Good morning you!
Slept in a bit this morning after a tough week with plenty of school and workout sessions. Then daddy and I had morning coffee in front Modern Family on out new huge TV screen, haha it's insane(!!) Almost felt a bit like Lily in How I Met Your Mother when she's introduced to Barney's TV, haha - ever seen that espisode?
Then I had this incentive to bike over to the gym, run 10K and then bike home, haha... My legs were shaking at the end and I was seriously about to vomit I'm pretty sure but heeeey you know me, that won't stop me when I had like 2K left to go. About to get a shower and then use this amazing set from the Body Shop, Evelina got me for my birthday. I have several products of their products and I enjoy them to the fullest and especially now when I exercise more than before which of course includes more showers!:) And heeey HOW lovely are the facts that we did not only earn an extra hour today but a whole week off as well. Hell yeah. 
How are you spending your Sunday? 


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