Publicerat 2014-11-30 18:16:15 i
Hi love bugs!❤️
To celebrate the first of advent Julia, Frida and I decided to do Jul på Liseberg and we had such a cozy time! Absolutely love all the Christmas lights, music and smell from hot chocolate. And on top of all it was a great chance for the three of us to catch up!
/Kisses Tilly
Publicerat 2014-11-30 11:11:39 i
Good morning guys!😃
Last night was awesome - we started off at Rebecca's with drinks and snacks and then headed all the way to Lerum to celebrate Jakob! Hopefully he had a good birthday - happy birthday again sweetie!
Now I've just cleaned up my embarrassingly messy room and had some coffee. It's an amazing morning out so mommy, daddy and I are heading out for a morning walk!
/Kisses Matilda
Publicerat 2014-11-29 16:46:43 i
Hejsan hoppsan bloggisen!
Fått flera frågor ifall jag kunde ta bilder på mitt gym då flera av er verkade lite sugna på att eventuellt skaffa gymkort där. Som ni kanske förstår pallar jag ej ta med kameran men knäppe faktiskt lite mobilbilder imorse då jag var där helt själv - hade känts lite skumt att ta bilder när folk gymmar då de kanske tror jag tar på dem, haha...😉 Iallafall såhär ser det ut!
/Kisses M
Publicerat 2014-11-29 07:34:22 i
It's been a long ass week so I was in fact longing for a relaxed Friday night. We had delicious chicken and parmesan for dinner and then Vilma and I cuddled on the couch until we fell asleep. Oh how I love my little doll!❤️
Today I have a busy day coming up - essays for IB to write, a workout session at the gym, and because it was my mom's birthday last night (HAPPY LATE BIRTHDAY MOMMY❤️) we're celebrating her with the extended family on her side this afternoon. Because her bday is so close to the first of Advent my mom likes to celebrate it with Christmas food, lussekatter, glögg, juleskum etc!😃 After that I'll put my falsies and heels on to hurry to Rebecca's place who's throwing the preparty for the night! My friend Jakob is turning 20 today (HAPPY BDAY CUTES) so later we'll head to his place to celebrate him!❤️
Time to hit the gym!
/Kisses M
Ska se ifall jag kan få upp denna lilla prinsessan för att hänka till gymmet men det är väl ytterst osannolikt eftersom att det är lördag och klockan är innan 12...😉
Publicerat 2014-11-27 17:04:00 i
Hejsan på er alla grymma!❤️
Hur mår ni idag?
Jag är faktiskt pretty darn taggad på livet idag. Har fått mycket gjort denna veckan och att vara tillbaka till träningen får mig att må såååå mycket bättre. Har dessutom en amazing helg coming up proppfull med roliga saker!😃 Vad ska ni hitta på?
Alltså kan vi dra en snabb diskussion, eller ah diskussion och diskussion - snarare, jag säger min starka åsikt om ett aktuellt ämne?😉 SPICE! Just nu känns det som det är överallt; i tidningen, nyheterna, Facebook, någon kompis som har en kompis vars kusin som testat... You get the hint. Om jag inte misstagit mig så är det en mindre känd drog som uppenbarligen visar olika effekter då drogen ibland innehåller slightly olika ämnen? Och det är detta som gör den så farlig? EITHER WAY, till min åsikt då. Folk som menar på att det är SÅ SYND om dessa människor som råkat illa ut pga använt denna "okända" drog. Med all respekt mot folk som har gått bort pga av drogen givetvis, MEN ÄRLIGT TALAT - jag har oerhört svårt att tycka synd om någon som är så sjukt jädra korkad att man använder droger in the first place? Alltså vart finns logiken i att det är synd om dessa människor isåfall? Människor på vår jord dör av obotliga sjukdomar som cancer eller AIDS. DEM är det det synd om.
Givetvis finns det människor som mår psykiskt dåligt och därför använder droger. Men intrycket jag fått är att Spice är lite av en partydrog som mestadels används av uttråkade ungdomar? Call me old-fashion, men det finns faktiskt andra sätt att ha kul på. Är man pantad nog att använda droger och sedan råkar illa ut så har jag väldigt svårt att tycka synd om denna personen. Faktiskt.
