Publicerat 2014-10-31 16:24:03 i
Hi babes!
Just came home with these new lovely babies - I'm like a child at Chistmas Eve, hehe... However for some reason the pictures don't bring out the actual colors whereas they are much more pink in reality!
/Kisses Matilda
Publicerat 2014-10-30 12:36:45 i
Godmorgon på er alla fina!❤️
Kom just hem efter milen på gymmet trots all träningsvärk... Alltså ibland förstår jag inte hur min vinnarskalle kan ta över så brutalt? Imorse vaknade jag med sjukt mycket träningsvärk samt väldigt ömma smalben vilket ofta tyder på att benhinnorna säger ifrån pga överansträngning. Men trots det så drack jag några koppar kaffe, smorde in smalbenen med tigerbalsam och stack iväg till gymmet för ett "lugnt pass". Slutar såklart med att när jag sprungit ca 4,5 km tänker : "Äh vafan kan lika gärna köra milen, inte så att jag inte skulle klara av det..." Och när väl den tanken eller snarare utmaningen slagit mig så vet jag att - japp, så blir det...😃 Så jaaa, får la helt enkelt skylla mig själv att jag kommer röra mig som en robot hela dagen!😉
Näpp, nu ska jag hoppa in i duschen - hoppas ni får en grym torsdag kompisar!
/Kisses M
Publicerat 2014-10-29 13:38:53 i
Good afternoon love bugs!<3
Just got back from a lovely brunch in the city with Hanna, Frida and Cicci. We went to this adorable little café in Linné and all I can say is that we arrived starving and left stuffed but hey that's the point with brunch, right?;) It felt absolutely great to see Cicci and Frida once more before they leave for Asia on Friday - wish you the very best trip girls!<3
About to hit the gym now and then I'll most likely spend the rest of this day studying.
/Kisses Matilda
Publicerat 2014-10-28 22:14:06 i
Hi my beloved ones!❤️
How are you doing?😃
I just got back from the city after tapas and a movie - what a perfect way to finish up this Tuesday. About to hit the sack soon since I'm exhausted and have a busy day coming uptomorrow.
Nighty love bugs!
Publicerat 2014-10-28 15:32:04 i
Hej gullisar!
Blev lite change of plans så istället för lunch på Vapiano med tjejerna idag så blir det supermysig brunch i Linnéstan på Ethels imorgon istället. Pretty darn nice, eller hur? Just nu har jag hällt i mig kaffe, samt analyserat en ekonomiartikel om arbetslöshet i USA de senaste timmarna. Ska bara dricka upp det sista kaffet innan det är dags att göra sig iordning. Ikväll ska vi ut och äta och sedan på bio - låter som en grym kväll för mig iallafall.
Vad ska ni hitta på?
/Puss M
Publicerat 2014-10-28 08:33:52 i
Good morning lovers!
How are you today?❤️ I'm enjoying my morning coffee in front of a couple of episodes of How I Met Your Mother. About to gather my stuff for the gym soon though to spend about an hour over there. After that I might drive over to H&M to see if they have this new sweater I'd like in my size, since they we're out of XS in the city. Then I'm having lunch at Vapiano with the girls since Frida and Cicci are leaving for Asia (!!!!) in a few days so we're throwing a goodbye lunch for them. Tonight mommy, Vilma and I are going to the movies - any advice on which one to watch?
Have a great Tuesday babies!
/Kisses M
Mikaela, Cicci and I @Summerburst in May!
Publicerat 2014-10-27 16:59:32 i
Hi cutes!
Just got home after a lovely couple of hours in the city with my mommy and baby sister. Always such a cozy time in Haga!
/Kisses M
Publicerat 2014-10-26 19:09:33 i
Let's just say that the sales @Nelly had me... Pretty pieces though, right?😃
/Kisses M❤️
Publicerat 2014-10-26 10:55:07 i
Good morning you!
Slept in a bit this morning after a tough week with plenty of school and workout sessions. Then daddy and I had morning coffee in front Modern Family on out new huge TV screen, haha it's insane(!!) Almost felt a bit like Lily in How I Met Your Mother when she's introduced to Barney's TV, haha - ever seen that espisode?
