Hi peeps!
After work I had some salmon and veggies for dinner before I had a workout. Now I just got back and I'm about to have a shower before I need to figure out what to wear for tomorrow night. It's drinks, music, friends and clubbing on the schedule after work so I need to come up with an outfit tonight already. Can't wait for an awesome Friday night coming up with heels, lashes, strawberry martinis, summer beats and laughter with my girls! How lovely?


Been doing a couple of errands this morning before I managed a work out. So satisfied I'm back again. It might sound cheesy but it's required for both my body and soul in order to function to the fullest!😃
Tonight Frida's throwing "Halv 8 hos mig" so it's a tasty dinner and lovely friends on the schedule tonight. Much needed - PEACE OUT,
Längtar tills de små men ändå synliga muskler letar sig tillbaka på både armar och ben som just nu varit jämförbara med spaghettis...😉


Water melon, mangos and raspberries I had today. Since the colors turned out to look absolutely gorgeous together I just had to take a picture. 
ATM: Was in a pretty cranky mood earlier today so I decided to just get out for a run and turn up the volume to max in my headphones and just let it all out. NOTHING or NO ONE can make me feel better than a hard workout. That's for sure. I'm glad I've found the antidote to shitty modes...;)

Morning workout

Mornin' babes,
Just finished up a much needed hard workout. Since I basically spent most of day in the sun or on the couch yesterday I definitely felt like starting this day off a more challenging way. About to get into the shower and get dressed before I'll head to Kungsbacka.
What are your plans for the day?


ATM: Finish this day up with a workout. Love going out running in the sunset because I rarely manage to do that. Oh well I usually catch the sunrise which I enjoy too. I guess I just have this very special relationship with the sun... We simply just understand each other...😉 
Now I'm gonna hit the shower, prepare some pictures of my new babies (yes, heels) for the blog as well as get my nails done. Oh how I love not having to deal with school for once. I so deserve it.

yellow n' purple

Goooood morning love bugs!!!!
I'm in such a good mood this morning! How are you doing? Today it's studying, math tutoring and voting for the EU-election on the schedule! Starting the day off the with a workout session to collect some much-needed energy. Later today I'll put up a post with questions from you guys!

Morning rituals

The perfect way to start off this Saturday morning. About to head to Chalmers with a couple of class mates soon. Maybe I'll go with mommy and daddy to the summerhouse later! What are your plans for the weekend?

Morning workout

Good morning crackers!
There are chem+physics finals today which means no classes for me - whiiie. Or who am I kidding? I'm stuck at home studying anyway, haha...;) I have my two first ones tomorrow, so nervous...
It's supposed to be 27 degrees out today so I decided to work out early this morning so it wouldn't be too hot. However it was pretty darn hot this morning too... Lovely though! Love enjoying the sun while working out.
Have a good one readers!

Workout inspoXX

Hey darlings!
When the weather's like this I get so inspired to work out!! Can't wait for the summer to be here already when it's enough to put a pair of spandex and a sports bra on when going out for a run! 

Late night thoughts

Godkväll på er kompisar!
What. A. Day. Since I was home early today I had planned to get plenty of homework done and so I did. Allowed myself two breaks in between though; one indoor workout and a driving session with daddy! I'm exhausted now so I think I'll cuddle up in bed, catch up on social media and then fall asleep the minute after.
However, just a late night thought: 
When I have more time I was thinking to write a post about the future. Yeah exactly about that scary-as-shit-yet-most-exciting word there is. The post will be about what my plans, dreams and hopes for the future are. I mean there are so many question marks on that point, isn't it? Where to live? What to do? What to major in? Although I have a (much needed) extra year of gymnasium to figure things out I'd better start giving it a thought you know... Where do you guys want to end up?

Nya, snabba dojjor

As the workout addict I am there's nothing that can make me happier than this - new running shoes! It's the exact same model I've always been running in, ASICS GT-2000, however they always come in a slightly new look. It's the most comfortable running shoe I've ever worn. And also it seemed fun with a new, pink water bottle/protein shaker. About to head out for a run to try these bad boys out. Can't wait!

Back to reality

Good morning fellllllas!
While running this morning I noticed that it indeed really feels like summer at this point. Not only the fact that it was about 15 degrees at 6:30am, but the flowers, the smell - everything. The sun wasn't out this morning and I thought it was convenient because that would have made it much more difficult to spend the whole day in the classrooms of Hvitfeldtska... 
Omw to school now and I believe I'm meeting up with my tutor at 4ish so I'm facing a long day. Kramis och pussis,
En riktigt fräsch och inte alls tomatröd Tilly har vi här...😉

Gimme a break

Hi lovies!
How's your day going? I was going to spend the day shopping with my baby girl Vilma but I realized I have tons of homework to get done so unfortunately I couldn't go with her...😔 However now I had it up to here with cost curves and cosine rules... I need a break! So I'm heading out for a run. My plans for tonight aren't really settled yet but I'm exhausted so I wouldn't mind a night at home. 
I have several questions I haven't put up answers for yet so I think I'll make a Q/A blog post later tonight.

