Publicerat 2014-01-31 17:57:40 i
After a long-ass week and two hours of math tutoring this Friday afternoon the last thing I need is to miss the freaking buss with fractions of a second when it's cold as fuck outside and I'm dragging IB books around... However my bestest big sister came to pick me up. Much love to you honey. Now we're picking up Vilma to then go home and have dinner. Then I'll have a pre-party nap before I get ready for the night,
Publicerat 2014-01-31 10:39:00 i
Loooove working out in the morning since that means I don't have to think about it when I get home from school.
Now I'm on my way to school to attend two classes and at 3ish I'm seeing my math tutor at Chalmers. Tonight Carolina and I are going to Maximilian's 18th birthday party - wiho love Fridays,
Publicerat 2014-01-31 06:50:00 i
Good morning babes!
I'm so relieved - it's been one busy week fore to deal with and it's almost over. Even though I could sleep in today I woke up early so right now I'm just cuddling under my canopy - oh how I love my huge princess bed. Soon I'll have to get up though to head out in the snow for a good 45 minutes run. I'll update you later! xx,
David's Bagare
Publicerat 2014-01-30 15:08:00 i
Hej gosisar!
Just sat down at David's Bagare with a yummi Cappucino and loads of homework. Since I'm going to a party tomorrow night and then out on Saturday I need to get a lot of economics done today and math homework done tomorrow with my tutor after school!
Finish up your Thursday best possible way. Xx,
Publicerat 2014-01-30 11:16:35 i
Hi guys!
Due to cancelled Economics class today I get out at 2 - wonderful. Then I'll find a cozy café, order in something warm to drink and then study a couple of hours before my driving class.
Publicerat 2014-01-29 20:55:00 i
What. A. Day.
Wow - being in school from 8am-5:30pm really takes it out of you. It was the first Amnesty meeting for me and Vilde to hold and be responsible for and we were a bit nervous at first but it turned out to go very well. When I think about it; stand up and talk in front of a group of people and give them instructions on a regular basis is a GREAT experience. I think I'll grow a lot of doing this!
Did some hw when I got home however now I'm exhausted. Fortunately my economics teacher told us no class Thursday and Friday - HELL TO THE YEAH! Tomorrow after school I have a driving class (always working, no rest haha.) After that I'm tryna work out before I go to bed and then wake up and welcome FRIDAY, that offer plenty of exciting plans, with open arms.
What's on the schedule now is a casual hangout with Mike and Harvey from Suits and then I'll hit the sack,
En favorit
Publicerat 2014-01-29 17:57:00 i
QUESTION: Alltså shit vad snygg kofta!!! Var har du köpt den? :D
ANSWER: Since this girl is not the only one wondering - the cardigan's from H&M, 399kr. And it's definitely a favorite piece in my closet, however I'm not certain they still have it in stock!
Publicerat 2014-01-29 11:09:00 i
... weekend, a sparkly outfit, falsies, (plenty) of wine, drinks, my favorite girls, music...
Weekend get your ass here faster, will ya
January 28
Publicerat 2014-01-28 19:54:00 i
Hi all my beautiful readers!
First of all I have to say wow thank you to all the adorable response/comments I had after being on Synas today. You have no idea how happy it makes me!
I got home from school @5ish and changed in to PLENTY of layers to go out running. It was more snow than I had expected and even though I was wearing my spikes it was a challenge. But I got a good 45 minutes run and finished up with some strength and yoga positions as usual. MY BODY FEELS GREAT.
Now about two hours later I just finished my English homework and Psychology essay and my brain's basically dead - it craves the stupidity of an episode of Paradise Hotel, hehe...
Morning rituals
Publicerat 2014-01-28 07:52:13 i
Morning rituals.
Good morning babes!
How are we holding up today? Unusually hard for me to get my ass out of the bed this morning... Oh well I bet some Nespresso love will help me to kick start this Tuesday.
Nothing too exciting today other than that my blogg's on Synas tonight as 7ish - that's always exciting.
Have a good one,
Fullbokad vecka
Publicerat 2014-01-27 17:12:00 i
It turned out to be a pretty busy week for me to deal with - long days in school and additional activities after school:
Monday: Meeting with my new mentor in math
Wednesday: Amnesty meeting
Thursday: Driving class
Friday: Math tutoring section
Also my mom and I are tryna find an appointment for me to get my hair done too, whenever I'm gonna have to squeeze that in. Unfortunately I have loads of homework too since I was abscent two days last week because of the stomach flu... And since I'm getting better now I wanna get back to working out. I've too promised to go get coffee with a friend at some point as well as that I have one 18-birthday party on Friday and birthday dinner + UTGÅNG for Frida baby on Saturday! I assume PLANNING IS MY ANSWER to get my life together this week. Holy toledo,
Så överlever du IB
Publicerat 2014-01-27 13:22:00 i
Requirement número 1: Pink school supplies including a lot of flowers, preferably Diddle.
Requirement 2: loads and loads of CAFFEINE. Not pure shit like Redbull or Monster - COFFEE! And if you don't like it, sucks for you - drink it anyway, it'll come around.
Peace out friends,
Måndayy is back
Publicerat 2014-01-27 11:33:43 i
As I told you I only had to attend one class today - wonderful. So it's not even 12 and I'm already home. I'm gonna have something to eat, go out for a power walk and then get started on homeowork. At 4:20ish I need to attend a meeting at Chalmers with my mentor in order to decide how we're gonna work together from now on.