Then I had this incentive to bike over to the gym, run 10K and then bike home, haha... My legs were shaking at the end and I was seriously about to vomit I'm pretty sure but heeeey you know me, that won't stop me when I had like 2K left to go. About to get a shower and then use this amazing set from the Body Shop, Evelina got me for my birthday. I have several products of their products and I enjoy them to the fullest and especially now when I exercise more than before which of course includes more showers!:) And heeey HOW lovely are the facts that we did not only earn an extra hour today but a whole week off as well. Hell yeah.
How are you spending your Sunday?
Publicerat 2014-10-25 16:46:40 i
Hi love bugs!
Just finished the super long test and I can't even tell whether it feels good or bad. But all I can say is that it was tricky as hell. About to get ready for tonight since my aunt and uncle are throwing a 110th birthday party together since she's turning 50 and he's turning 60 - how exciting?
Publicerat 2014-10-24 17:26:06 i
Hi my favorites and happy Friday!
I've been pretty cranky all day despite the fact that fall break is coming up - really don't know why? I guess I'm just stressed out about school and also that I'm taking Högskoleprovet tomorrow for the very first time. Are any of you going to take it?
Also the rain pisses me off, hahaha! But for real though?! What's the point with doing your hair and make-up as well as to put on a cute outfit if the rain will just make you look like shit anyway? Oh well enough with the cranky mood. I basically just dropped off my stuff and headed towards the gym once I got home. And as usual it made me feel a lot better. Now I'll just have a cozy night and mentally prepare for tomorrow.
Publicerat 2014-10-23 18:27:28 i
Publicerat 2014-10-23 14:00:39 i
Hi friends!
What's up?
Since I had a gap I hurried down to the avenue in the rain to get inside for a hot coffee and some homework. Now I just finish one essay for psychology and I have another one to write before I'll head back to Hvit. I'm in such need for break now though, hahaha... I'm so done already - my brain doesn't want to cooperate at all. I'm at the point where I need to read all sentences twice to actually make sense of it. Oh well basically just one day left for break right?😃
About to finish up here, attend one more class and then design my graduation cap! IIIIIIH 😃😃😃
Publicerat 2014-10-22 16:56:33 i
Hi love bugs!
It's midweek and Wednesday which means only 2 whole days of school left before the fall break - AMEN. Literally the second I got home I took off my bra, make-up and tight jeans to just put on a loose Nike top and put my hair up in a bun. Like how many of us girls does that? I guess like basically everyone - the feeling is amazing!😊
And heeeey you know what? Tomorrow after school we're trying out graduation caps - how exciting?
Gotta get back to homework now though. Have a good Wednesday.
/Hugs M❤️
Publicerat 2014-10-22 12:51:01 i
Hallå babes!
Ni vet när man får en såndär sjuk dille på något? På typ någon maträtt eller klädesplagg eller SKOR. Alltså dessa är top-notch säger jag bara. Wedges and sneakers in one - kan det bli bättre? Behöver att de svarta darlingsen blir mina en dag.
Peace out,
Publicerat 2014-10-21 19:15:31 i
This is in fact an awesome new product by Arla - drickkvarg! It's healthy, delicious and super easy to bring on the go.
/Hugs Tilly❤️
Publicerat 2014-10-20 20:01:17 i

Hej världens bästa och mest trognaste blogg!
Fasen vilken sjuk tanke som slog mig idag - detta var första dagen på säkert över en månad jag inte har pluggat. Okej gick ju skolan till 4 idag men efter det har jag faktiskt inte pluggat - lovar!!! Unnade mig en ledig dag idag eftersom jag ligger relativt bra till, men då får jag så extremt mycket tid över, haha...!?😃 Även om jag var på gymmet imorse innan skolan tog jag precis bilen ner för ett kvällspass med för att jag kände för det. Nu har jag duschat och smörjt in hela kroppen med body lotion (liksom när brukar jag ens hinna med det, haha?😉) så hela jag är typ helt hal nu, höll på att halka i badrummet... Dock var det much needed för blir så torr om huden när jag duschar så mycket plus att det börjar bli kallt ute.
