I mina hörlurar
So this weekend I realized my spotify playlist needs to step it up. It just came to that point where I hated all of the songs on it, you know? So today on the bus on my way home (I only had one class today...) I google/search for new songs and I found loads!!!! Ellie Goulding is definitely one of the favorites at the moment - her songs are great and I really enjoy her sort of rare voice.

So last night we pregamed at Frida's house with candles/music just the girls which was so cozy before we went out. It was my first time to the night club Valand and it was so much fun! The place was super crowded and I met loads of people there I knew from before. The music was also really good so we danced all night...
As you can see my outfit for the night was: black jeans, a sort of glittery belt and a blue/green colored top from Abercrombie and Fitch with an open back.

Hi loves!
Right now I'm on my way to Frida's so I'm waiting for Red Express to come at Rosenlund and since it's right by the water the view is gorgeous - look!
I was in sort of a hurry, but I'll put up pictures of my outfit tomorrow. GAAAAH STILL CAN'T BELIEVE I'M 18!!!!!

Ändrade planer
Change of plans - yup, that's the way to describe it. I hade decided earlier this week to have a so-called white weekend and not drink in order to be extra excited for my birthday party that comes up later next weekend. But then Frida texted me asking if I wanted to go out with her Anna, Hanna and Linn and thought: WHY THE HELL NOT? I'M 18. So yeah, that's what's happening tonight. We're going to Valand where I've never been to before so I'm extra excited!!!!
Today was just the usual: Morning run ---> homework. Rebecca's coming over to my house soon and we'll go out for a walk and probably watch Evelina's soccer game.
I was just going through some pictures from summer and realized that I already miss my tan so much. How am I gonna make it in Sweden this year? I'm a Cali-girl obviously...

Tack och lov för Fredagar
After school today I took the most beautiful walk along the Avenue to meet up with Rebecca at Kungsportplatsen. This day has been absolutely goregous and although it's been freezing, the sun has been out all day so I don't mind this cold weather at all actually. Tonight I have the entire house for myself - wiho. Not that I'm gonna do anything exciting, but it's just so relaxing sometimes.
I'm just gonna finish up blogging, change into something more comfortable and then spend a couple of hours studying. After that I'm taking a relaxing bath and then I'm probably just gonna watch Sex And the City since I got the whole box for my birthday. I've been so tired all day, so I'm gonna try to get to bed early too.

Födelsedag del två
My mom hade made me such a delicious birthday dinner yesterday with champange! My daddy took this picture of me drinking it LEGALLY from the bottle, haha...
After dinner Alexander came to my house to join us for dessert and to give me my birthday kiss... :)
My day was absolutely perfect and I'm sososo greatful for all the birthday wishes/songs/gifts!

Hey babes!
My family woke me up this morning with beautiful gifts and during the day today Jenni took me to this awesome American creamery where we had American pancakes with maple syrup!
My friends also sang me the english happy birthday song in school, as well as the swedish one! AHHHG this day has been awesome AND there's still yet to come...

Liten blir stor
Today was a pretty typical day in school except that I hung out with Andreas for a while during my gap hour - always such a great time. I worked out when I came home, but other than that I spent most of this night on homework in order to be all free tomorrow...
Much love to you all!

Pälsen är på
The minute a put my homework down last night, Sebastian texted me asked me if I wanted to watch our friend's soccer game at 8 and I said yes. So I put on warm clothing and went with him and they won - YEY!
I woke up to the most gorgeous sky ever this morning - all pink! Look! But it's also freezing today so I'm wearing my fur on top of my leather jacket for the first time this year too... Yup, I'm definitely not in California anymore.

Latte, baby
Tuesday - I don't like math, I don't like tests, I motherfucking hate math tests. And especially at 5pm in the afternoon, godammit.
Other than that my day has been decent, but I honestly just needs it to be Thursday and my BIRTHDAY already...
I'm gonna cheer today's homework up a little with an extremely tasty Nespresso Latte and a pink, comfy bed...
Enjoy your evening, my friends!

Fördelen med två systrar
So yeahyeah, I love both of my sisters and all of that but practically it's AWESOME to be three girls in a family - and especially to be the very middle one. You know when you have those days when you go through all of your clothes and find NOTHING? At that point I have two extra closets to go through before I can have that mental break-down, haha...
Today I'm wearing Vilma's black leather pants, Josefine's new SUPER COZY sweater and Josefine's boots. It wouldn't surprise me if I'm wearing one of Vilma's bras too, haha...

