Since it was pretty rainy and cold today I've been in the mood for a movie all day. I was also exhausted from the week so I didn't feel going out or so at all. I went over to the cutest guy I know to hang out. We watched a movie and basically just cuddled on the couch all night. He's such a cozy guy and I'm so ridiculous for even referring to him that way... Oh well he has a hockey tournament that starts early tomorrow morning so I decided to sleep at home. Well at least I'm in his sweatshirt that's too small for him yet too large for me, haha ... ;)
Tomorrow's plans:
Writing essay
Do math
Driving with daddy
Party with Evelina (and hopefully Rebecca as well if she's not going away)
Sweet dreams, readers!

Så var det Fredag igen
How are you all doing today? I'm so relieved it's Friday again. I have my easiest day today from 9:30-2:30. I haven't really figured out what to do tonight yet since some of my friends wanted to go out... But tomorrow night Evelina and I are going to a party. I really feel I need to go crazy after this week. Other than that I'm just gonna try to get some homework done and on Sunday we're celebrating my grandma's birthday!

Harry Potter though
Had my first bio class yesterday and look at the classroom - it's literally like Harry Potter... Those old wooden benches, haha...

This is the first day I'm not wearing shorts in school. It was supposed to be a little cooler today so I put on a pair of white jeans and a fairly simple black top. I also borowed Josefine's HELLA good-looking boots from Johnny Bulls.
Have a good day folks!

Böcker på böcker
Well this is my life now... Books on books - literally.
I'm on my way home right now and if Rebecca's still down, we will go out running. I have some Econ homework to get done but it's not too bad since I got a lot done during gap hour. I might see Alexander later tonight, depending on if he's still sick or is feeling better!

This is literally what I felt like when I came home from school at 6pm yesterday... I might as well go all in and get myself a pair of glasses, haha...

Lite kvällsfotboll
This day has been pretty stressful, since I didn't get off school until 5pm today... I got home pretty late and chugged a coffee to later go out running. When I came back I had dinner and took a quick shower to get picked up by Evelina and Rebecca to watch our guy friend's soccer game!
I have some math to get done when I come home but other than that I'm just gonna go straight to bed!

Hey there lovely creatures!
Yesterday it was a month left for my birthday - can you believe it? I AM SO EXCITED!
So how do you guys think I should celebrate i I was thinking to invite my friends over for dinner and pregame and then go out clubbing - SINCE I CAN ;) BUT who should I invite? Guys and girls? Girls only? That's always a tough one, since I find it pretty awkward sometimes to go out with a group mixed with boys and girls for some reason... But then again - I do have a lot of guy friends...

Asså åh vad gott
Such good dinner tonight: Salmon with feta cheese and salad. Salmon is definitely one of my favorite meals any day of the week. Look how yummi!
Right now Rebecca, Evelina and I are watching "IDOL". Have a good night, folks!

Underbar morgon
Good afternoon people!
Since I started school at 9:30 this morning I decided to go out running before. It was an absolutely GORGEOUS morning - look!
School was great - I've actually met a couple of really nice people whom I hopefully could make good friends with. Before I attended the IB programme basically everyone told me I should hang out with a guy, Maximilian and we actually ended up having a lot of the same classes together and he's a SUPER hilarious guy!
Right now I'm on my way home to hopefully get some homework done. I was thinking to make myself a latte and sit in the sun!

Min barbie-docka
Happy Sunday folks! How's your day going so far? Alexander came to my house yesterday pretty late after his hockey game to spend the night. Look at this lovely little French braid I made out of his hair - isn't it hilarious? Just like I used to do to my barbie dolls when I was younger, haha ;)
At 12 Rebecca came over for coffee and she got to meet Alexander before he left. Rebecca and I went for a walk and now I just got home. I have some homework to get done, but other than that I'm just gonna allow myself to be lazy today. Even I need those days occasionally, believe it or not.

Forgot to upload a copy of my schedule... As you can see it's not a really good one. I didn't expect a super good one either, since the IB programme is a hard-working one and Hvitfeldtska is known for their long days. But oh well here you are.

Kräftskiva...? En fråga - får man äta revbensspjäll?
I don't think I need to add much more to this blog post than all of these pictures below... Holy macaroni, I love you all so much!