På tal om ingenting och min titel så körde jag några rejält jobbiga springpass på gymmet förra veckan och thank God för låter The Days med Avicii säger jag bara. Spola fram till 3:12 och försök att inte öka tempot på springbandet när beatet kommer.
Nä nu ska jag sluta babbla - ligger redan i sängen och ska börja kolla en ny serie för att jag kan. Funderar på The Killing - någon som sett den? Hört att den ska vara bra, tycker Joel Kinnaman är dampgo och den finns på Netflix så så blir det nog.
//Godnattkysssss på er från Tilly❤️
Publicerat 2014-10-20 17:34:57 i
Hi friends!
Definitely didn't feel it this morning at all. It was just that kind of morning when I didn't have time to finish my coffee before I had to leave for the bus, I accidentally dropped my phone while running at the gym and then forgot to bring a water bottled which resulted in a not ver happy and dehydrated Tilly all day...😔 Sort of felt like I could use another day of weekend but I assume that's a comprenehible feeling so close to the fall break - can you believe it's next week already? Lovely.
Last night my baby doll Vilma and I decided to get some sweets at the store and then spend the night with Carrie, Samantha, Miranda and Charlotte 😉 - such cozy way to finish up the weekend, right?
Have a good Monday darlings and let's get through this week together to finally deserve 9 lovely days off right?
/Kisses M
Publicerat 2014-10-19 12:59:01 i
Good morning readers!
How has your weekend been? Since I didn't get enough of sleep on Friday I got a good amount last night - about 13 hours! Haha it may sounds nice but honestly it only makes me more tired, hehe...😉 So how does your Sunday look like? Mine is pretty much according to the title; milen, matte and mysa - pretty nice though, right? Just got back from the gym with daddy whereas I ran 10km 2 minutes faster than last time - whiiii! Now I just had a shower and will get started on maths. Tonight it's all about cuddling - what else to do on a cold and rainy Sunday night in October?
Publicerat 2014-10-18 14:33:31 i
How are you all holding up today? Hopefully less tired than I am - oh well I guess feeling shitty today only indicated a hell of a good last night. Spent it in M-Town (really trying to sound as cool as the actual Mölnlycke people when I say that, however I really can't pull it off, haha...) and then we headed to the avenue to continue the celebrations of Karro's 19th birthday - happy birthday again, sweetie!
And speaking of absolutely nothing while walking on the avenue to the club last night we casually ran into Eric, Saga and Kian from Paradise Hotel - didn't even know they were in town? Either way, we honestly can't ignore the fact that I'm still a bit starstuck from getting a shot hugging Snygg-Eric ;) /Hybbe-Kändiskåta Tilly.
Woke up waaaaay to early this morning in relationship to the time I crashed last night - uggh don't even want to talk about it. Treated myself with a Saturday brunch consisting of American Pancakes made with almond flour topped with greek yoghurt, frozen blue -and raspberries and coconut flakes as well as a black cup of coffee.
Have a great day cuties.
And by the way there was no way I could possibly finish that, haha... I totally overestimated my ability to eat... ;)
Publicerat 2014-10-17 16:01:58 i
A few shots from today at the AMNESTY CAMPAIGN - My Body My Rights
Publicerat 2014-10-17 09:43:01 i
Good morning you guys and I apologize for the rather harsh title but for real though, there's no way you can understand how much I've been looking forward to this day!!!! Just handed over my huge copy of the extended essay first draft to my supervisor and it's such a relief - I'M HAVING WINE TONIGHT FOR SURE!😉
Since my daddy became a member 24 😉 just last night we went there together this morning and it's a great way for us to spend time together and also I get a ride afterwards - oh how convenient!😃 So therefore today has already been busy with working out, planning a psychological experiment and after my next class I'm attending the Amnesty Campaign Hvitfeldtska is throwing today. After math I'll hurry back home to wrap Karro's gifts and then get ready to head to her place to celebrate all night.
Have a lovely Friday, love bugs.
Kisses Tills
Publicerat 2014-10-16 18:28:53 i
Publicerat 2014-10-16 10:35:58 i
Åh godmorgon på er alla fina!
Alltså vädret - vafan!?!? Det verkligen vräker ner, herregud. Började iallafall denna morgonen på gymmet och har en lektion kvar innan håltimme. Fick just tillbaka mitt matteprov och det gick bättre än förväntat men eftersom jag inte fick en 7:a är jag givetvis ändå inte nöjd. Prutt.