So I haven't really mentioned what I'm doing for my 18th birthday yet. On the actual day (Thursday) I think I'm having dinner (AND WINE BECAUSE I CAN) at home. I am throwing a party for my friends too, but that's not until later. I'm having the girls over for dinner and pregame and later boys will join us too. I'll provide dessert for everyone though, which this time will be cupcakes! I pretty much suck at everything that has to do with decoration and such, but I have a lot of friends and two sisters who are very creative. I've downloaded apps with cupcakes recipes and I'm also gonna google a little but I do want some chocolate and colored (mostly pinks) ones. I would love to make red velvet cupcakes as well. There are SUPER good and SUPER popular in the US, but I'm not certain I can find the cake mix I need in order to make them here in Sweden... I'll look it up.

It's the week of my birthday - finally!!!! I had coffee out of my new coffee cup I got from my aunt yesterday. This weekend I decided to have my blog as my CAS-points for creativity, so I'm gonna do that and have my lovely ex-host mom, Maureen as my super visor!

Today we had about 20 people at our house to celebrate Josefine's and my birthdays. Mommy had made super tasty spinach&cheese pies and then lemon&raspberry cheesecakes for dessert. YUMMI!

It really feels like it was a while ago I partied so last night was FUN! There were a lot of people at Jacob's so that was great. Julia, Evelina and I went there together and I mostly hung out with Julia during the night. Cheers for a fun hungover now....

Me, myself and the calculator
Unfortunatley I didn't end up going to Kevin's last night because Rebecca and Evelina couldn't make it and I didn't feel like going all the way to Landvetter all by myself at that hour. They seemed to have a good time though so that was a bummer...
BUT that means that I'm not hungover and tired today so I can get a lot of math done. My first test comes up on Tuesday so I need to put a lot of effort into it. Martin and I are studying on Monday in hope to be as prepared as possible.
This morning I ran the usual 8 before I put on some Country music and cuddled up in my huge bed with the outrageously heavy math book of mine. Right now I'm having a coffee and blog break, but I'm soon gonna get back to the hell.
Tonight, Jacob's having a party at his house so that will hopefully be a lot of fun!

Knästrumpor och klänning
Hey babes!
The weather app was so confusing today so I decided to wear a dress, though with super warm high knee socks, boots and a warm scarf. Now I'm on my way home to work out and do homework. I've already made a lot of plans this weekend so I'm just gonna have to squeeze in some homework anywhere I can basically.
I'm also trying to figure out what to wear tonight - hm... I AM SUPER EXCITED THOUGH!

Äntligen Fredag
Good morning to you, my friends! Happy it's Friday today again, I assume?
I'm on the bus on my way home from Alexander's to get my stuff for school. I go from 9:30-2:30 so it's not too bad. Rebecca gets off at 3, so I think I'll meet up with her afterwards to later work out, hopefully have a family dinner and tonight I'm invited to a party to a guy, Kevin, who's in the IB programme with me. I'll most likely bring Rebecca and Evelina. Tomorrow night my friend, Jacob, is throwing something at his house with all of my very close friends. On Sunday Josefine and I will have a birthday party for the family, grandma, cousins and etc since it's the weekend between our birthdays! Other than that I'm just gonna work out/study this weekend.
Look at this gorgeous sunrise I caught on way to Alexander's bus stop.
Have an awesome Friday!

There are some requirements in order to receivto your IB Diploma and one of them is to have so-called CAS (creativity, activity and service.) You have to been involved in all of these so I was thinking to have running for activity, Amnesty for service and either singing lessons or my blog for creativity. So today at 5pm I had my first Amnesty meeting. We got off school at 3:50 so Martin, Carl, Alex and I watched our friends in art doing this task where they completely colored Max up - haha! Then we attended the meeting and now I just got home.

Happy Birthday to my beloved big sister who turns 20 today! Can't believe it! Have an awesome day at school and enjoy being 20!!! LOVE YOU!

