Birthday Brunch
Publicerat 2015-01-31 16:08:14 i
Happy Birthday to my little doll Frida who's turning 20 tomorrow!😃 Look what amazing brunch she threw today for all us girls - so delicious. Now I just got home and had a shower and will try to get some homework done. Later Linda will come over to my place to get ready for the night which we will spend at Max's place. Can't believe I'll have managed three birthday celebrations after this weekend, hehe...😉
/Matilda W
Friday Nights
Publicerat 2015-01-31 09:19:21 i
Hi Angels!
After a looooong week in school, finishing up with a maths test last class on Friday, I met up with my beloved ones, Rebecca and Linda for a coffee in the city. Always such a good time with these two little fools! Then I hurried back home to a newly arrived package of mine - a top and skirt from Nelly. Always as exciting! ;)
Then I immediately had to get ready for the night since the my ladies were coming over at 6:30 for some pre-partying before we headed to Gustav's place to celebrate his 20th birthday!
Now I just woke up and have no time to be lazy or hungover since it's coffee, the gym and then birthday brunch at Frida's on the schedule today. Other than that I've got some studying to get done and will finish up the day at my friend's Max, who's turning 19 - sooo many birthdays, hehe...
Have a lovely day, babes!
Publicerat 2015-01-22 15:58:00 i
Hi angles!
Unfortunatley I have bad news for you guys - or at least the ones who's here everyday. Lately I haven't found blogging as exciting as I used to and therefore I've decided to cut it down. I started blogging during the summer 2012 before I left for California which indicates that I have my whole life from that point documented until now (January 2015!) Isn't that kind of cool?
Either way, because I don't find it giving anymore I've decided to not do it as much. However, that doesn't mean that I'll completely shut it down. Rather, I want to save it and write whenever I feel like it. Because according to me, that's what blogging should be about. I'm also certain I'll update you more once spring comes; Prom, France, Summerburst, Graduation. Those will be times I'm certain I would like to share with you guys and most likely you will appreciate it more as well. Furthermore, because I ought to be creative for CAS (IB duties, hehe😉) and blogging has been filling up those required hours, I will now get back to singing and playing the piano which is something I've always appreciated to the very fullest.
Publicerat 2015-01-20 15:09:00 i
Today I've made up a plan for my workouts. I could never imagine that I (!!!!) would ever do something like that because I'm not organized when it comes to working out. Mostly because I do it because I love it, not necessarily to achieve something with it other than a healthy life and a better mood. However, working out everyday indicates a constant sore body which obviously is not desirable so therefore I've created a schedule indicating what cardio/muscle group I'll do each day of the week. I've also put in Wednesdays as a day off - (let's see if I can stick to that😉)! So hopefully it will go according to the plan - I'll let you know how it goes. I'm still sick but most likely I can get started later this week.
/Kisses M
Beauty Ideals
Publicerat 2015-01-19 20:14:58 i
Something I enjoy with IB is the opportunity to be creative. Linking your subject to something that interests YOU or simply making associations with what you learn in school to your real life. I've come to appreciate that such knowledge is the very best, simply because it's useful. ATM I'm working on my oral presentation I'm holding on Wednesday - how are beauty ideals created and why do we adapt to these? Isn't kinda cool that I can apply my knowledge from psychology and in fact answer these questions? At least I think so, hehe...😉
Hope you've had a good Monday - I'm a bit down and sick so I'm not feeling it today at all actually. But we all have those days and tomorrow, happy Tilly will be back again. I know she'll be bc it's tapas and amazing girls on the schedule for tomorrow night!😃
/Kisses M
night out
Publicerat 2015-01-18 16:45:26 i
Hi love bugs!!
How are you?❤️ Last night I met up the ladies at The Pelican on the avenue for a drink. I've never been there before, however the place was super cozy and had the tastiest and prettiest drinks! At 8ish we headed to David's place to celebrate his 20th birthday with a bunch of ppl. I got to play beer pong for the first time in forever and I've forgotten how much I enjoy it and how much it makes me miss the US. By midnight we headed back to the avenue and ended up dancing for hours! How was your Saturday night??❤️❤️
/Matilda W
Publicerat 2015-01-17 13:42:23 i
Snapple - so much America over this drink to me... This flavor is Pretty in Pink Lemonade. Thank God for globalization, huh?<3
saturday morning
Publicerat 2015-01-17 07:14:04 i
Morning my beloved ones!