Oh well, är iallafall överlycklig över att det är fredag imorgon - alltså kärlek, vad ska ni hitta på?
Publicerat 2014-10-15 11:31:32 i
Good (late) morning friends!<3
Slept in until 8ish this morning whereupon I had some coffee before I dropped my little princess, Vilma, off at school to later hit the gym for a workout. Last night I spontaneously decided to run the mile (NOT AN AMERICAN MILE, but 10km;)) which I haven't done in a looooong time. But it felt great yet some sore legs today of coure. This morning I decided to do some easier cardio and then mostly abdominal exercises, so most likely I won't be able to laugh tomorrow, hahah... so sad!
Now I just got home, had a shower and put on my silken morning robe to continue this day studying... I'll also try to go to the city at some point for a couple of errands.
How are you guys doing today?
Publicerat 2014-10-14 14:13:54 i
Hi love bugs!❤️
How are you doing today?
V spent the night yesterday and this morning we decided to take the car to school since I had a short day. It was lovely to get off at 1 and then be home 10 minutes later! Now I just had lunch and will make myself some coffee before I'll get started on homework. Most likely I'll take a break to hit the gym! And also I have no classes all day tomorrow - how lovely? Much needed.
Today is no ordinary day because it's my baby Karolina's 19th birthday! I wish you all the best and can't wait to celebrate you on Friday - HAPPY BIRTHDAY!
Bjuder på en liten bildbomb på mig och födelsedagsbarnet!❤️
Publicerat 2014-10-13 16:31:00 i
Hi lovers!
Let's start out this Monday with some of your questions I gathered;
/Kisses M
Q: Hej och tack för en fin blogg!!! Vad kostar ditt gym och ligger det i sisjön? Kram
A: Hej och åh tack fina du! Yes mitt gym ligger i Sisjön och här har du vad det kostar (+startuppgift);
Kram Tilly!
Q:Vart är skorna ifrån?? Jättefina verkligen:)
A: Tackar! De är från Scorett!! Kram!
Q:Åh vilken fin klänning! Vart kommer den ifrån?:)
A: Tackar! Länkar dig vidare till ett inlägg om detta! Kram! (Du får köra copy/paste - sorry!😉)
Q:Hej skulle du kunna berätta mer om IB och hur det är att gå där, är det sant att det kostar 5000 kr att göra det provet och kan du lägga ut bild på sitt schema?:)
A: Hejsan! Kolla under kategorin "Skola" för där finns det en hel del jag skrivit om IB. I stort sätt skulle jag säga att man måste vara beredd på hard work annars går det inte ihop, men ifall man genomför det så har man en enorm fördel inför högskola! Och ja det kostar ca 5000kr att ta exams. Själva utbildningen kostar ingenting i Sverige men det hade det gjort ifall du tex gått precis samma utbildning i USA. Därför kostar det att ta själva slutproven därför att det är internationella prov - kom ihåg att alla länder i världen inte har samma lyx som Sverige med gratis utbildning!😉 Och ja visst kan jag visa bild på mitt schema, MEN jag vill make clear att detta har absolut inget med IB att göra utan Hvitfeldtska Gymnasiet. Har man 2400 elever är uppgiften att göra bra scheman för alla ca omöjlig haha...
Publicerat 2014-10-12 15:39:32 i
Hi angels!
How was your weekend?
Yesterday during the day I decided to go with mommy and daddy to the summer house over the night and although I needed to spend plenty of time on homework I also had some relaxing time. We got there at 6ish and immediately daddy made a fire, we had a drink and then dinner together all the three of us to fall asleep in front of a movie we rented. Such cozy night and morning up there as always. Now I just got home and am about to hit the gym. How are you spending the rest of this Sunday?
/Kisses M
Publicerat 2014-10-11 18:03:11 i
This is what I wore last night - a simple loose black dress as well as my new boots(!!!!)😃 I absolutely love them so far despite the pretty high heel. Oh well we shorties should be allowed to use some tools, right...?😉
Have a great Saturday night folks and stay safe,
Publicerat 2014-10-11 08:03:22 i
Good morning angels!