Just ordered

Hey you all cutie pies!
Went to such a hard workout session at Elixia with Paula, called Powerpace. It basically consisted of different stations with different strengths such as arms, legs, back - you name it! All I can say is that I'm exhausted. But heeey you know me - I love it. And also that I really need to work on my arms. It would be fair to compare them with spaghettis at this point, haha...😉 Anyways, great way to finish up this Tuesday! Paula and I also signed up for a couple of other ones this week, both spinning and hot yoga (which I loooooove!) 
My friends were all going out tonight since Park Lane's throwing this spring event, however since I have a driving class tomorrow I couldn't come with them. Although it would be fun, I'm glad I didn't go. Partly because I'm exhausted and not in the mood for clubbing tonight but also because I have a buuuusy day coming up. I'll let you know tomorrow! Kisses,
Just ordered this LOVELY top from Nelly - can't wait to wear it already! Isn't it pretty?
You know how I told you how I rarely read other peoples' blogs which is pretty ironic since I'm blogging myself. However, lately I've created the habit to click in on a few ones and in fact I found the top here; www.carolineroxy.se
So therefore I guess I should continue to read blogs in order to get inspired, right!?😉
Here she is wearing it... The like most beautiful woman I've seen. Holy hell. And in addition I love her style and clothing - inspiration source #1

Gym på G

Hey love bugs!
How did you guys spend your day? I actually got a lot of homework done today. For some reason I haven't been able to concentrate for shit lately and I just realized today that it might was due to the fact that I've been busy with other stuff or just simply that I needed a few days off... Oh well now I'm back on track!
I just clean my room too. Holy hell you should have seen it. It was pretty darn bad, haha. However now it's all pretty and clean again. About to get dressed - Paula is picking me up in a few because we're going to the gym together. I never work out at the gym so I think I'll be fun!!! 
Puss på er,


As an IB-student (or any student?) it's lovely to wake up on Friday morning and knowing there are only a few classes left before the weekend. And this Friday is a little special too since we're having the campaign so it will be a busy day! For later today/tonight my plans aren't settled yet however tomorrow night it's drinks and laughter on the schedule with lovely people! Cheers for the weekend!
Enjoy your day babes!!! Love you,
Just got back from a morning workout with my favorite person! And on top of all we had the most beautiful view!

Work out

Hi peeps! Just got home from school and decided to work out immediately since it's still sunny outside. Unfortunately it's going to start raining again this weekend so I want to enjoy the sun as much as possible!!! How was you day lovies?
Just started out with some warm-up exercises and now I'll head out in the sun to later finish up with some strength and stretching as usual! What are your work out routines? 

I solnedgången

Despite sore muscles and cold air in the asthmatic lungs of mine today's run turned out to be gorgeous. I managed to catch the sunset so I had the most amazing view throughout my run. Now I just had a shower, some dinner and I'm about to cuddle up on the couch. 
Perfect way to finish up this Wednesday - how was your day?


Can't not even express my happiness right now... I JUST WENT OUT FOR THE FIRST RUN IN A WEEK - WIHO! My cough did actually say otherwise this morning but when I looked out the window and it's absolutely gorgeous outside I thought: "What the hell..." I enjoyed every second of it and it put me in such a good mood. I know some of you might think that one week without working out isn't the end of the world but to me it is. The amount of physical and mental energy it provides for me is outrageous.
Did I ever tell you about the five worst days of my life? I twisted my ankle really bad during a basketball game a few years ago and due to the huge swollen area the doctor put my entire leg in a cast for five days because he might thought I was broken... Fortunately it wasn't however those five days were the worst; I cried everyday because I just hated the feeling of being tramped and not being able to do things myself - I hate asking people for help. I didn't even go to school because I couldn't stand the thought of showing myself weak in front of my class mates... And the worst part was that I couldn't play basketball... Oh well it's just funny how addicted I am to constantly being active. I assume I need it in my life...
Nah, now I'm done sharing - time to hit the shower. PUSSSS PÅ ER,


Morning peeps!
I hope y'all are out of bed at this point and about to head out in the absolutely gorgeous weather. I just got back from the most perfect morning run and after finishing up my workout I realized how much energy I get from working out, both mentally and physically. It feels absolutely amazing. I was in sort of a bad mood this morning, but now I feel a lot better. 
Evelina asked me if I wanted to come watch an Innebandy game with her today, so I guess that's what where doing. Maybe Rebecca will come with us all well!
I'll update you later,

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