As always I woke up early this morning and immediately decided to skip today's workout due to the cold I've managed to catch... Instead I cuddled up on the couch with a coffee latte and a blanket. I've got a couple of errands to run today, homework to get done and then I'd love to get outside at some point since it's ought to be sunny out today - what a bliss. Tonight I'm meeting up the ladies in the city for a drink and then we're invited to David's to celebrate his 20th birthday - can you believe that people start turning 20 (!!!) now? Still feel like I'm 17, haha...
/Kisses Matilda W
Best Day of the Week
Publicerat 2015-01-16 17:30:42 i
Hi my lovies!
It's been long day today - multiple classes, a workout at the gym, a dentist appointment and then I've been hanging out with my little sister during the afternoon before I picked up a top from Evelina's place she let me borrow for tomorrow night!😃
How's your day been?
Looking forward to a relaxed night with the family. Daddy arrived from a business trip late last night so I'm excited to spend time with him. I was also planning on getting my nails done. Have a lovely Friday night!❤️
Getting over California is like getting over your first love - you don't.
Publicerat 2015-01-15 17:52:04 i
Hi readers!❤️
This day has been the woooorst out - pretty sure I shed a tear while walking home because I felt sorry for myself, having to walk home in such snowy, rainy, windy and basically ughhhhh weather. Hence I'm posting some beachy pictures from my one and only place - Cali.
About to hit the gym and then to get home, have a hot shower and cuddle up in bed with my iPad! More than pleased it's Friday tomorrow - aren't you?😃
Newport Beach, Orange County, CA.
Publicerat 2015-01-14 11:24:08 i
Vill du plugga vidare direkt efter studenten eller vill du jobba och resa först? Vart skulle du vilja plugga?
Vad ska dina kompisar läsa? :)
Super bra blogg! Kram
Hej på dig och först och främst - tack så mycket! Jag VILL plugga vidare direkt men tror faktiskt inte att det blir så pga att jag är alldeles för kluven om vart. Just nu är jag sugen på att plugga juridik, men även marketing/psychology/economics är alternativ för mig. Problemet är vart - bestämmer jag mig för Sverige är problemet löst, det är bara att skicka in betygen och hoppas på det bästa. Men riktigt så enkelt är det inte för mig då jag även har USA, England, Australien och Canada i tankarna. Alla dessa länder kräver enorma ansökningar med betyg, högskoleprov, personliga uppsatser, rekommendationer och meriter. In fact, så är Sverige nog det enda landet som endast kräver betyg för att komma in. Ifall jag inte vill stanna och plugga i Sverige kommer jag ta ett gap year och jobba, men framför allt göra alla dessa ansökningar. Som jag nämnt tidigare är IB väldigt krävande och jag bestämde mig därför att lägg allt mitt krut där. Alternativet hade varit halvdana betyg, halvdana ansökningar och en otrevlig och stressad Tilly - no way. Så ja, inte helt klart vad som väntar mig efter studenten faktiskt. En sak är iallafall säker och det är att jag inte är sugen på att dra någon back-pack resa till Asien eller Australien eller säsonga i alperna - har redan fått min upplevelse och det är California. Inget kommer slå det, någonsin. Jag vill sätta igång med mitt liv; och vare sig det betyder att jag söker universitet, börjar plugga eller jobba och tjäna pengar för framtiden vet jag inte riktigt. Men det är väl spännande det också, ellerhur?😃
Mina vänner är främst 95or - ett år framför mig och har alltså redan tagit studenten. 3,4 stycken pluggar vidare eller läser upp. Resten har tagit gap year, jobbar, reser osv. Mina kompisar i klassen har många sökt universitet utomlands eftersom vi går internationellt. Tror mycket beror på ifall de kommer in eller inte, annars är ett gap year efter IB nog en smart idé!
Hoppas du fick svar på din fråga!
Publicerat 2015-01-13 16:01:01 i
new week
Publicerat 2015-01-12 19:56:28 i
Hi darlings and (not so much) Happy Monday!
How has your day been? Monday has not even passed and I'm already longing for the weekend, hehe... Still adapting body and soul to the fact that it's not Winter Break anymore and it's challenging. Started this super duper grey and rainy day out with 6km intervals on the gym which usually gives me a lot of energy however I've been down all day, wanting coffee all the time, haha... I blame my mood on the weather as the rest of the population of Sweden.
Now I'm all cuddled up in my princess bed, blogging on my iPad. My baby sister want to head out for a power walk before bedtime though so that's what I'll do once I'm done!