Can I just share something with you guys that just made me feel so good? We had a new guy in IB today, he's Swedish but just moved here from Philadelphia. I knew he didn't know anyone so I decided to take care of him, offer him to work with me, walking him to his next class since Hvitfeldtska is HUGE and I also introduced him to a couple of nice people and so on. I might be the kind of person who's generally pretty forward and social and in these types of situations I always feel the responsibility to take care of whomever it is who might need a little help. It was my last class today so I told Martin and Alex to take care of him rest of the day since I just can't stand the thought of leaving him alone. He was a nice guy and I'm certain he won't find it difficult to make new friends however it's always tough the first day in a completely new and huge school (tell me about it...) And I saw how happy and relieved he looked after I had dragged him around the school and that makes me feel great too. It's all about the little things,
Natti natti
Publicerat 2014-01-26 21:42:30 i
BIG hug to myself for the amount of math I got done today - feels great to be able to feel this satisfied with homework for once. Hopefully I can do well on the test on Tuesday.
I'm exhausted so I'm about to cuddle up in the most amazing bed ever. Talk to you tomorrow. Sleep tight,
Äventyr med pappsen
Publicerat 2014-01-26 13:23:16 i
A casual little adventure on a Sunday like this with the old man. Next: studying for math ---> xx,
Sun's almost breaking through
Publicerat 2014-01-26 10:20:02 i
It's about to be a lovely day out - sun's almost breaking through - lovin' it.
Now I've just finished up some working out at home and I'm about to hit the shower. Daddy and I (or actually I am) driving up to Kungsbacka today for some adventures! Talk to you later,
Ingen söndagsångest
Publicerat 2014-01-26 07:14:00 i
Good morning readers!
I suppose you're not awake at this hour - only I am due to the fact that I fell asleep at around 9ish yesterday hehe...
Generally I enjoy Sundays pretty much although it means school the next day however tomorrow I only have one scheduled class from 9:30-11:00! It feels absolutely amazing!
Today's plans aren't perfectly settled yet but I believe they will include plenty of homework, hopefully a run if my cough will allow me so, some driving with the old man and then I'll see what I'll come up with. Enjoy your Sunday,
Publicerat 2014-01-25 20:12:00 i
JEEZ! I need to share something with you guys that we in California would say is "HELLA COOL". One of my very best friends all last year was Tia and she's the happiest and most cheery girl I have ever met - always with a smile on her face. However this year she as everyone else attended college and Tia was the only incoming Freshman getting into UCLA as a cheerleader. She's absolutely amazing at cheering and I literally want her life - I'm so incredibly jealous of everything she gets to experience.
And well look at this;
WITH FREAKING TAYLOR LAUTNER - and yes of course Tia's the one hugging him (to the left.)
And this is her to the right.... Amazing.
Honestly SO proud of you Tia! And actually, if you're gonna keep hanging out with celebrities like that I actually might have to come visit pretty darn soon. Miss you my baby-girl!
Publicerat 2014-01-25 16:58:17 i
I had SUCH a good day! Met up with Stina-baby @10ish and then we headed to Chalmers which went great. Got some help on a few questions for the test on functions that's coming up on Wednesday. After that we headed downtown and believe it or not but I found a pair the pants I wanted!!!! And also it was the very last pair - how lucky am I? We finished our day with some coffee and hot chocolate - yum.
When I got home I studied a bit more, had lunch and watched LOL - goshhhh I am soo in love with Kyle... For real though I feel terrible everytime I watch that movie because I love him so much and I know it's never gonna be the two of us </3 (SORRY, BUT IT IS JUST WHAT I FEEL, OKAY?)
I'm home alone at the moment which obviously means; DANCING IN FRONT OF THE MIRROR TO BEYONCE - WHEEY. I'm overloaded with energy since I've been sick for about a week - bare with me, hehe...
Now I'm gonna finish up talking to you guys, head out for a PW and then make dinner for the fam-bam tonight!
Hejsan hoppsan
Publicerat 2014-01-25 09:27:02 i
Happy Saturday people! Hungover?
I went to bed at 8:40 last night hehe... And in fact I think it did me good with plenty of sleep because I feel a lot better today - wiho! Right now I'm on my way to meet up with Stina since we're going to Chalmers for math tutoring - how ambitious are we?;)
After that we will prolly head downtown for some coffee! Have a good one boys and girls,
New kicks
Publicerat 2014-01-24 15:05:02 i
My new babies and I. Nothing can make a girl more satisfied than a new pair of shooooooes. Xx,
Godmorgon bloggisen
Publicerat 2014-01-24 11:44:00 i
Good morning friends!
Although I'm not all good yet I feel a lot better which is great. I woke up to the most beautiful and sunny morning. Now I'm gonna get started on some homework to not fall behind so I just put my Country playlist on. Have a good Friday,
Such pretty morning with the sunlight entering my room.
Ny favvo
Publicerat 2014-01-23 16:49:01 i
Since basically all I can do today is to zip on a glass of iced Coca-Cola and watch movies... Fortunately I found a new tv-show on Netflix - Suits! It's about this lawyer firm and it is good! And also I feel a little better now, so hopefully my body starts to get rid of this awful virus... Now I'm gonna finish up this episode and have a shower. Much love to you babies,
Publicerat 2014-01-23 14:31:36 i
Feeling so shitty today - just want this to be over already. Not only is the cold and the stomach flu the worst, my entire body is so lazy and all I want to do is to sleep or watch movies.