How was your last night? Anything exciting?
Just got up, made myself a black cup of coffee and now I'm all cuddled up on the couch with a blanket and the computer for some editing and blogging - cozy morning for sure. Last night at Evelina's was super cozy - exactly what I needed after such shitty day in school. After dinner a few of us decided to head into the city for some further partying however Rebecca, Jade and I decided to go home. Now I'm about to finish up here and then hit the gym with my sister - HOW exciting that we now can work out together?
Have a wonderful Saturday love bugs.
Publicerat 2014-10-10 17:16:53 i
Studying your ass off for a math test and then have it go straight to hell doesn't really seem fair. I can't even explain my frustration when it comes to math. I'm not naturally smart - I study HARD for all my classes and once I study I receive good grades. However that's not the case with math and it PISSES ME OFF. After the test I went straight home, sobbed for about 10 minutes and then hit the gym for a hard workout although it's my day off. It was the only way to cure my anger.
Now I'm about to shower and get ready for dinner at Evelina's. All I need right now is my friends, a glass of wine and then tomorrow I'll just have to deal with it all again.
Wish you an awesome Friday night lovers!
Kan knappt vänta tills jag får se denna lilla glädjespridaren igen - vi alla borde ha en sådan vän som faktiskt alltid ler och bjuder in gänget på middag "bara för att."
Publicerat 2014-10-10 10:07:41 i
Happy Friday!
Did something absolutely amazing this morning. Since my body was so sore I could barely lift my pencil yesterday I decided to take a day off and instead I slept in another hour yet went up in time to not having to stress to school. It's Friday and I thought having a shower, getting ready and drink my morning coffee in peace without being in a constant hurry would be lovely.
And you guys! I got a new pair of boots which I believe I'll wear today - I like them beyond a lot! I'll try to show them to you this weekend at some point!😃
Publicerat 2014-10-09 20:02:17 i
Hi darlings!
I spent a good amount of time on homework when I got home until the point when I wanted to blow my brain out so instead I did my nails myself!:) I really enjoy having them long and white - such pretty combination with some golden rings, huh?
Now I'm about to cuddle up in bed pretty soon - getting up 5 in the morning really takes it out of you I can tell. I get off at 2:30 tomorrow so I might go work out then if my poor sore body can handle it or otherwise I'll just have a day off. Tomorrow night Evelina-darling is throwing a dinner for us girls - how cozy?
Publicerat 2014-10-09 07:36:06 i
Morning lovers!
Just got on the bus after a workout session at the gym. Although this is my second super early morning at the gym I can already tell it is doing me good. Not only in terms of time since IB basically takes all I have at this point, but also psychologically - it's like therapy to me. Lovely!
Can't believe it's Thursday already? Wow time certainly flies. Don't know how to spend this weekend yet. Preferably I'd hang out with my beloved and missed friends however unfortunately I'm not sure IB will allow that, but we'll see. As usual I'll try to make the best out of it.
Have a lovely day, love bugs!!!❤️
/xoxo Tilly
Publicerat 2014-10-08 12:53:08 i
Hej på er finisar!
Imorse började jag med min nya vana; gymma på morgonen. Skaffade gymkort på Member 24 i Sisjön igårkväll och testade även gymmet då med och jag gillar det jättemycket än så länge! Imorse satte jag klockan på 5:10 (I know it's bad) men efter två kaffekoppar var det faktiskt inte ens jobbigt att bege sig dit - tvärtom det är ett perfekt sätt för mig att börja dagen, så detta kommer definitivt bli en ny vana!😉
Nu sitter jag på "Frank's Coffee" i Vasa och ska ta tag i matten. Wish me luck!
Jag hoppas verkligen att ni kaffedrickande läsare har varit på Frank's!?!? Their lattes are a taste of heaven, for real!😃
Publicerat 2014-10-07 20:04:20 i
Publicerat 2014-10-07 11:53:11 i
Hey lovies!
