kind of morning when I didn't have time to finish my coffee before I had to leave for the bus, I accidentally dropped my phone while running at the gym and then forgot to bring a water bottled which resulted in a not ver happy and dehydrated Tilly all day...😔 Sort of felt like I could use another day of weekend but I assume that's a comprenehible feeling so close to the fall break - can you believe it's next week already? Lovely.
Last night my baby doll Vilma and I decided to get some sweets at the store and then spend the night with Carrie, Samantha, Miranda and Charlotte 😉 - such cozy way to finish up the weekend, right?
Have a good Monday darlings and let's get through this week together to finally deserve 9 lovely days off right?
/Kisses M


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