Haven't had anything to eat at all since I'm too afraid it will come right back up again. The only thing I've had today is some apple juice... Oh jeeeez I can't do this - wanna be all productive, put my spikes on and go out running in the snow. Fuck this shit,
not a very happy Tilly
Men ja, tack
Publicerat 2014-01-23 08:07:00 i
Good morning Thursday!
And also ARE YOU KIDDING ME? I didn't even get to recover from my cold and cough before this godamn stomach flu hit me.... ARGGGGG! Why is this happening to me? Fuck.
Obviously no school for me today... Anyway despite my very sucky mood I have to share these lovely babies with you guys I found online;
Go follow their page on INSTAGRAM; frankiesbikinis. Absolutely lovely,
Publicerat 2014-01-22 18:55:38 i
So basically I was pretty nervous for my first tutoring section at Chalmers today, mostly bc I haven't been to the HUGE university before so I had no clue of where to go and if you know me you would know that maps and I don't tend to come along.
However I somehow found the building and a super cute guy passes by and I ask him where to find the class room and he goes "Oh I'm one of the tutors - come along".
It was AWESOME! Honestly go there if you ever need help with math bc they will provide all the kind of support in maths and natural sciences you will need. I'm super glad I went there and also I don't mind the cute tutors... ;)
Forgot to tell you I had a hair cut last week - even though I hate my hair I enjoy it more now than before.
Frank's Coffee
Publicerat 2014-01-22 16:17:52 i
Hey cutes!
How was your day? Just got out of school and walked down to Vasa to get coffee at Frank's Coffee. It's a place I've heard about but never been to before and I would give it 10/10 toasters ;) Actually though; super cozy, not too many people, 20% off with student discounts (Mecenat card) and the best Cappucino! Now I'm going to enjoy my coffee, plan some homework for this week as well as signing up for development talks due next week. Also I need to come up with questions for my math tutoring that starts in an hour at Chalmers.
January 22
Publicerat 2014-01-22 07:44:55 i
Good morning!
Long ass day ahead of me with school from 8-4pm and then math tutoring from 5:15-7:15pm... Don't know about you guys but I definitely felt this was a Juicy Couture kinda day. Wish you all a pleasant morning and I'll update you later - xx,
US/UK colleges information
Publicerat 2014-01-21 16:54:28 i
Hey all beautiful souls out there!
Today has been intense. First of all I had regular classes from 9:30-12:20 to after lunch attend the introduction of the "Group 4 project" which will be a natural science project within IB2. I'm satisfied with the group I was put in so I think we will do just fine.
@ 4ish I attended a meeting regarding applications to UK/US colleges and wow there's a lot to consider... However it's one thing I loooove with IB since they can provide a lot of support and information when it comes to this that Swedish schools cannot offer.
Now I'm gonna head home, have dinner, work out and get some psychology done. Puss på er,
The picture's from last Friday and a super duper night with my beautiful girls.
Dr Denim Kissy Black Jeans XS
Publicerat 2014-01-21 11:00:00 i
Is this actually a joke? Been around to multiple stores AND online but they are out of these babies EVERYWHERE at the moment. However I spoke to a guy at Design Only yesterday and apparently they're restocking during next week. I'LL BE THERE,
Hej bloggisen
Publicerat 2014-01-20 16:43:00 i
My driving class in fact went great and I came home around 3ish and had some food before I put some spikes on and headed out in the snow for a power walk.
I'm gonna shower, put on PJ's and get started on drawing exponential functions for math...
Finish up your Monday best possible way - xx,
Laddar upp...
Publicerat 2014-01-20 12:49:23 i
... mentally for my driving class with a small Cappucino and the most fucking boring book ever for Swedish, haha. Honestly I couldn't care less about anything that happens in it. However that doesn't change the fact that I need to get through it.
After my driving class I can't wait to get home - my cough is getting worse even though I already had have plenty of asthma medication,
Publicerat 2014-01-20 08:52:26 i
Put some of this in my hair this morning while showering and it feels great actually, all soft and shiny!
Now I'm on my way to school with my second coffee for the day in a to-go cup - still sick and down however today I'm actually gonna get stuff done. No more couch for me,
Publicerat 2014-01-19 18:40:37 i
Hej kompisar!
Blir sweeeeeedish today.
Ligger fortfarande i soffan och surar. Behöver en nystart imorgon då jag vill träna och äta nyttig mat igen, ta tag i plugget och vara på allmänt bra humör med mycket energi. Denna veckan har faktiskt sugit ganska mycket (förutom lovely fredag med lovely friends.) Så bestämmer mig här och nu att från och med imorgon blir det inga sura miner. Ikväll lägger jag mig 7:30 - it's happening. I hopp om att vara extra taggad på imorgon,
Ryck upp dig Tilly
Publicerat 2014-01-19 17:10:38 i
hate this. If you knew me you know I
never fall asleep in the middle of the day and now I just woke up from a nap. Haaaaate being sick.
Haven't done shit today and I hate being so unproductive - it's killing me from inside.
Tomorrow I have to do twice the amount of homework so yeah good job Tilly - I need to get my shit together,
Publicerat 2014-01-19 14:06:29 i
Good morning snowy Sunday!
My mom and it went out for the most beautiful walk in the snow today and on top of all it's sunny too - whiiii!
However we are both pretty down and lazy today since we're sick so now we just got inside and are about to watch an episode of House of Cards. I feel all lazy and just want to do nothing all day - hate being sick. Hopefully I can get back to working out and homework tomorrow,
Publicerat 2014-01-18 15:53:44 i
Q: Vad använder du för smink?? Och har du olika till vardags och fest då? Du är jättesnygg och tack för er grym blogg!!!