Jag undrar varför man testar? Uttråkad? Grupptryck? Ifall det är det sistnämnda tycker jag det är bullshit. Jag är 19 bast och har aldrig satt en cigarett i min mun. EVER. Det går. Och jag är minst lika ball som alla andra på festen som röker - tycker jag iallafall, hahah😉
PUUUH, nu var den bomben släppt. Thank God. Sådana saker faktiskt rent av - PISSES ME OFF! Vad tycker ni?
Ha en bra kväll snyggingar!
Publicerat 2014-11-26 16:54:50 i
Hi love bugs!
It's been a long ass day - I've been active for 12 hours straight in which I got up at 5am to hit the gym and now I just finished school at 5pm...
ATM: On my way home to treat myself with some relaxing time - maybe a bubblebath? Or a movie? We'll see!😉
Hope everything's well with you!❤️
/Kisses M
Such pretty view at Hvitfeldtska today - the perks of still being in school at sunset!
Publicerat 2014-11-25 21:11:22 i
Hi you!❤️
Today after school I've managed to spot the sun for the first time in like forever (it's amazing how the light puts one in such good mood), order my ticket to SUMMERBURST, rewrite parts of my English assignment as well as biked down to the gym for a hard workout! Love those days when you feel like you've gotten your shit done!😄
Tomorrow it's midweek again already and I can't believe it's less than a month left for Christmas... Time indeed flies! Looking forward to the weekend which is full of plans already!
How are you doing?❤️
/Kisses M
Publicerat 2014-11-25 13:20:25 i
Publicerat 2014-11-24 07:50:40 i
Idag är dagen då de äntligen ska vara klara med byggarbetet vid Chalmers vilket betyder att man inte behöver göra världens detour i hela Göteborgs stad ifall man bestämmer sig för att ta bilen till skolan - lovely! Idag är också dagen då jag sprungit mig svettig på springbandet på gymmet för första gången på en HEL vecka och det är också värt att firas tillsammans med det faktum att mitt äckliga gymnasiearbete för IB som jag började på i somras äntligen skickades in igårkväll. Detta är en grym jäkla dag faktiskt. Även det faktum att jag fick till bästa parkeringen efter gymmet imorse är tecken på att denna dagen kommer rocka. Ni vet ungefär som när man ska ut på krogen och lyckas sätta på lösögonfransarna helt perfekt - då jädrar blir det en bra kväll!😃
Nä nu ska jag get ready for the day - ha en finfin dag lovers!❤️
Publicerat 2014-11-23 11:58:13 i
Hi love bugs!❤️
Today I feel nothing more than I deserve. Last night was amazing though - exactly what I needed after a tough week in school. Plenty of drinks, music and laughter until 3 in the morning with a bunch of people! I spent the night at Klara's and now I just got home. I have a shit-load of homework to deal with so I'm about to make some more coffee and get started.
What are you doing today?❤️
A bunch of oldies from when I threw a drink night for the ladies in May!❤️
Publicerat 2014-11-22 13:24:52 i
Hi love bugs!❤️
Had about 13 hours of sleep last night - haha say what? I assume my body needed that though since I've been sick.
Started off the day with coffee and a couple of hours on this assignment for economics. Daddy managed to help me a lot - the perks with his job😉
Now I just got ready and am on my way in to the city to have coffee with a friend! Then the plans are to hit the gym for a couple of hours and then get ready for the night! Klara's having a bunch of people over for drinks which I'm looking forward to big time!😃
/Kisses M
Publicerat 2014-11-21 18:57:26 i
Throwback to the most lovely brunch we threw for my baby sister when she turned 15 in May! Definitely craving most of the things up there atm!😃
Publicerat 2014-11-21 10:23:50 i
Absolutely loooove this dress! New Year's maybe?😃
Publicerat 2014-11-20 06:31:57 i
Hi you guys!❤️
Sat as usual having my morning coffee with a black dark view outside. At that point it occurred to me what life I used to have - in Cali. A typical weekend morning for me would be to go up, workout and then maybe take my host family's dog, little Tobey, down town to get coffee at Starbucks for like 20kr... I remember how I always had to repeat my name since Matilda isn't a very common name over there so after a couple of months I gave in and told them to put "Tilly" on the cup instead, hahah... Oh those were the days!❤️
Wish you a happy Thursday!
