Hi friends!
How are you today? In fact it took me a while to get my ass out of the bed but now I'm up!😃 It's a new year with new possibilities. Ughhh I actually hate new year resolutions because I believe it's silly to promise yourself to hit the gym more often or to skip the alcohol because if you those are your resolutions you might as well get started any day of the year and not January first. However a new year IS a good time to get started on something new... So yeah here I am having a black cup of coffee and a green smoothie consisting of all kinds of healthy and nutritious stuff in front of me. Let's see how this goes hehe...😃 I'm eating healthy on a regular basis and because I'm aware of how good it makes me feel it's definitely a good idea to skip the bad foods and stick to the healthy ones! Additionally I work out everyday and I've realized I need healthy food in order to manage! On top of all I'm the most stubborn and determined person I know so if I want to prove a point that I can manage a more healthy life I'll do so!😃
Do you have any resolutions?❤️
/Kisses M