A: Hej! Till vardags använder jag oftast brunpuder från IsaDora, rouge och ögonbrynspenna. Inte alltid mascara, men har jag det så är det definitivt Maybelline's Colossal Cat Eyes Mascara då jag äääälskar den böjda och tunna borsten. För övrigt är jag inte superintresserad/duktig på smink men när jag går ut gillar jag att lägga till lösögonfransar och svart ögonskugga! Tack så jättemycket, det värmer!
Q: Undrar lite om ditt utbytesår :) jag ska åka i sommar och undrar hur det är den första tiden. Hur var det att flytta in hos en familj och att börja skolan där? :) Din blogg är jättebra! :)
A: Att flytta in var helt ärligt väldigt konstigt - bara komma till ett hus och en familj och plötsligt ska du bo där. Men jag älskar att uppleva nya saker och att få träffa nya människor så jag tyckte det var superkul. Att gå till skolan var SÅ nervöst första dagen för att man inte vill sitta där helt ensam men var framåt och våga prata - ofta är amerikaner väldigt utåtriktade och kommer most likely vara väldigt intresserade av dig och din bakgrund! Det kommer att gå bra - se det hela som ett äventyr! Lycka till och tack så mycket!!
Q: Kan du inte skriva lite om vad du skulle vilja göra efter gymnasiet??? Sluta aldrig blogga<3
A: Helst av allt skulle jag vilja flytta tillbaka till Californien och gå college där jag helst skulle vilja läsa juridik - det är min absoluta dröm. Kram!
Q: Har du kille?/vill ha??? <3
A: Jag har ingen boy för tillfället, nej. Och nej jag har inget behov av att ha någon heller. Skulle jag däremot träffa en kille jag tycker om skulle jag inte ha något emot att vara i ett förhållande, hade varit mysigt.
Q: Skulle man kunna klara av den engelska linjen du går på om man är helt svensk (och aldrig bott utomlands som du har gjort? Skulle det funka om man är helt okej bra på engelska? Tack för en asbra blogg!!<3
A: Funka skulle det definitivt but I aint gonna lie - det kommer bli riktigt tuff. Är du en målinriktad tjej/kille som har tillräckligt med energi och tid att lägga ned på skolan så kommer du att klara det galant. Men räkna med en tuff start då engelskan måste falla på plats, när den gör det kommer det att gå bra! Tack så jättemycket! Kramar
Q: Hej! Vad för slags träning gör du oftast? Och hur många gånger i veckan tränar du isåfall? Tack för en grym blogg!!!!:)
A: Hejsan! Jag försöker röra på mig varje dag. Oftast blir det power walk eller en springtur (enstaka fall cykling på spinningcykel) och efter det brukar jag köra tre styrkeövningar: höftlyft som främst tränar rumpa och höfter, 100 olika slags sit-ups samt lite olika hantel-övningar. Efter det brukar jag försöka stretcha och göra lite yoga-positions jag lärt mig i California för att behålla mjukheten i kroppen. Som du ser gymmar jag inte alls utan gör allt detta hemma! Tack!!!! Kramis
Q: Vet att du inte har pojkvän (inget du skriver om iallafall?) kanske är en privatfråga men "löser" du killar ute och så? Eller liksom träffar många killar även om du inte har ett förhållande? Du är jättesöt förresten!!
A: Hejsan! Nej jag har ingen pojkvän, stämmer bra. Och nej jag "löser" heller inte killar ute. Tycker inte att jag får någonting ut av det. Men skulle jag träffa någon jag blir intresserad av skulle det kanske kunna hända, men most likely not. Har svårt att bli intresserad av fulla killar som är ute på krogen endast för att ragga träffar därför hellre killar på annat vis... Åh tack så mycket!!
We all got the spark tonight
Publicerat 2014-01-18 11:13:11 i
Good morning angels!
First of all I have to say thank you to all my babes for an amazing night - I had such a good time. Since I had invited about 15 girls to my place who all didn't know each other from before, I was so happy to see that some made new friends - love that.
They all came over at 8ish and my mommy had helped me to prepare snacks, fruits, chocolates and sodas for everyone. We had a great time drinking, talking, listening to music and above it all; laughing. At 10:30ish we headed to the city where we ended up at Excet and wow what a great night it turned out to be. We had the definition of a girls night, just singing and dancing all night as well as elbowing guys who tried to steal out spot on the dance floor, hehe...
However I woke up with a terribly sore throat so now I just made myself a huge cup of blueberry muffin tea and I'm gonna watch Gangster Squad when I've finished up blogging - how typical me?;) Enjoy your Saturday,
Push play
Publicerat 2014-01-17 18:50:39 i
Right in the middle of preparing for the night/getting ready. Can't wait to see all my girls soon. Xx,
Condeco-dejt med ekonomiboken
Publicerat 2014-01-17 14:06:09 i
My Swedish essay went great today and after lunch my English teacher told us to only go to class to get attendence and then work from home - YES! Which means more time for me to get economics done over a Cappucino. This Friday keeps getting better and better,
Bästa morgonen
Publicerat 2014-01-17 13:02:00 i
I had the best morning kicking it off with a walk in the snow! It was super cold however so gorgeous!
Then I had coffee and breakfast in front of the TV before I showered and got dressed. I'm in such a good mood and just generally excited about everything today - lovin it. Have a good one friends and I'll talk to you later,
Publicerat 2014-01-17 10:00:15 i
Goooooood morning angels!