Hope everything's well with you guys!❤️
Publicerat 2015-01-11 16:17:27 i
Happy Sunday, readers!<3
When I turned 19 my beloved friends got me something I wasn't even aware of existed - a smartbox. How clever to get someone an experience as a birthday gift as opposed to a physical item? And especially someone like me who loooooves trying out knew things! Today I actually extended the expire date since I would love to use it this summer when I'm free from all school obligations. I haven't decided which one to do yet - wine, coffee, chocolate tasting are only a few. Pretty sure I spot a cupcake class in there somewhere too. Also the experience is for me+1 so I'll have to choose carefully who to bring, hehe...;) For example it would be rude of me not to bring my mommy if it's chocolate, daddy if it's coffee or one of my friends if I pick the wine one... Too bad I don't have a boyfriend to spoil. Either way I was thinking to make a weekend of it, you know pick something up in Stockholm, drive up there and then spend the weekend. Sounds like a plan to me.
/Kisses M
Saturday Mornings
Publicerat 2015-01-10 10:09:53 i
How are you? Just woke up after a lovely Friday night at my beloved friend AND second cousin, Sarah's place. Since she's moving to Örebro for her studies and thus threw a goodbye party last night. I had an amazing time, having a bit of wine and just chatting with a good mixture of people!
ATM I'm enjoying my grapefruit and coffee in the picture to the fullest and will soon get this day going.
Crop Tops
Publicerat 2015-01-09 12:39:47 i
Sådan sjuuuk dille på svarta crop tops just nu. Till byxor med hög midja eller kjol! Så väldans snyggt faktiskt. Skadar ju faktiskt inte heller om man har några abs att visa upp, så den delen får vi jobba lite på!😉 Blev ett tufft magpass på gymmet imorse faktiskt, så det är bara att jobba på...
Hoppas ni får en härlig FREDAG!
Publicerat 2015-01-08 16:51:18 i
Zup Thursday!
Denna kyla och detta mörker förvandlar verkligen mig till en liten surpuppa. Tilly the devil, känner jag mest. Mörkt när man går hemifrån, mörkt när man kommer hem. MEN apparently, så går vi mot ljusare tider, we'll see about that. Kom precis in från höstrusket och är just nu i full färd med att kasta i mig lite energi, då jag strax ska ut igen då pappa ska hämta upp mig för en sväng på gymmet. Imorgon är det gym, fredag, kort dag i skolan samt lite festligheter på schemat. Men mer om det då!
/Kysss så länge, M
Came across these pictures the other day and immediately associated them with Summerburst. Maybe I shall throw a pre-party here myself with drinks, loads of fruits, music and my lovely friends... Definitely will consider it!😉 Are you guys going?
Sjunde januari
Publicerat 2015-01-07 11:50:00 i
Hey you!
Det var fasen inte det lättaste att 1) ta sig upp ur sängen 2) gå ut i snöslask och mörker 3) springa intervaller på löpbandet klockan 6 när man knappt vaknat 4) börja skolan igen. Så därför tänker jag att vi sätter igång den första skoldagen med en bildbomb från det underbara, samt much-needed jullovet! And heeey, wanna know the best thing? Bara några veckor kvar tills sportlovet!😉
/Puss Tilly
Publicerat 2015-01-06 12:04:08 i
Jeez, it felt terrible waking up knowing this is the last day of the break... Mostly because I have a tough time in school coming up. And how on earth am I getting up at 5am tomorrow morning? Haha...
Last night I had a great time at my uncle's, had lovely food, desserts and coffee. At around 9ish I had to leave to go to Emma's for some pregame with the girls before we headed into Park Lane at 11ish. The amount of people there was insane, but I met a lot of people I knew so that was exciting. Since I stayed sober I could drive home whenever I felt like it which was a bliss.
About to get this day going!
Hoppas ni får en fin dag, mina kära vänner!
Ska strax springa iväg till gymmet för lovets sista pass... :(
Green Smoothie
Publicerat 2015-01-05 12:26:07 i
Morning love bugs!<3
Started this day off with a cup of coffee and this green nutritious bomb - consisting of like all the healthy shit you can imagine, haha... Kale, avocado, parsley, ginger, apple cider vinegar, mint, water... Hopefully it will do my body good and also the color is pleasant for the eye, isn't it?