Magtröja och lockar
What's up loves?
Yesterday I got to wear my new black long sleeve crop top for the first time. I wore it with my favorite pair of white, stretchy shorts from Weat Seal, the US. I added a sort of glittery belt from my baby sister's wardrobe to my pretty solid outfit. I decided to curl my hair yesterday, which I haven't done in a while. I exchanged the black wedges to a pair of white converse to create a little more laid-back look before I took of.

Äre kräftskiva så äre
How are YOU doing? (Friends-Joey)
I'm actually doing great, thanks for asking - having an awesome time with my lovely friends. I'll upload outfit-pictures/pictures from the system-camera of the night tomorrow. Are you guys having a good night?
I just wanted to share my happiness with you all - things are just going great at the moment and that's something you should appreciate!

As I just posted on Instagram, coming home to these suger and fat bombs when you are trying to stay healthy sucks. But these freshly baked cinnamon rolls look so tasty, don't they?
Cinnamon rolls or buns are to me typically very Swedish, but you can definitely find them in the US too but most likely not without some sort of icing. My host mom had a tradition to make them (the Swedish way) for Christmas and they were super good! Aw, that makes me miss her so much...

Ett leende smittar
Day two at Hvitfeldtska:
It was honestly a pretty solid day. Had my two first classes, Economics and English. For Econ, I believe we covered a lot of the same things in the US which is awesome. For English Literature we have en awesome teacher which also happened to be my neighbor which is pretty darn hilarious. He's Canadian with an American accent just like me. He's definitely strict and smart, yet relaxed and super funny so hopefully we will come a long well since he does live next door after all..
When it comes to making friends it's going really well, except basically all of them are guys... I don't really care that much but it would have been fun with some girls too, the guys have just been easier to connect with now in the beginning, but hopefully the girls will come around too.
I had lunch with Leo and his friends and Leo significantly explained how you should create a network of friends at Hvitfeldtska since there are hella people so he introduced me to a bunch. I am totally loving the school still - the atmosphere is so chill and relaxing.
I also met two people, one from San Francisco and the other one from New York - how cool?
Tonight Rebecca is throwing a "Kräftskiva" at her house with food, wine, music and a bunch of fun people so that's what I'm doing tonight.
Tomorrow I might be doing some English homework to later hang out with Alexander.

Jag överlevde
Hey my friends!
I'm here, I'm alive and I made it through my first day at the IB programme at Hvitfeldtska. I got there at 12 to attend the name roll to later walk through the orientation. There were about 20 new students including me and we had lunch together. At 2 we met in the aula to receive information and schedules with the other students.
I absolutely LOVE the school because it's so big and crowded. The people seem all very chill and welcoming, yet there are a lot of different types which I think is pretty cool.
My grade is called IB2A and we are about 85 students. Tomorrow I will find out who's in all of my classes. Can't wait to go back.
Look what a perfect to-go coffee cup my mom got me, love it.

Magen pirrar
I've done it before I can do it again... Right? I'm actually SO nervous right now and hope everything will work out fine. New school, new people - you never know how or with whom you will end up... Wish me luck?

Tomorrow it's time for me to get back to "actual" school again. I mean I was in American high school last year but my grades didn't really matter as long as I passed which made me lose motivation and interest in studying.
Most likely you will find me close to insane when I say that I've sort of missed studying a bit. It's actually true though, so I don't mind getting back to school tomorrow at all. Even though in a couple of months, I'm absolutely certain I'll look back at this moment and think "WHAT THE F*** WAS I THINKING!?"
I'm super excited to meet the new teachers, get introduced to their classes and meet new people! AND SPEAK ENGLISH OF COURSE!!!
Some songs you guys HAVE to listen to are "Holy Grail" with J.T ft JAY-Z, "Sunlight" with Modestep and "Poet" with Bastille - all of them are constantly in my headphones atm.

This morning I begun to read "Fifty Shades of Grey". Literally all they friends have read the series of three books at some point so I figure I should too since they all enjoyed it. Apparently it's occasionally supposed to be pretty sexual, but oh well let's give it a shot, shouldn't we?

Lillasyster blir stor
SHOUTOUT to my baby sister who attends a new school today. She's starting 8th grade - like what the F, when did that happen? I love her to the moon and back and wish this georgeous little creature all the best today!