I'm full of energy today - yesyesyes. Since I have a cancelled class now in the morning I start at 11. Due to that I set the alarm to go out on a power walk and then shower before school. Then I have two classes before I'll head to a cozy cafe somewhere downtown, order in a latte and study economics. @ 4 I need to be back at Hvitfeldtska for an Amnesty meeting.
Then I'll hurry back home to prepare and get ready for tonight. I've invited 15 of my absolutely favorite girls to my place for drinks, music, snacks and GIRLS NIGHT! Then we will go out, most likely to either Excet or Peacok - we'll see where we end up. I'm beyond excited,
Här hittar ni mig...
Publicerat 2014-01-16 15:07:03 i
Not even when I'm ill I get to rest...
However I'm proud of myself for revising a whole bunch of math and writing an IB paper two essay for Swedish... Now I'm gonna do the math I missed in class today. Party, party - oh how I love you, IB.
And also I'm feeling better. Although my day basically consisted of homework I really think my decision to stay home was the right thing to do. Hopefully I'll be back in school tomorrow with loads of energy. I will also at some point this weekend answer your questions! Xoxo,
Ingen god morgon
Publicerat 2014-01-16 10:02:40 i
Jahopp idag blev det svenska... Kände bara för det. Som titeln lyder - ingen bra morgon alls idag. Haft jätteont i magen hela natten så har knappt sovit något och kände mig så extremt ynklig och trött imorse att jag bestämde mig för att stanna hemma. Kände att det hade blivit
hemskt att springa runt på Hvitfeldtska idag mellan alla lektioner med denna huvudvärken och brist av sömn. Har försökt att få tag i lärare och kompisar för att kunna göra så mycket som möjligt hemifrån. Usch på denna dagen.
Förhoppningsvis får jag sova bra inatt och vara pigg och glad imorgon igen. Har som tur är bara två lektioner och Amnesty-möte... Ska klä på mig rejält med kläder och ta en lugn promenad i snön och hoppas på att lite syre ska hjälpa. Fredag kom snabbare,
Kycklingsallad framför TV:n
Publicerat 2014-01-15 18:04:52 i
Stressful weekdays like these it's important to make the best out of them - a delicious chicken salade in front of a couple of episodes of
House of Cards with ma sista and mama,
Dagens tips
Publicerat 2014-01-15 10:20:45 i
Isn't it adorable? It's from www.bebe.com and I can assure you that they have more really good-looking stuff,
Hot yoga
Publicerat 2014-01-14 20:39:25 i
Just got home from my first hot yoga exercise in Sweden. It felt absolutely
amazing to get inside the heated room since it's so cold outside.
The yoga differed a lot from the one I did downtown Palo Alto which was called bikram. I actually prefer the on over there however today felt good too - it's a mixture of exercise and a relaxing time for the body which preferably should be done late at night according to me.
Now I'm gonna have a shower and drink loads of water before I hit the sack. And oh I forgot to tell you - Elixia has a so-called open house today and tomorrow that's why I got the opportunity to try it out,
Publicerat 2014-01-14 13:00:06 i
All white out today - so pretty! Now I just had lunch and bought my daily second cup of coffee in the cafeteria and are heading to math class.
Tonight Rebecca and I are doing HOT YOGA and I'm literally beyond excited for that. I did a lot of bikram in California and I absolutely loved it - so excited to get back to it,
Publicerat 2014-01-14 07:59:20 i
I wouldn't know if you drink coffee or not but if you do - here's your answer. It's the perfect latte milk to foam (so you would need a milk foamer of some sort...) Since we have a Nespresso machine at my house it's a perfect combination however it tastes lovely with other types of coffee too such as regular, cappucino etc. As far as I know there's two different types: 2.6% fat and 0.9% of
Latte Art. Together with a shot of espresso it's comparable with the coffee you buy out - AMEN.
Much recommended.
It's snow outside! At first I was certain I'd be upset since I want spring to be here already however I always tend to be all happy and excited as a little child when it's snowing. Now I'm gonna finish up my coffe and get dressed - plenty of layers hehe. And since I'm home alone I'm gonna turn up the Sonos speakers to the max and get this day going - dance partaaaay,
Work it
Publicerat 2014-01-13 17:52:40 i
Considered to go out running but hey - it's freaking -10 degrees out so that's not happening.
Instead I chose to do some spinning on the exercise bike indoor which is an awesome deal since it's possible to watch TV at the same time ;) I finished up my workout with some hip lifts, sit-ups and dumbbells.
Then I treated myself with a hot bath and you know how extremely relaxed your body gets? I'm almost ready for bed although it's only 6pm hehe...
Need to share with you guys the greatest snack of all times: ham roll-ups with Philadelphia cheese in them - it's delicious!
Have a great Monday night girls and boys,
På topp
Publicerat 2014-01-13 14:41:36 i
It's Monday, it's freezing cold and we have a long week ahead of us
however I'm surprisingly excited and in an awesome mood.
My driving class went gr8 and now I'm on my way home. I'm planning on working out and then have a warm bubblebath before dinner time. Pusspåer solstrålar,
Such a pretty day.
Kallt igen
Publicerat 2014-01-13 11:44:47 i
I don't know about you guys but at the point when Christmas and New Year's is over I want winter to be too...
Now it's getting cold again and I don't even know how to dress today in order to not freeze my ass off! UGGS? Two pairs of socks? Multiple shirts? Hat? Mittens? I'm wearing it all, hehe ;)
Today I only have school from 9:30-12:20 - hallelujah. Then I'll hurry back home to have lunch and drop of my stuff to get on time for my driving class, scheduled at 1:30. Stay warm friends,
Can't tell what I miss more; those Swedish summer days or my tan...