California King Bed
So last weekend my family decided to go a little crazy and swipe things around a little in the house...
The result was that I ended up with a 180 cm bed and I ain't complaining.
Look how big and comfy it looks? A PRINCESS BED FOR A PRINCESS!
Have a great Tuesday lovely friends!

The result was that I ended up with a 180 cm bed and I ain't complaining.
Look how big and comfy it looks? A PRINCESS BED FOR A PRINCESS!
Have a great Tuesday lovely friends!

Hösten är här
As usual, I put my alarm at 7am this morning to work out. I literally went up, looked out the window and said "NO FREAKING WAY" and went straight back to bed.
It has been pouring all day and I've been freezing my ass off despite long pants and long sleeve shirt... Just missing those beautiful mornings so much already... Our Swedish teacher also made us write poems about fall today too :( CALIFORNIA - TAKE ME HOME!
BUT I did get off at 2pm today so I'm already on my way home.

It has been pouring all day and I've been freezing my ass off despite long pants and long sleeve shirt... Just missing those beautiful mornings so much already... Our Swedish teacher also made us write poems about fall today too :( CALIFORNIA - TAKE ME HOME!
BUT I did get off at 2pm today so I'm already on my way home.

... as fuck right now. Although I did get a whole bunch of things done this weekend (loads of homework) I just feel like I barely got any rest at all and tomorrow it's school again...
Oh well, it's only 11 days left for my birthday so that's exciting!!!
Now I think I'm gonna make some tea and just cuddle on the couch all night, maybe watch like HIMYM or something.
The pictures are from Friday and I put a black and white filter on, which I found kinda cool...
Take care!

Överraskade av norrmän
So last summer Josefine, Rebecca, Sandra and I got to know a bunch of super nice guys from Norway and since Josefine and her friend Emma had their 20th birthday party yesterday they had invited them to come to Sweden for the party. Since they didn't even respond to Facebook event we figured they simply just couldn't make it, which would make sense since they are so far away. But then Sigve and Ole call me and say they're in the parking lot and want me and Rebecca to meet them up and without telling Josefine about it. So we totally surprised her and she got so happy and I was so excited to hang out with our favorite Norwegien guys again!!!!

Alla blir 18...
Literally though, all of my friends went out after Jade and Johanna's dinner/pregame last night but me. Alexander came to hangout with me a while though, so I wasn't all alone...
Today I think I might go with my mom and dad to the beach house after I've finished blogging and working out. I have loads of homework to get done this weekend so I think I'll work on that.
Tonight my big sister and her friend Emma are having their 20th birthday party so I think I'll go to that.

Hår donut
What's up loves?
Last night I decided to wear my hair up in a donut. I find it really pretty but never gotten me the time to actually do it when I go out. What do you all think?

Daddy picked me up after school today and we went to Skatteverket together to me an ID. I figured I'll need one now when I turn 18 soon...
Then we went to espresso house and got coffee and went for a walk in the sun. Now I just got home and need to figure out what to wear tonight - any ideas?

Svettigt värre
Happy Friday!
Although I have a late start today I decided to sleep in and not to work out this morning because my legs were super sore since yesterday. But for some reason I woke up at 7:15 and really felt like working out after all. I always run so I figured I should do some biking instead and MAN I'm sweaty!
The perks with working out indoor is that I can watch all of these silly TV-shows at the same time... 😉
Last night Alexander surprised me at my house and stepped by after his work around 8ish for some cuddling on the couch with me. He's just so sweet 😊
Tonight I'm celebrating Jade and Johanna who both turned 18 this month!
Keep smiling, keep shining

Höjdpunkten på dagen
To quote my Instagram post "Easily the highlight of the day" #nespresso. And yeah literally, it's so freaking good... I finished my last class at 12:10 today because some of my teachers are in Paris with studens from Hvitfeldtska who are on a exchange student programme this week. SO NICE for us...
Since I got home early I got some econ homework done and now I'm having my afternoon cup of coffee before I'm heading the woods for a run. It feels so nice that's it's not even 3pm yet when I've basically been home around 5,6 everyday this week. Tomorrow I start at 11 and only have two classes - AND it's Friday! I'll tell you about my plans for the weekend tomorrow.

Flashback onsdag
I was just looking through some summer pictures and it actually does break my heart a little. It was literally pouring rain when I worked out today and GODAMMIT I want summer back... Going through all of these pictures also make me sososo greatul for the summer I had when I got back from Cali. I have the best friends anyone could ever ask for and can with no doubts state that this summer was the best one I've ever experienced! Perfection.