Inte acceptabelt
JESUS! Look at this mess - I need to get my shit together. Literally.
But it's perfect timing though, since all of my friends who live nearby start school today anyways so I don't have too much planned except a couple of errands this afternoon.

Had such nice time grabbing coffee with Leo today. I told him all about my year in Palo Alto and he shared all of the experiences he gathered so far at Hvitfeldtska. In fact, he actually got very excited for Thursday.
Now I just had dinner and I think my dad and I are driving tonight.
Have an awesome night people and enjoy the rest of your summer.

Passa på
Look - the sun's out! School starts on Thursday and this week offers really good weather everyday which is great, so I can get some nice color before that! Rebecca and I just got back from our morning workout and are now hanging out in the sun. Later today I'm going to Kitas to talk to the principal about the transfer and then I'm meeting up Leo whom I haven't seen since I got back from California! We were thinking to just crab a coffee somewhere in the city and catch up. Leo goes to Hvitfeldtska and since he's a year younger we're gonna be in the same grade, although we'll be taking different classes.
What are you guys doing today?

Sun-day, fun-day
These lovely pictures are from earlier tonight at Linnea's house. She had invited us all over for dinner and pregame. It was basically all of the girls from my old class, so it was super fun to see them all again. Some girls went out after, but I didn't really feel like it and besides - I'm actually not 18 yet, haha...
Hope you all are having a good night - can't wait to go to bed.

Militär ikväll
Hi friends!
Tonight I'm celebrating my friend, Linnea's, 18th birthday. I decided to wear my new camoflage patterned skirt with a black top and boots. Since I found the oufit pretty simple I added a large neckless.

Också en latte på det
Such nice day with this guy today. We always laugh a lot and can talk about basically everything. Love hanging out with him! Here he is at Espresso House.

It was definitely a skirt and boots day today. I'm on my way to the city to meet up with my friend Andreas to grab a coffee together. What are you guys doing today?

Släpper bomben
My plan was to come back to Sweden and continue where I left off at Kitas Ekonomi. I really like the school, so transfering to another one after Palo Alto High School was never even a consideration to me. BUT people who know me better than that don't find my latest thought surprising at all. The idea to apply to an IB (International Baccalaureate) programme popped up in my head and I couldn't stop thinking about it. So I applied to the two schools in Gothenburg that offer this programme, IHGR and Hvitfeldtska and I ended up getting in to both. From research and contacts, Hvitfeldtska seemed like the better one and the meeting I attended yesterday was scheduled in order for me and my parents to find out more about the school. We received loads of information about the programme and I fell in love with it. I've been transfering a lot lately, so hopefully it shouldn't be much of a problem to me anymore, but we'll see...
I'm starting on August 22, 12.00 AND I AM SO EXCITED!

Maja 18
Last night I was invited to celebrate Maja's 18th birthday at her house. We used to play on the same basketball team and back in the days the girls on the team were super tight and we used to have so much fun together. There were 8 us there last night, so it was sort of a reunion. I realized today that I didn't get a picture of the birthday girl, since she was all over the place but at least I got one of Hanna, Zuhal and Jessica.
Sebastian was Rebecca's and my hero last night and picked us up after since it's pretty far away.

Beefeater In
Just had lunch at a super cozy Brittish place called Beefeater In. I had fish and it was really good. Right now we're getting coffee!
Hope y'all are having a nice day!

Now I'm on my way to the city with the fam-bam to have lunch. I decided to wear a dress, although I'm not a girlie-girl that much. I picked out a pretty simple black one with a belt and prime boots.

En kaffemorgon
Hey loves!
My day yesterday was pretty busy as I mentioned but yet good. I started out with my morning run to later have coffe with Jessica and to get Maja a birthday gift for her party tonight. Later I met up with my dad to have my first professional driving lesson which went surprisingly well!
I had dinner with the fam and around 8:30 Alexander picked me up to go to his place. I spent the night and woke up SUPER early because of his work. But after I got home I went straight to bed and fell asleep a couple of hours. Now I'm having loads of coffee with Rebecca and then we're going out running.
We're having a family lunch all together today and then there's a meeting for me to attend.