Publicerat 2014-01-12 16:19:29 i
Jeez, I can't even remember when the sun was out last time - can you?
It's been an absolutely gorgeous today. This morning my parents and I visited our summerhouse which has been totally remodeled - it's so cool. It's so much bigger and hopefully it will be completely done this summer. I'm so excited to spend a lot of time there this summer.
Despite the sun it has been freezing cold today - minus about 3 degrees and it's getting colder and colder...
Now I just finished working out and check out the beautiful pictures from my power walk - lovin' the sun,
Välkommen söndag
Publicerat 2014-01-12 11:04:14 i
Good morning friends!
Sunday is here again - how did that happen? I'm gonna make myself a latte and get some psychology done as well as Körkortsteori...
I think Frida and I are trying to hang out today at some point, watching a movie together or just relax - so excited to see my girl again!
Other than that I'm probably just gonna enjoy this Sunday - what are you guys doing?
I was thinking to have you guys ask me questions/propose topics for me to write about through emails/comments during next week!!!! So go ahead to propose anything,
From New Year's Eve.
Mina bebisar
Publicerat 2014-01-11 16:30:09 i
As you might know I have my belly button pierced and I will soon be able so switch jewelry and my excitement is comparable with a little kid on Christmas Eve ;)
Here are my collected ones so far and I think I wanna get a couple of other ones soon too - how about a butterfly? Or something in pink? WHIIIIHO - love this,
Happy Birthday
Publicerat 2014-01-11 12:36:25 i
One of my
bestest friends back in Cali is turning 19 today - time flies! Happy freaking Birthday, beautiful Simone!!!!!
Simone and I before Prom.
Lugn helg
Publicerat 2014-01-11 11:25:36 i
I guess I'm not the only one who has been
craving weekend all this first week of school, so I couldn't be more greatful that it's finally here.
I'm super excited to have two days off and get homework done - fortunately not too much, work out, sleep in, go out for walks in the potential snow, go to the movies with Frida and other than that just relax. No party-party this weekend.
However next weekend I had in mind to invite loads of my girls to my place, light candles, play music from our new Sonos speakers (app with wireless connection to various speakers around the house), prepare some treats/snacks and have drinks to later go out and dance all night. Doesn't it sound like fun? After this relaxing weekend I'm sure I'd be up for it!
Have a good Saturday friends,
Publicerat 2014-01-10 19:42:00 i
Mommy just made the best taco pie for dinner as well as taco sauces and salads. Soooooo good. And also it was according to a LCHF-recipe with almond flour and no carbs,
Publicerat 2014-01-10 17:11:55 i
Literally studied
fucking composite and inverse functions the second I got home until now... AND it's Friday - not fair.
However now I just can't deal with it anymore so I'm gonna go out for a run and listen to my new Spotify playlist. Much needed,
Nytt projekt
Publicerat 2014-01-10 16:07:42 i
I need so tell you guys about something actually pretty exciting!
I've already told you about how I joined Amnesty due to receive CAS-hours and I've been decently involved however when 2014 arrived, Vilde and I decided to make our own Amnesty group with IB2 students only. Whereas the initial group was IB3 and IB2 students (a lot of people we didn't know that well.) This means that Vilde and I will be the secretaries of the Amnesty group which will make us more involved and basically responsible for the group. I'm super excited because it feels great to be responsible for a charity organization as well as it will do me good in the future when I potentially will apply to colleges/jobs,
Veckans favvo-dag
Publicerat 2014-01-10 11:38:26 i
Good morning pals!
Our beloved Friday is finally here again! I'm exhausted after this week so I can't wait to have a relaxing Friday night at home with my family, just having dinner and do a couple of episodes of Breaking Bad. What are you up to today?
Hej bloggisen
Publicerat 2014-01-09 16:03:54 i
Today I'm full of energy and I don't know why - I just feel it today! Thumbs up for those days.
It's not too cold out so I'm wearing my leather jacket (+fur)! However apparently it's going to get colder this weekend and it might even snow - shit, I want spring to come already.
Enjoy your Thursday folks,
Publicerat 2014-01-09 11:10:46 i
I don't know what I think about New Year's Resolutions because partly I do agree with the fact that when the new year begins it's easier to change a behavior such as quite smoking, get a job, put more effort in school, START WORKING OUT. On the contrary I don't like the idea with resolutions at all since if you
really want to work out you could get started any day of the year, right...?
However, what I do like is encourage of working out for those people who appreciate it so therefore I really liked the new collection with exercise clothing at www.nelly.com
I especially enjoyed the wind jackets which would do me great when I'm out running/walking in the windy and rainy weather we have and on top of that they are cute looking too. There were also some nice running tights and tops I enjoyed - go on www.nelly.com and check it out,
Swoop, swoop
Publicerat 2014-01-08 18:39:14 i
Hey babies!
I worked my ass of on biology today after school and you wanna know what? I finished the home work AND the lab due next week. It's such a wonderful feeling since it means I'll have more free time this weekend.
Are you guys like that too? Honestly, I think I'm a little weird with that sometimes that I just haaaaave to get stuff done as fast as possible. However it's probably due to the amazing feeling after, right?
Just wanna say HAPPY BIRTHDAY to my friend Walker who's turning 19 today - I wanna wish him the best of days across the ocean, in lovely Cali!