Publicerat 2014-11-19 17:13:32 i
Hi readers and happy Wednesday!❤️
How are you today? I'm a bit bummed because I cannot workout during the time I'm on antibiotcis. And you know what happens to me in that sense... Last night I was all over the house singing, dancing, talking and simply acted a pain in the ass to my family because I have tons of energy I need to get rid of, hahaha...😔 Can't wait to be back at the gym once I'm better and for some hard work!
/Kisses M
SB 2015
Publicerat 2014-11-18 18:05:34 i
HI DOLLS!❤️ (Sorry for assuming your femininity but I really get the impression that mostly girls are following my blog - but maybe that's a wrong assumption to make? Boys - speak up now or forever hold your peace😉)
As most of you've heard - they just released the big news that Avicii is playing on Summerburst 2015 - can you believe it? Hence I immediately decided to go there next year as well since last year was absolutely amazing!😃
Här kommer världens bildbomb från SB2014!
Dagsfylla, världens bästa vänner, dånande musk och skratt, Summerburst 2015 - BRING IT!😃
Publicerat 2014-11-18 13:11:16 i
Hur mår ni idag, alla fina?❤️ Är redan påväg hem från skolan vilket känns amazing. Ska käka lunch, dricka kaffe och sedan få lite plugg gjort! Börjar ju känna mig bättre pga antibiotikan, så saknar redan att träna hela sjukt mycket. Tyvärr dröjer det nog ett tag tills jag är tillbka på gymmet igen eftersom att träna med halsfluss är ca det dummaste man kan göra...
Hoppas ni får en grym dag!😃
Publicerat 2014-11-17 16:42:01 i
Hi friends!❤️ - how are you today?
Just got on the bus home and it's pouring outside and although it's only 4:30 it's already dark - uugghh really just feel like getting inside. Since I'm still sick I felt a bit like a zombie today just walking from one class to another... Hopefully I'll feel better soon though since I'm on antibiotics. Amazing news about school though - this is my last very though week before Christmas which feels amazing because IB had it out of me there for a while, hehe...😃 So hopefully I can get my social life back haha - you've been missed. You have no idea!❤️
/Kisses M❤️
Två härliga från några månader sedan - wouldn't mind this now.
ViFurry Jacket
Publicerat 2014-11-16 16:25:00 i
Basically in love with this gorgeooooous jacket... I've already got like five black ones because I simply can't have enough of them.This one's from Vila, Nelly and would go great with my Nike's, Vans, Primes, heels - you name it <3 Let's see if I can control myself when it comes to this one...;)
Publicerat 2014-11-16 13:18:48 i
Absolutely love my new sweater from H&M (size XS). It's super cozy and warm which is perfect for fall! It comes in this brownish color and also in grey!<3
Publicerat 2014-11-15 12:21:31 i
Hi cutes! How are you?❤️
I hope you're doing better than me... Woke up soaked in sweat, with a terribly sore throat and a banging headache... Ugh I neither feel like, nor have time to deal with this shit now.
Last night, it was only Vilma and I home since everyone else was away so my little angel made us tacos. Then we cuddled up on the couch until I fell asleep!❤️
What are you doing this weekend?
/Kisses Tills
Publicerat 2014-11-14 18:17:06 i
Hi cutes!❤️
So relieved it's Friday and since this week has been so busy it literally flew by. My friend's throwing a party tonight and I really wanted to go however I woke up with a super sore throat and a fever but dragged my ass school anyways because I had to make a presentation for Swedish and to take a math test... Oh, I'm such a fighter... Or really just stupid idk😉 I was literally shaking on the bus on my way home so I guess I'm staying in tonight😔
What are your plans for tonight?❤️ My baby sister just got home so we're about to make tacos for dinner depending on how much I can slip down my terribly sore throat, and then cuddle up in front of a movie!