I min favvo-tröja
Do you guys also own a shirt, that's simply just your favorite one? I necessarily don't mean the cutest one or the one that pushes your boobs the most, I mean the one that's comfortable, kind of good-looking and brings memories of yours back to you somehow? This is mine - my Newport Beach t-shirt. I (obviously) bought it in Newport, Orange County, California before I moved back to Sweden. I like it because of print but also because it's in blue and yellow, which are the Swedish colors. My dad also have the same kind of shirt, but a hoodie which we bought together.
Today's plans are to finish my coffee, go out running with Rebecca if she's awake. Later around 12,1 I'm meeting up with my beautiful girl Jessica to hang out. At 2:30 I'm having my first driving lesson with a professional and I'm super nervous. Later tonight I think Rebecca and I are watching her brother's soccer game and after that Alexander's coming to my house after ice-hockey practice.

Vem vill hångla?
Look at all of these candy chapstick flavors I bought before I left California. For those of you who didn't know these are all the very popular ones in the US. And they taste AMAZING!

Mm avocado
I think I've only expressed my love for avocados on Twitter and not here but seriously how good aren't they? They're healthy (full of a good type of fat) and super good. Besides they also have a super pretty color and make you full. What not to like?
They're definitely my favorite food!

Ja vet, jag är största tönten...
Good morning friends! What's up?
I was thinking not to write anything about this yet but there's a boy who has come to know exactly how to make me smile, so I have to share. I don't know what it is, it simply just feels good and I love to hang out with him.
He just left my house early this morning for work and I'm sort of already missing him. There's actually nothing else to say on the subject more than that we've been seeing each other lately and are having louds of fun together.
The picture below is from the first morning together at his house when he made me pancakes for breakfast. I know, he's a cutie.

Svart och glitter
Today I found two super cute tops; one black and one with sparkle. These two are both great for more dressed-up occasions. I was thinking to wear the sparkly one with high-waisted white jeans or shorts, what do you think? I like them a lot!

Idag blev det lila
Today I decided to wear some color and thought that purple would be good. Josefine and I went to the city for some shopping and coffee. This is what I wore. Rebecca just got home so I'm gonna head over to her place now. Have a nice day, people.

I solnedgången
Sebastian called me after dinner and wanted to hang so we decided to go for a walk around the lake. Although it's been a pretty nice day out today, it's getting colder and colder. In fact I was actually freezing a bit while walking today. We did catch the sunset though - look how pretty!
I just came home and was pretty cold so I made myself a cup of hot latte and cuddled on the couch with blankets. I was really craving one, but I usually end up having a hard time to fall asleep if I have caffeine too late so I just had decaf. Now I'm gonna call Rebecca so we can have the daily conversation with each other since she's away on a short family trip.

Med två sköna snubbar vid namn Ben och Jerry
Good morning people!
Last night Vilma and I watched "Material Girls" which I was positive neither Vilma nor I had seen before but of course we both had and realized there are better movies out there... But we ended up talking, listening to music and eating ice-cream instead!
Go follow me on Instagram people; tillywarvne My pictures on Instagram are basically the same I'll post on the blog, but not always... ;) And I'd always put up pictures on Instgram more immediate than I will on the blog.
Have a good day, babes!

Vans for days
When it comes to sneakers Converse shoes are and have always been super popular in Sweden but after my year in California I picked something else up; VANS! Aren't they very simple yet very cute? I totally love all of them in all kinds of colors!

En sådan där mysig myskväll
Tonight Vilma and I decided to have a girls movie night just the two of us. I haven't gotten enough of sleep recently so I can't wait. We're either watching a movie or a couple of episodes of Pretty Little Liars but I honestly don't really care that much as long as I get to cuddle with my favorite little sister!

Look at this pretty color! I like it a lot, especially now during summer when my hands are tan.

Maxi and Tildis
Hung out with this little creature yesterday with Rebecca as well. Max and I are actually a pretty funny story because we have known each other forever but only met during summers since we're neighbors on Tjörn. He's a year younger so Rebecca and I decided we need to start hang out with younger people since that's what we both are doing next year. Super nice and fun guy anyways!

Lekledarna Klara och Matilda
Last night Klara and I took over and taught all the girls drinking games before the party. Last night was 10/10 - lovely friends, good food and drinks, good music and good-looking guys. CHEERS!