Walker and the Sveeeeede ;)
So yeah now I can work out, have dinner and watch a couple of episodes of Breaking Bad AND Paradise Hotel without even feel bad about it since the geek doesn't have more homework to get done! ;)
Have a good Wednesday night my darlings and wanna know what tomorrow is? Only one day left for Friday - bangbang,
Vill inte lämna sängen
Publicerat 2014-01-08 08:14:58 i
I. Want. To. Sleep.
Guess I'm not the only one, huh? So terribly difficult to even get out of bed... I believe it will take me a few hours to wake up, hehe... ;)
The definition of this morning.
Publicerat 2014-01-07 20:53:29 i
Had a comment today and in fact there have been quite a few wondering the same thing so I decided to post the question here as well as my answer so other who might be interested too can read it,
Hej! Jag älskar din blogg och har funderat massor på att åka som utbytesstudent. Men jag undrar mest, hur blev det när du kom hem? Har du kvar dina bästa vänner, hur svår är skolan, kan du känna dig "ledsen" för att du hade så himla kul i USA men nu är tillbaka i Sverige? Känner du någonsin att du "slösa" bort ett år av ditt liv då du nu inte tar studenten samtidigt som alla andra, du får inte ge dig ut och resa med dina jämngamla kompisar (vilket det flesta brukar göra), du har ett pr mindre på dig att skaffa karriär osv. Om du hade fått göra om det, hade du hellre valt att åka EFTER du slutat i Sverige och istället gå på college? Tack för en jättebra blogg! Du är så sjukt snygg! Kramar!
Hej och tack så mycket!!! Att komma hem var väldigt annorlunda än vad jag först väntat mig på så sätt att även om jag aldrig tyckt illa om mitt liv här i Sverige uppskattade jag det ännu mer när jag varit borta från det. Jag kände även att vänner och familj var så glada att ha mig tillbaka och ville höra allt om mitt äventyr, samtidigt som jag ville höra hur de har haft det här hemma. Jag tror aldrig jag har haft en sådan intensiv sommar som jag hade; jag träffade och tog upp kontakten med vänner som till och med inte stått mig alls så nära innan och plötsligt blev vi jättebra vänner. Min hemkomst var så grymt jäkla bra och det har jag alla underbara människor i mitt liv här att tacka för, med tanke på att lämna Californien var det värsta jag någonsin behövt göra...
NEJ, jag känner mig aldrig ledsen för att jag hade kul - tvärtom jag blir glad varje gång jag tänker tillbaka på det. Men ja, det är klart som fan att jag vill tillbaka och envis som jag är hoppas jag verkligen att jag kommer göra det en dag också. Men nu när jag tänker tillbaka på mitt år kan jag inte annat än att le.
Såhär är det; det rent ut sagt SUGER att jag inte få ta studenten med de underbara tjejerna från min Kitas-klass, de suger att inte få ha champagne frukost, springa ut, åka på festresa osv tillsammans med dem MEN jag gjorde ett val och det får jag leva med.
But still NO - jag skulle inte byta bort någonting mot mitt år, slösade absolut inte bort någonting och nej, jag önskade inte att jag åkt senare därför att mitt beslut att åka var det absolut bästa jag någonsin tagit och för mig är det guld värt och jag kommer aldrig, aldrig ångra mig. Det var meningen att jag skulle vara i Palo Alto precis det året jag var, jag tror verkligen det. Dessutom vet jag att det har öppnat dörrar för mig i framtiden så att jag förhoppningsvis kan få sätta min fot in the Golden State igen!
Tack så jättemycket och hoppas att du fick svar på dina frågor,
This is from when my best friends and I were out boating in beautiful Arnold, which is in northern California. Going there was a part of my goodbye gift from the girls and it was one of the most amazing things I've ever experienced.
Oh baby...
Publicerat 2014-01-07 16:41:58 i
... how I've looked forward to come home to you.
I'm gonna finish up this bad boy while reading an IOP-packet for English. Then I'm heading out in the dark for a power walk before dinner. Hope you all survived the first day of school,
Back in school
Publicerat 2014-01-07 13:00:03 i
Can't describe how difficult it was to get my ass out of the bed this morning - holy shit. I even started at 11 which is pretty late...
Anyway let's make the best out of this day and I can't wait until after school when I'm gonna make myself a huge cup of latte and watch Breaking Bad,
Publicerat 2014-01-06 23:34:28 i
My Monday night in pictures. It was pretty damn good and I'm all cozed up in bed now to most likely fall asleep within a few seconds. Nighty, nighty
Publicerat 2014-01-06 15:48:57 i
Just wanna get inside - it's
terribly cold! Rainy, cold, windy - UGH!
Now I just got on the bus to the city and I hopefully Frida and I can find a cozy and warm café and order something warm to drink.
After that I'll hurry back home to get ready for dinner with the girls at Malin's place. Couldn't come up with a better way to finish this break,
Publicerat 2014-01-06 10:23:08 i
Woke up to this...
And after all we're back to school tomorrow.. Shit, that went fast.
Today I'm getting hw and such done in the morning to later work out (running+strength). I'm also tryna drive with daddy at some point. Later today I'm hanging out with Frida-baby to finish this day with a Taco-dinner at Malin's place with the girls. Let's make the best out of the last day of break,
Look what my mom got me; all these folders and also she labelled them - one for each class. You're da bezt mommy. An IB-student needs every support she can get. Peace
Busy Sunday
Publicerat 2014-01-05 19:31:36 i
I had
such a good day, today. At 12 I met up with Linda and we went to some stores in Nordstan and later ended up walking along the avenue for some coffee at
Eva's Paley! We had such a good time and also the weather has been pretty good today; in fact the sun came out! However it started to drizzle when we were heading home... Anyway much love to you, Lindis!