Publicerat 2014-11-14 15:11:15 i
Publicerat 2014-11-13 12:19:21 i
Hi loves! ❤️
I'm on my way home from school already since I finished at lunch today - lovely! Last night I fell asleep at 8pm (!!!!) hahaha... I was exhausted from the night before since I had like 3 hours of sleep. But since I went to bed early I decided to get up early to work out before school so I did. I'm starting to get a sore throat though and I'm begging this won't result in a cold because I just can't handle it at this point. But I guess I've got myself to blame - walking around with bare legs on Tuesday night as well as lack of sleep isn't the best combination!😔
Hope you'll have a lovely day!
/Kisses M
Publicerat 2014-11-12 18:21:02 i
Hi cutes!
Last night it was all about the masquerade ball to celebrate that it's only 200 days left for Graduation!!! Karro came over to my place to get ready together as usual and then we had a couple of drinks together before we headed to Leah's to pre-party with all the adorable girls in my grade. The night turned out to inlcude a bit of everthing, you know; too many shots, dancing, some drama but above everything - plenty of laughter!:) Unfortunately I didn't take any pictures from the actual event last night which I regret to the fullest since everyone looked so good in their masks. However I did shot some of the drinks Karro and I had.
Hope all of you who attended the event had a good night and ended up having a mystery kiss from a secret admirer in a masquerade ball-mask, hahah ;)
/Kisses M
Publicerat 2014-11-12 14:22:22 i
After a night out, 3 hours of sleep and a school day - there's no place I'd rather be!❤️
Publicerat 2014-11-11 13:32:37 i
Publicerat 2014-11-10 21:32:48 i
Hejsan älsklingar!
Just krypit ner i sängen efter en lång dag som jag och min syster bestämde oss för att avsluta på gymmet för ett kvällspass. Så nu är jag sådär härligt avslappnad i hela kroppen!😃 Imorgon blir det en kort dag i skolan innan jag ska hem och få en del plugg gjort innan min favvo Karro kommer över! Vi ska fixa oss för kvällen och sedan åka på förfest med ett helt gäng brudar från klassen! Några glas senare ska vi bege oss in mot stan med masquerade-ball maskerna i högsta hugg för att gå på 200-dagarsfesten! Som den fuskis jag är tjuvstartade jag ju redan och var med på förra årets masquerade-ball och får väl hoppas att årets blir minst lika grym...
Nighty, love bugs!❤️
Jag och bästa Hanna för precis ett år sedan!
2 W A N T I E S
Publicerat 2014-11-10 16:10:06 i
Publicerat 2014-11-09 11:51:01 i
Good morning to you!❤️
My absolute favorite thing to do on Sunday mornings is to get up, have coffee and then hit the gym. Typically it's not very many people at the gym at that time and today it was only me and the cleaning lady, haha!😃 Did a terribly challenging abdominal session today. Now I just had some brunch and have pleeeenty of stuff for school to get done before Tuesday when I'll treat myself with a night out. Polhem, Hvit and Rudebecks are throwing the 200-days-until-Graduation party and it's masquerade ball theme - HOW cool?
Publicerat 2014-11-08 11:32:30 i
Such a cozy morning waking up at the summerhouse despite the dull weather outside. In fact I actually don't mind the cold when there's a fireplace and hot coffee to drink!😃 How are you spending your Saturday cuties?❤️
Publicerat 2014-11-07 21:51:28 i
Hi cutes!
Daddy and I arrived to the summerhouse at 7:30ish whereupon we immediately made a fire since it was freezing cold. Then we got started on dinner - shrimps and white wine was on the menu, my absolute favorite. Now we're both stuffed and are finishing up our wine in front of the fireplace.
Hope you're enjoying your Friday night!
/Kisses M❤️
Publicerat 2014-11-07 16:00:10 i
Hi cutes!