Johnny Bulls
These low brown boots from Johnny Bulls are just so pretty, aren't they? My sister bought them a while ago and I got to borrow them today. They sort of look like prime boots but is like half the price. Although I do have a pair of prime boots and love them more than anything, we can all agree that 3000 kr for a pair of shoes is embarrassing, can't we?
Well here you have a hell of a good option!

Vill ut i spåret
I haven't had a second of rest today! At midnightish last night Alexander picked me up after practice and we slept at his house. I went straight from there to school and during my gap hour I had a doctor's appointment I needed to get done. I didn't finish school until 5 (with math of course...) and my bus is late so it's 5:45 already and I'm not even home... I have an errand to run, potentially practice driving with daddy, have dinner, study (mostly reading in English and Swedish) but most of all I just wanna work out in hope to gain some energy and then just go to bed...
Look how pretty the lake was the other day - I'm definitely running today.

Monday again people! How's your day been so far? I've LITERALLY been studying since the minute I got home from school and there's still shit left for me to do... A little peanut butter keeps me motivated, haha...
At 8 we're having our usual Idol-night at Evelina's as we rotate every night, haha... Love it.
Alexander's picking me up after hockey practice tonight and we're sleeping at his house. He doesn't have work tomorrow and I start at 11, so we get to sleep in! FUCK YEAH!

Vanilj och citron
It was definitely a huge bowl of vanilla tea kind of night. It's Sweden-Turkey in basketball on tonight so I think I might watch like the first quarter and then I'm hitting the sack.
Have a cozy Sunday night, my friends!

I could finally sleep in this morning - FUCK YEAH! Most likely because I slept in my mom and dad's bed since they were away... 😏 I went out running and it was the perfect temperature out; sunny, partly cloudy and warm but still a little windy.
Then I practiced driving with my daddy and we got a little something for my 18th birthday party - I'll show you later this week but let's just say it's AWESOME!
Other than that I've spent and I'm gonna spend this day studying... Nothing more exciting unfortunately.
Take care, babies!

Klarre 18
Last night was super fun! Klara had invited about 30 girls to her place, where half of us was from Kitas and the other half from Kullavik. They were all super sweet girls! We had dinner, dessert and drinks until 10ish when Anna, Linn and I left. Most of the girls went out after and I considered going with them but then came to the conclusion that it would be pure stupidity to go out on a fake-ID so close to my 18th birthday if I would get caught...

Tar fram leoparden i mig
Hola amigos!
On my way to Klara's now and I felt that it's a tight pants, heels and a loose shirt kind of night. I also dyed my hair today, so I'm super blonde at the moment, hopefully it will fade away a little after the next shower... Have a fun night loves, I know I will!

Today Anna and I watched David and Alexander's hockey game, which they unfortunately lost. But it was super fun to watch anyway - I love ice hockey although I don't know the rules for shit, haha...
Now I'm just watching a couple of episodes of FRIENDS but I need to figure out what to wear tonight pretty soon. I'm going to my baby girl Klara's who's turning 18 tonight!
Have a great night people!

Morgon ritualer
Happy Friday folks!
How are you all doing today? Pretty nice with Friday, huh?
This morning I woke up at freaking 6 because of Alexander's alarm for work although I had a late start at 9:30. Oh well I got to sleep with the cutest guy out there so it was a pretty solid deal. Anyway when I wake up that early it's basically impossible for me to back to sleep, so I had coffee and went out for my morning run a little earlier than usual. It was an absolutely GORGEOUS morning - look!
Right now I'm on my way to Slottskogen for a hangout with IB2A but I'll prolly leave kind if early to get ready for a party tonight with Rebecca! Can't be more excited - FUCKING LOVE FRIDAYS!

Ledig torsdag
Yesterday I had no school so I just spent the day working out, study and at 6ish Alexander came over. My mom made a super good chicken salad for dinner, yum!

Myser lite

Good morning loves!
This morning I could finally work out again and I love it so much. I'm sort of addicted to exercise and it makes me feel so lazy and tired without it. I went out running with Josefine who had a late start today. After running I did my usual strength but I added some weights in order to build some arm muscles, because I'm embarrassingly weak...