Vad är regn?
I was just thinking about the fact that the Swedish summer weather has been absolutely perfect since I got back from California. But now the rain has hit Sweden and it doesn't seem like the sun wanna come out in a while...
These two pictures are taken on Tjörn when we were out boating one of those gorgeous summer days.

Mysig Matilda Morgon
Good morning loves!
Last night I was SO tired after Tjörn so I may or may not have fallen asleep at 7:30 pm... ;) But I obviously needed it so that felt amazing. This is really my kind of morning; Wake up, have coffee, go out running, take a shower and then have my second cup of coffee, blogging and listen to music.
Tonight we're having a goodbye dinner/party for my LOVELY friend Anna who's going to the US as an exchange student year this year. Even though I just got back, I'm so jealous of her! I'm trying to figure out what to wear, which isn't easy. Jeans? Skirt? Dress? Godammit...
I put my Palo Alto High School Track and Field jacket on this morning after my shower. It's so comfy and I realized how much I miss track and Paly... Take me back!

Here are the picutres from last night - doesn't it look like fun?
Everyone seemed to have a good time which is the only thing I as a hostess really care about. Much love to my beautiful friends, I'm glad I have you.

Tilly mot världen (Håkan Hellström)
Good morning!
I had a super fun night yesterday with my lovely friends. Unfortunately some people dropped last second because they got sick which is a bummer but a couple of other ones could make it instead so I think it added up.
We had dinner, drinks, played beer pong and were just having a great time.
I have tons of pictures on my camera that I will upload later today. I believe I'm the only one awake so I'm gonna start cleaning up.
Have an awesome day, babies! Much love to you all! And by the way how HANDSOME aren't my friends? Damn..

How was your day, beautiful souls?
Mine has been pretty solid, just finished packing all the things I'll need for Tjörn tomorrow. Frida, Anna, Rebecca and I will be aiming to leave at 2:30ish. I looked up the weather and it's supposed to be pretty good, at least no rain.
My baby sis, Vilma, offered to take pictures of me in my lace dresses I blogged about earlier today. She used the better camera and she's also very talented with photography in general. I've been playing around with filters and it's pretty cool how much of a difference it makes to only put a black and white filter on, don't you think?
Now I have to hit the sack folks, goodnight!

Spets ska det va
I'm usually not much for dresses but I have completely fallen in love with lace - aren't they pretty? Color, black, white - you name it!
The black and white ones are from the US and "American Rag" and the one in color is my little sister's and is from Gina Tricot.
I matched the dresses with just a little make-up and boots; Prime Boots and another pair from Replay.
I love them all and think they would be good for different occasions! Which dress do you guys prefer?

A shot of espresso, please
Do you guys drink coffee at all? I have been drinking prolly about a year now and can literally not understand how I used to survive without it. It's just taste and the caffeine kick that have developed an addiction to me.
I love all sort of coffees; regular, lattes, cappuccinos, espressos, ristrettos well you name it! Since my dad loves coffee as well we have a Nespresso Machine at home that came with a milk foamer, so I can basically make all of the different kinds, which is cool.
Today when I got back from working out with Rebecca I had lunch and had a homemade shot of espresso after - yum!

Push play
I promised to tell you about my plans Wednesday so here you are. I decided to throw a little something at my house on Tjörn for a couple of friends. I've invited about 20 of them to have dinner, party and sleep at the beach house Wednesday night. It's exciting because basically all of my closest friends have never met each other before so I think it will be fun.
We're gonna put up the party tent and grill meat for dinner with potatoes, sauce and salad that I will prep. Later we're gonna make drinks, have a have a beer pong tournament going and hopefully I will find time to teach my friends a couple of other drinking games I picked up in California. Rebecca offered to bring her speakers to plug in so I'll prepare a playlist on Spotify. Since the beach is very close I was thinking it might be fun to do some skinny dipping later when it's dark...
I went shopping for groceries with my daddy today. I'm super exciting and hope everyone will have a good time!
Look at this beautiful panorama I took while boating on Tjörn - such a pretty place to show my friends around.