Literally had the worst luck this morning! Set the alarm on 5:10 to get up and work out before school and the bus just decided not to come? So I had to run all the way to the gym in like 2 degrees weather with two overloaded bags like a crazy person at 5:30 in the morning, hahaha...😃
Now I just got home from school and will go to the summerhouse with daddy. Hopefully we'll have shrimps and wine for dinner like I wished for.
Have a lovely Friday!
/Kisses M
Bjuder på en liten fredagspose!😉
Publicerat 2014-11-06 16:46:47 i
Hej på er, mina hjärtan!❤️
Denna dagen går väl lite sådär, to be honest. Hade en lång dag i skolan, det har varit kallt som satan och jag är väl sådär allmänt torsdags-trött. Längtar tills jag kommer in i värmen då jag ska ta mig något att äta, samt varmt att dricka och ta tag i plugg. Hoppas ni haft en bra dag, fina ni!😃
/xx Tilly
Publicerat 2014-11-05 20:48:46 i
Hi faves!❤️
Just got back from a brief tour to the city to spend some time with Karro. We spent some time looking for masks for the masquerade-ball coming up next week. Can you believe there are only 200 days left for Graduation? Lovely!😃
Now I'm all cuddled up on the couch to watch some TV before hitting the sack. Nighty lovers!
It has been freeeezing out today and in fact I wouldn't be surprised if we might have our first snow pretty darn soon. Missing these lovely days by the lake though...
Publicerat 2014-11-05 12:53:34 i
Publicerat 2014-11-04 16:37:10 i
Have this new thing for almond milk - ever tried it? First time I had it I really didn't like it however after a couple of times I started to enjoy it even more and now I love it. It basially tastes like milk but a bit sweeter and who doesn't like sweet?:-)
Publicerat 2014-11-04 07:28:55 i
Hej på er favoriter!
Precis gjort mig iordning och ska hämta upp mina lamm Alex&Max med bilen och sen åka till skolan. Har en kort dag framför mig så ska försöka få in ett långt träningspass samt massa plugg.
Ha en bra dag!❤️
Publicerat 2014-11-03 16:16:12 i
Happy Monday fellas!❤️
Kinda bummed that the break has passed already but no point in making a big deal out of that, huh? Spend a much needed hour (or in fact less since I'm down at 54 minutes for the 10K at this point😉) at the gym this morning before I headed to school.
How's your day been?
/Kisses Matilda
A brief little recap of the fall break!❤️
Blondes DO have more fun
Publicerat 2014-11-02 20:32:39 i
Hej gullisarna!❤️
I veckan fick jag ett sådant där ryck att bli lite blondare igen. En av nackdelarna av att flytta hem från Californien såklart - håret är inte naturligt blondt året om. Japp, så därför la jag i några blonda slingor i fredags. Älskar verkligen känslan efteråt - så fräscht!😃 och ni vet ju vad man säger - Blondes Do Have More Fun!😉
Puss på er,

Publicerat 2014-11-02 11:00:37 i
Good morning you guys!
This break just flew by and we'll be back at school tomorrow already? Say whaaaat. This also means I'll be busy studying all day... Hopefully I'll manage a break in between to hit the gym!
How are you spending this Sunday?❤️
/Kisses Tilly
Publicerat 2014-11-01 16:16:58 i
Hi favorites!
Vilma dragged her poor old, hungover sister for a run (!!!) this morning. Can't believe I even managed to although it did feel great to come outside in the decently good weather. Other than that my day hasn't been too eventful and I might as well just let this be a lazy day, cuddling on the couch.
Publicerat 2014-11-01 11:19:12 i
Morning lovers!
How's it going? I'm feeling nothing else than I deserve this morning since Malin threw a Halloween party last night. Let's just say I was introduced to new sides of my best friends for the very first time, haha...
About to make myself some coffee and then hopefully drag my baby sister outside for a walk to get this day going!
Rebecca, Evelina and Malin.
The little devil for the night...
Rebecca and I.
Rebecca and Evelina.
Jacob and Sebastian. (I think... hahaha)
Rebecca, Evelina and Malin.
Malin aka the hostess - how pretty, haha... ;)