Sooo... I've been thinking what to wish for for my birthday! I sorta need a new wallet and a bag but those things are impossible for me to find online. I feel that I need to just walk into a store and be like "Yup, that's the one", you know?
Anyways, here are a bunch of WANTIES! Whatcha all think?

Absolutely gorgeous babies from Nelly... http://nelly.com/se/kl%C3%A4der-f%C3%B6r-kvinnor/skor/festskor/nly-shoes-427/cassiel-428368-1/

Totally LOVE Sex and the City, which is something I picked up in the US.

Since I got my first iPhone 5 a while ago I could use some pretty cases, this pink one's from http://fyndiq.se/elektronik/mobiltillbehor/iphone-5-tillbehor/iphone-5-skal/sida-2/#264160-iphone-5-skin-glitter-olika-farger

And I really like these as well, especially the green one, from http://fyndiq.se/elektronik/mobiltillbehor/iphone-5-tillbehor/iphone-5-skal/sida-2/#183266-iphone-5-bumper-med-knappar

Urbanears are definitely the best headphones I have ever had, in fact my green pairs are out-worn so I was thinking that a pink pair would be perfect, wouldn't they?

As I've mentioned earlier, no more converse to me it's VANS, VANS and VANS! And glitter - oh dear God, they are so pretty!

I'm a party girl, that's a fact and Nelly has the cutest dresses - it's insane. I especially fell in love with these open-back babies! http://nelly.com/se/kl%C3%A4der-f%C3%B6r-kvinnor/kl%C3%A4der/festkl%C3%A4nningar/oneness-1115/zandy-back-chain-dress-600210-1092/ AND
Bara alla IB-tjejerna
Today during gap hour I went with Jenni to her place for some coffee and to walk her dog - look how pretty Sierra is! Godammit, I want a dog...
We got out of school at 4 today but there was a mandatory CAS-meeting we needed to attend after that. When we were done like 20 girls from IB decided to go get coffee/food together in order to get to know each other. It was so much fun and I spoke to a lot of girls I haven't really gotten the chance to talk to yet and they are all super sweet.
Unfortunately I'm not over my cold yet, so I can't work out today and it FUCKING sucks...
Tmro we have a so-called Buffen Day, which means no classes - FUCK YEAH! So I'm gonna sleep in, study, work out (hopefully) and later probably meet up with Alexander who freaking gave me this darn cold...
Now I just bought myself some nuts and I'm gonna go home and cuddle on the couch!

Fullbokad tisdag
Since two of my classes were cancelled today, I only had psychology at 11 and then math at 4-5 pm. I had lunch with my lovely baby Anna at a great place, Kopps, and when we finished eating David joined us as well.
I finished math at 5, so I basically just came home, had dinner, went out for a power walk with Rebecca (I'm having a cold, so didn't feel like running:() and then Sebastian and Rebecca came over to my house to watch Idol.
Goodnight people!

Since we didn't start until 11 this morning, Jenni and I decided to go out for coffee. The weather was gorgeous so it was super nice! Such a pretty girl at such a pretty coffee house!

23 dagar kvar
Can you believe it? It's only 23 days left for my 18th birthday!!!! I'm so excited! On Sunday I created an event on Facebook for my party so hopefully everyone can make it!!!
The picture of the tiara below is what I'm gonna wear for the party. That's what all of my friends in the US wore for their 18th birthdays - how pretty?

Personal shopper
Hey my loves!
Got some Swedish reading done in school so I don't have any homework today. For those of you who didn't know me and my dad are super close and I also happen to be his personal shopper. He doesn't shop a lot, only when he really needs something but every time he wants my opinion! Look at my daddy when he's just a little baby boy and then when he's older but yet young, haha... My grandma showed them to me at her birthday party.
Tonight everyone's watching Idol at Evelina's!

Måndag igen
Evelina made fun of me this morning for wearing a dress since it's super cold and rainy but after working out this morning I was actually not that cold. But I did put on a warm pair of socks and UGGS and packed an umbrella!
Have an awesome day, my friends!

Grattis farmor
Happy birthday to my grandma, who's turning 75 years old today!

I fucking love glitter - it just makes a pretty solid outfit with a black pair of jeans so much more dressed up, doesn't it?