Just came home from school and made this lovely shot of espresso. Now I'm about to get loads of homework done and later tonight I'm getting my first gym card EVER. How exciting? Since I'm all good now after my second (!!) treatment of antibiotics I'm beyond excited to get back to working out and decided to go all mainstream and join a gym. Finally;) It's funny how many people that've asked me what gym I go to although I've never actually gone to one, but now I've realized it's time for me to try it out as well. Do you guys have a gym card? Where at? Are you enjoying it?
Publicerat 2014-10-06 16:14:00 i
I've had the shittiest day today whereas my practice test for economics went straight to hell and I found out that I've gotten the deadline for first draft for the Extended Essay wrong which is the like biggest assignment in the IB Diploma so apparently I got a month less to get it done. Fuck me, for real.
Literally just wanna leave the IB Diploma at this point, however that's the best part with me - I know I never will. I've chosen to take on this challenge and I will complete it no matter what.
So yeah I'm about to head home and work my ass off because that's in fact the only thing I can do at this point.
Hope you had a better Monday than I did, love bugs!❤️

Publicerat 2014-10-05 17:06:31 i
Hey love birds!
Such a lovely day in the city with my two soulmates. We rarely find time to hang out all the three of us together nowadays so today was a great opportunity to do so. Now I'm about to get some homework done before we will have a Sunday family dinner together.
Publicerat 2014-10-05 14:05:50 i
Tjenis penis bloggisen! Har spenderat denna söndagsmorgonen med att dricka kaffe, plugga matte, gå promis med pappis, dricka mer kaffe och nu är jag ready to let the drogs out och åka en sväng till stan. Tyvärr delar inte mina kära systrar mina "snabba gener" så jag är alltid klar ca 1h innan dem. Så nu ska jag jaga på dom med att säga att bilen går nu eftersom jag kör!😃
Ha en bra söndag, babes!
Publicerat 2014-10-04 17:37:59 i
A delayed 19-birthday gift sent all the way from Palo Alto, CA - how pretty?<3
Publicerat 2014-10-04 10:21:16 i
Good morning love bugs!
Last night after dinner mommy and I decided to go rent a movie so I spent my Friday night watching it with mommy and daddy. Now I'm on my way to Chalmers for a couple of hours of math since I have a test coming up next week.
Other than that I'm planning on going out for a walk since the weather is supposed to nice out today and also I have to clean up my embarrassingly messy room. Still haven't organized all birthday gifts yet, hehe...😉
I wish you a lovely day and that you'll get your hands on a tasty cinnamon bun at some point!
Publicerat 2014-10-03 19:40:08 i
I ordered these babies on my birthday and due to that they offered my a huge discount on Nelly - how generous? They are high as shit but that's the point right?😉 So yeah now I have another pair of darlings to add to the collection and since they are black they will be greatly used. While we're on new stuff here's my second silk kimono I got from my two darling Linda and Rebecca. Oh how I love birthdays...😃
Publicerat 2014-10-02 17:29:34 i
Vilma and I just got back from a lovely walk and of course we brought my new camera in order to try to figure out how the heck it works, hehe...! Either way it's absolutely gorgeous out this time a year - starting to feel a lot like fall. It also felt great for me to get outside since I've been told to stay calm for days now in order to recover. However my body is craving a killer workout at the moment... To be honest I don't know how many more days I can take without running. Hold your thumbs for me, will ya?
Publicerat 2014-10-02 14:35:26 i
Haven't gotten a chance to show you what Sarah got me for my birthday - a sports bra from Björn Borg. How could one actually come up with a more perfect gift for me? And also, completely loving the color! This one will be greatly used, I can tell you.
Publicerat 2014-10-01 16:57:00 i
Klänningen är bara såååå snygg och du med! Vart kommer den ifrån? Kram<3
Åh tack så mycket - klänningen är ifrån Nelly och i storleken XS. Eftersom den är väldigt urringad använde jag faktiskt en pytteliten säkerhetshål som ni ser på bilderna!😃 Den ligger på 499kr!
Publicerat 2014-10-01 12:42:21 i
Hi friends! Just took the first test of the year for psychology and it went pretty good - such a relief. Grabbed one of these from home, lemon lime and it was actually super tasty. Now I have a huge gap so I'm about to head downtown, order in a hot latte (it's freeeeezing out today??) and then get some homework done!
Wish you a lovely Wednesday friends!❤️