Hej solstrålar!❤️
Först och främst måste jag säga att det är så jädra kul att så många av er fortfarande är kvar här trots att jag dragit ner på bloggandet rejält - superkul. Idag har jag hunnit med att göra ett 2 timmar långt prov i psychology vilket betyder att jag är klar med 8/10 prov av mock exams - yey go me!
Efter det har jag hunnit med ett rejält jobbigt pass på gymmet - så obeskrivligt härligt att vara tillbaka efter tre ofrivilliga vilodagar då plugg, plugg and guess what? PLUGG kommit emellan. Så körde 40 min cardio med intervaller och sedan ett magpass - much needed! Åkte sedan och köpte Coca-Cola samt isglass till min lillasyster som gått och blivit sjuk, stackarn! Nu sitter jag med en stor skål kvarg och ska slappa ett tag. Har även hunnit med att fixa biljetter till 100-dagarsfesten idag som håller hus på Park Lane nästa onsdag - beyond excited.
/PUSSS Matilda W

Fått lite frågor angående hatten - den är från H&M!!😃

Today it's exactly three months left until my second Senior Prom - can you believe it? I'm such a lucky girl who gets to experience Prom and Graduation twice in my life in two completely different cultures with completely different traditions. Can't wait for May to be here already:
❤️On May 13 I'll be done with my last exam and International Baccalaureate forever
❤️On May 16 I'm going to France with my beloved girl friends
❤️On May 24 it's Prom for Hvitfeldtska at Clarion Post Hotel
❤️On May 29-30 it's Summerburst
❤️On June 3 I'm graduating
I don't know about you but fuck Carpe Diem - it's the future that motivates me.
n i n e t e e n
Hi you!
How are you!?😃 I'm doing amazing today, despite lack of sleep and consumption of alcohol last night - like does that ever happen? I had an amazing time at Julia's last night and didn't fell asleep until 3ish(!!!) This morning I made the tasiest banana scones for the first time. I'm gonna post the recipe because they were heavenly delicious, healthy and super easy to make. Now I just got back from a much needed walk in the lovely sun with my parents.
About to make some coffee and prepare for the 6 upcoming tests next week - hoping everything is well with you, sweeties!❤️

Here's the 19-year old! Beyond gorgeous as always - happy birthday u little fool!❤️
Cinnamon Latte
Morning Sweethearts!
This and next week are the weeks of mock exams, which indicates that I'll write 10 exams in 6 school days, hehe... Oh well good practice for May in which I'll be writing 18... On Thursday I had one and yesterday 3(!!!) can you believe I sat down and wrote exams for 6 hours in total yesterday? Haha... UGH. Felt a bit dizzy afterwards I can tell you. And right after school I stopped by the gym for a workout before heading home. Sometimes I wonder how I manage. Let's just say I bascially fell asleep while reading last night and passed out before 9...
Now I just got back from the gym, had a long hot shower and put on a sweatshirt. I also made myself the like hugest coffee because I've been craving one since like 3pm yesterday - literally had a headache every since and now I had one zip and it all goes away? Raise your hand if you're an addict. Tastes like heaven though, I can tell you!<3
About to get started on homework since I'm taking 6 tests next week. Tonight I'm going over to Julia's to celebrate her 19th birthday with a bunch of fun (!!) people. Lookin' forward to it.
/Kisses Matilda W

For y'all coffee drinkers - this in an amazing homemade cinnamon latte. Super easy and tasty. Simply just two shots of espresso, foamed hot milk and cinnamon on top.
Le Pain Francais
Hi love bugs!❤️
Yesterday, mommy decided I had enough of studying so she took me and Vilma to the city where we spent several of hours. Fridays in the city are always the best despite the grey and cold weather. First we did some shopping and then stopped for a coffee at cozy Le Pain Francais!😃

My Valentine's Day
Happy Valentine's Day Bloggisen!❤️
Yesterday it was my daddy's 54th (!!!) birthday so the family had prepare the coziest bubblebath with music and candles for him when he arrived from work. Theb we had dinner and wine all together (except my little baby who got sparkling water in her glass😉.) My mom had (as always) made the tastiest dinner and desserts!
Now I just woke up, had some coffee and spent most of this mornig studying. In a few my grandma and her husband will come over to celebrate daddy. Tonight I'm having a date with my one and only - baby sister. We're gonna pick up food (chinese/thai/sushi), some chocolate and watch movies all night. Seems like a pretty darn good Valentine to me!❤️ What are you doing day?

From a few days ago at the summerhouse. Can't believe it's exactly 3 months left until summer (for us IB students) - can you believe it? I know exactly what I'm gonna do: go buy the like thickest book ever, drive out to the summerhouse and just read. Not to highlight or analyze shit, but simply just to read. And enjoy.
50 shades of grey

Decided to match the weather today - fifty shades of grey!😃

Can't believe it's Thursday already - time flies faster than I would like it too. About to hit the gym and spend rest of this day studying. Only 3 months left of this hell - then I'll be free from IB for the rest of my life. What a bliss.
Have a lovely day!
Hi bloggisen!<3
As you may notice it's possible for me to update more frequently when I'm off school, which is exciting because I also enjoy it more when I don't have to stress thorugh it!
On Sunday, grandma came over and my mommy hade made the most adorable minisemlor. Due to all kinds of allegries in my family they were both gluten and lactose free.
Started out this day at the gym, running intevalls for half an hour and finished up with an abdominal session. UGH, it's so freaking hard, haha... Pretty sure I was close to puking at one point. But as always, it feels amazaing afterwards - prolly not tmro though because I most likely won't be able to neither laugh nor cough without pain, hehe... ;)
Now I just made myself some homemade tea - boiled water, lemon and ginger. So easy, so tasty, so healthy. About to get get back to homework - mock exams are coming up after the sports break so it's basically up to me what to study; economics, psychology, biology, maths, Swe/Eng Lit. That's the pretty part of International Baccalaureate - there's always something to do;)
Tonight I'll go over to Frida's place who's throwing a drink's night - much needed.

Sports Break
The week is 7/52 of 2015 and I couldn't be any more pleased that we're off school for 9 (!!!) days. Hands down for the amazing dude who invented sports break. Absolutely lovely and convenient. Set the alarm at 7 this morning, dragged my poor little sister up who's most likely wouldn't have gotten out of bed before lunch time if it was for her to decide. Then we spent a good hour at the gym before we headed back home to gather a few things since daddy and the two of us are spending this gorgeous day out at the summerhouse!😃 Tomorrow, all girls are gathering at Frida's for drinks night - we're all bringing all kinds of alcohol, limes, fruits, juices, ice etc. Obviously stoked for this and beyond happy to hang out with all the girls again.
How are you spending this day?

Dinner by the Fireplace
Hi lovers!<3
Yesterday my dad and I decided to go out to the summerhouse to celebrate that the break is finally here. So we had shrimps, veggies, grilled cheese and wine for dinner - delicious. In fact, I think that's one of my absolute favorite dishes. We spent the night and day there as well and I got plenty of homework done which was much needed. When we got back to the city, I immediately had a shower and got dressed before Julia picked me and Rebecca up to go to the city for a late coffee - super cozy with my little love birds.
/Matilda W