Hi babes!
Rebecca and I just got Särö to meet up with our lovely Malin. Right now we're on the beach and later we're going out boating.
The weather is warm and nice out so I wouldn't wanna be anywhere else today!
What are you guys' plans today?

Glad söndag
Good afternoon friends!
I basically just hung out at Rebecca's in the sun today. We had a couple of coffees and made chorizo salad for lunch. The guys just came over to have their to go pizzas on Rebecca's porch with us so we've been hanging out here a couple of hours.
Rebecca and I might go for a pw later if we have the energy to and later tonight I'm having a family dinner.
Tomorrow we're going to Särö to hang out with Malin and we're hopefully going out boating if the weather will allow.
What did you guys do today?

Livet på en pinne
Coffee. Sun. My best friend.
Do I need to say anything else?
This day is pretty darn fucking awesome!

Hörde jag beer pong?
Last night was SO MUCH FUN. It was Rebecca's and my first Swedish party since we got back from the US. Hugo, the guy who threw the party also came back from an exchange student year about a month ago so he had gotten red cups and had a beer pong tournament going so it felt exactly like "home". I also met a whole bunch of people who had been away too so that was fun!

Surt, sött och starkt
Pretty drinks are my favorite for sure. Today we're making them with lime, sweet soda and ice.
All of the girls are super excited for the party tonight, so I'm sure we will have a good time.
Talk to y'all later, babes!

As I mentioned earlier there is a huge party tonight so the girls went over to Evelina's yesterday in order to figure out what to wear. Evelina lent me a colorful and open-back top that I totally fell in love with. I was thinking to match it with my favorite pair of white shorts from Weat Seal I bought in the US. They are very tight but yet stretchy so they are comfortable. Hopefully the top will look as good on me as it did on Evelina.

Cykla är kul, men jag föredrar att ta bussen
Look at the guys at the beach today - pretty cool, huh?
After the beach Rebecca, Evelina, Jade and I biked all the way to mall. On our way back Rebecca and I bought stuff to make salmon, spinach and salad for dinner at her house. Gustav just came over to join us!

Hi people!
Just got back from a morning run with my bestie Rebecca! This morning I really thought about the fact that it does matter what clothing you're wearing when you work out. For instance, I definitely prefer color more than anything else. I do got some, which looks extra good on now during summer when I still got my tan from California. Probably less good in a few months when I turn all pale though... But for
some reason I feel that working out is easier when you have comfortable and good looking clothes on. It also depends on the sport/exercise you are performing. For example, I wouldn't go play basketball in spandex or do bikram (hot yoga) in an oversize t-shirt.
The running/yoga clothing I found online below are from Nike and Lululemon: and

As the girl I am I can not not love shoes, and especially heels. I believe it's just a weakness all of us women share. Let's face it ladies, we can all agree that all an sort of boring outfit needs is a pair of sparkly babies and voila!
I mentioned that I wished for heels for my birthday and I've been looking online this morning. All of these babies below are from and they are SO PRETTY that I want all of them. Imagine to stick your tan feet in these white and golden? Or the sparkly lovely ones with a pair of black jeans and you're ready for the party?

Tilly parkerar
Look at this parking job! It's my first one and I'm so proud.
When I came home my mom had made a super yummi dinner for our family and her sister and her family. I finally got to see my cute cousins again I haven't seen all last year so that was super fun.
Rebecca and her big brother Tobias offered to pick me up to go back to Gothenburg so I just got home. It felt so nice to finally be home, since I've been away so much lately.
Much love to you homies!

Tjörn runt
... Or not really but we finished strong after 10 km. It's a beautiful Swedish summer day so I can't wait until Rebecca comes over so we can put our bathing suits on and hit the beach!
What are your plans today?
a sweaty TILLY ❤

Django Unchained
I'm sure I've mentioned that my taste in movies could be perceived as a little guyish, since I'd rather watch actions movies than love stories. Last night I watched Django Unchained, which is HELL OF A MOVIE! I know all of you girls out there think that "Why on earth would I spend 2 h 40 minutes on a Western movie?" But please do - it's sick! The major cast is Jamie Foxx, Samuel L Jackson and Leonardo DiCaprio.
Now I have to finish my coffee and read a little before it's time for me and daddy to hit the road for a morning workout.
Go to a movie rental, ladies and gentlemen - Django is waiting for you.