Today's plans is to get homework done as well as a workout. At 6ish the whole family is driving to my uncle's and his family for dinner. Then I'll leave a bit early to head to Hovås and a bunch of lovely ladies for a pre-party before we're spending the night at Park Lane for their annual Winter Party. I don't feel like drinking, so I'm driving tonight!
Hope you'll have a good day!
Oh hi there sun
Publicerat 2015-01-04 16:15:15 i
Such pretty view by the lake this morning!
Publicerat 2015-01-04 11:19:43 i
Hejsan hoppsan bloggisen!❤️
Hur mår ni, alla fina? Jag är på superduper bra humör idag iallafall. Just skickat iväg ett stort arbete någonstans i världen där det ska rättas av en IB-examinator. Kan ni fatta att typ en random brud i Kina eller gammal snubbe i USA kommer rätta allt jag gör i skolan? Har liksom aldrig sett dessa personerna i ögonen ever - läskigt. Lite annat än hur man i svenska gymnasieskolan och fjäskar lite för ekonomiläraren man känt i 3 år någon vecka innan studenten så att han höjer detdär B:et till ett A!😉 På IB kör vi ord och inga visor, helt enkelt.
Nu har jag precis spenderat lite tid på nästa (hahaha I'm so sad) arbete men ska strax antingen bege mig ut på en promenix eller cykla ner till gymmet. Efter det åker hela familjen in till Avenyn för söndagsteater! Den du😉
Hoppas ni får en underbar dag!
jeans kinda gal
Publicerat 2015-01-03 19:58:53 i
Hi folks!
Definitely no girly-girl when it comes to skirts. For some reason I'm super duper uncomfortable wearing them but I assume that's only due to the fact that I never do, hehe!😃 I'm definitely more of a jeans kinda gal however now I got myself two black skirts so I'm forced to start wearing them. One of them is in leather and I think it's so pretty!
Black Beauty
Publicerat 2015-01-03 12:58:00 i
Hi lovies!<3
Been considering too long whether or not to get myself a black hat. I think it's absolutely gorgeous, especially to a black skirt, a sweater and blonde curls... However at the same time I think I'd wear it more frequently during summer so maybe I shall wait around until that? I also want to find the perfect one and in fact, this one is pretty darn close...
Publicerat 2015-01-03 09:40:34 i
Look at what my beloved sisters got me? If anyone, they are aware of what stressful time I've been through in school lately and that worse times are coming up. Therefore they suggested this adorable, pink, little set as a contribution to a relaxing time. So thoughtful of them!<3
/Matilda W
Publicerat 2015-01-02 20:05:42 i
Hey you!
Just got back from the gym. The feeling afterwards is absolutely amazing. Since I had a day off yesterday I definitely was excited to be back. Working out is the bomb.
How are you doing cuties?❤️
/Kisses M
Publicerat 2015-01-02 09:55:00 i
Hi friends!
How are you today? In fact it took me a while to get my ass out of the bed but now I'm up!😃 It's a new year with new possibilities. Ughhh I actually hate new year resolutions because I believe it's silly to promise yourself to hit the gym more often or to skip the alcohol because if you those are your resolutions you might as well get started any day of the year and not January first. However a new year IS a good time to get started on something new... So yeah here I am having a black cup of coffee and a green smoothie consisting of all kinds of healthy and nutritious stuff in front of me. Let's see how this goes hehe...😃 I'm eating healthy on a regular basis and because I'm aware of how good it makes me feel it's definitely a good idea to skip the bad foods and stick to the healthy ones! Additionally I work out everyday and I've realized I need healthy food in order to manage! On top of all I'm the most stubborn and determined person I know so if I want to prove a point that I can manage a more healthy life I'll do so!😃
Do you have any resolutions?❤️
/Kisses M
Publicerat 2015-01-01 16:49:42 i
... på er mina fina läsare!❤️
Eftersom det var festligheter igår till högsta grad kände jag tyvärr inte för att ta med mig kameran vilket var lite synd! I vilket fall började vi kvällen hos fina Hanna som gjort fördrinkar och tapas till middag. Sedan blev det ännu lite fler drinkar innan vi drog vidare på fest i Torslanda! Fick sedan skjuts hem på kvällen och sov ändå till halv tolv imorse så det var skönt - kan ni förstå det eller? JAG liksom hehe...😉 Nu tror jag att jag ska hoppa i ett varmt bubbelbad och sedan äta familjemiddag ikväll - det vankas kyckling och rotfrukter i ugn hos Warvne's ikväll!
/Kisses M
Mina små änglar - Julia, Anna och Frida!❤️