My Valentine's Day
Happy Valentine's Day Bloggisen!❤️
Yesterday it was my daddy's 54th (!!!) birthday so the family had prepare the coziest bubblebath with music and candles for him when he arrived from work. Theb we had dinner and wine all together (except my little baby who got sparkling water in her glass😉.) My mom had (as always) made the tastiest dinner and desserts!
Now I just woke up, had some coffee and spent most of this mornig studying. In a few my grandma and her husband will come over to celebrate daddy. Tonight I'm having a date with my one and only - baby sister. We're gonna pick up food (chinese/thai/sushi), some chocolate and watch movies all night. Seems like a pretty darn good Valentine to me!❤️ What are you doing day?

From a few days ago at the summerhouse. Can't believe it's exactly 3 months left until summer (for us IB students) - can you believe it? I know exactly what I'm gonna do: go buy the like thickest book ever, drive out to the summerhouse and just read. Not to highlight or analyze shit, but simply just to read. And enjoy.
