Happy Sunday, readers!<3
When I turned 19 my beloved friends got me something I wasn't even aware of existed - a smartbox. How clever to get someone an experience as a birthday gift as opposed to a physical item? And especially someone like me who loooooves trying out knew things! Today I actually extended the expire date since I would love to use it this summer when I'm free from all school obligations. I haven't decided which one to do yet - wine, coffee, chocolate tasting are only a few. Pretty sure I spot a cupcake class in there somewhere too. Also the experience is for me+1 so I'll have to choose carefully who to bring, hehe...;) For example it would be rude of me not to bring my mommy if it's chocolate, daddy if it's coffee or one of my friends if I pick the wine one... Too bad I don't have a boyfriend to spoil. Either way I was thinking to make a weekend of it, you know pick something up in Stockholm, drive up there and then spend the weekend. Sounds like a plan to me.
/Kisses M


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