I came home at 3:30ish and have since: driven with daddy, studied economics, done some körkortsteori, had my mom's delicious fish soup and now I can finally just sit back and relax on the couch. The ice hockey game is on and Sweden is down by one against Finland - WHAT? C'mon Sweden - LET'S DO THIS,
Publicerat 2014-01-05 14:38:21 i
I am annoyingly bad craving these freaking
LOVELY white babies from
Nike right now. And while we're on that I definitely need a new pair of Dr Denim jeans,
Kissy, which would look great to the sneakers. Also I find this cape from
Fiorucci absolutely adorable,
Ett bättre uppvaknande
Publicerat 2014-01-05 10:18:59 i
Daddy got
Latte Art milk from the store - PARTY MORNING AT THE WARVNE'S! Actually though 4/5 are Nespresso addicts and the very little one is turning 15 soon, so we might as well just convert her too. Now I need to get dressed since I'm meeting up with Linda in the city at 12,
Nothing's better than latte mornings.
Lite lyxtid
Publicerat 2014-01-04 18:09:04 i
I really don't feel it at all today, most likely it will be an early night to me tonight...
However I had a great time with Rebecca getting coffee together. It's the last Saturday of the break (and the first of 2014) so one part of me wanted to go out or do something fun, but I'm literally so down I don't think it's a good idea to me...
Now I'm gonna have dinner soon and then probably just watch the ice-hockey game I recorded. UGHHHH I hate this day. I apologize if I'm bringing you guys down but nothing valuable will come out of this blog post,
Love them vans
Publicerat 2014-01-04 14:52:20 i
So according to me a Swede should not be able to wear Vans in January due to all the snow we have... Or not. So yeah I'm wearing sneakers again and in fact it probably won't take long before you can spot girls out with their leather jackets back on...
Rebecca and I are heading into the city for some relaxing time at a café together. My energy level is at zero today and I really don't know why... Cheer me up, someone? Anyway I'm looking forward to some quality time with my best friend,
The green crop top's from H&M. Necklace from Guldfynd.
Saturday mornings
Publicerat 2014-01-04 13:09:22 i
Moon Thai Kitchen
Publicerat 2014-01-03 20:55:01 i
Just had the most amazing food and time at Moon Thai Kitchen with my family. This is a place I've never been to before but always wanted to go and tonight was finally the night.
I ordered this chicken course with peanut sauce, grilled bananas and cucumbers and it was delicious. However the reason I recommend you to go here is not only because of the great food but the whole atmosphere - it's amazing how they put effort into making the whole restaurant so beautiful. With the lights, music, plants and decorations they've managed to make it feels exactly like you're in Thailand and not at a restaurant in a rainy and cold Gothenburg...
Like I just tweeted - to my future boyfriend: TAKE ME HERE! IT WILL BE MUCH APPRECIATED,
Ett år på en hylla
Publicerat 2014-01-03 12:33:00 i
I decided to clean out my room today and I threw out a lot of shit. I love that feeling! Also I packed up some boxes from the US I couldn't get myself to do last summer since it was too emotional.
Anyway, I created this shelf in my room full of stuff and memories from the US! It turned out really pretty and it feels great to have a special space for it all,
Publicerat 2014-01-03 11:00:20 i
Good morning fellas!
How's this morning treating you? Already Friday again - time flies. However I'm proud of myself for actually being able to keep track of the days since I was certain I had lost count.
Rebecca and I are going out for a power walk when she wakes up and tonight my family and I decided to have dinner at Moon Thai Kitchen. Have you ever been there? I've been inside, but never eaten actually and it's the most adorable place. It literally feels like you're in Thailand when you step in.
Here are some pictures from New Year's Eve I never posted. Oh what a lovely night,
Strawberries and Champagne
Publicerat 2014-01-03 09:05:44 i
Vilma absolutely surprised me with this body splash "Stawberries and Champagne" from Victoria's Secret for Christmas. I enjoy the smell a lot and once I received one I sort of want to collect all of them, especially because they are of all different colors! Do you guys have any?
Årets första...
Publicerat 2014-01-02 19:05:07 i
... TACO!
My little sister offered to cook for dinner tonight and of course if it's by her choice, the Warvne's wouldn't expect anything else. I'm hungry so it's a great deal if you ask me,
Brum, brum
Publicerat 2014-01-02 14:17:29 i
hated the car I'm driving for the driving school at first, but after 6 classes I'm actually starting to get more comfortable with it.
After, daddy and I bought two Cappucino's with an extra shot of espresso before we headed home. Now I'm gonna cuddle on the couch reading some English homework... Such a boring day out today - all grey and rainy. So glad I ran this morning because I don think I could get myself to go out now...
What are you guys doing today?,
Publicerat 2014-01-02 11:52:40 i
Still can't believe 2013's in our past and 2014 has arrived... Can you?
It's January 2 today which unfortunately means that I'm gonna be back in school in 5 days which means I better get started on homework...
Now I just worked out and showered so I need to get dressed since I have a driving class in 45 minutes,
Publicerat 2014-01-01 14:46:00 i
What a night!
It was one of those nights when the dress feels just right, the wine tastes wonderfully and my kind of music is playing. Typically everyone freaks out about New Year's Eve since you're expected to have the best tan, the most sparkly dress, eat the best dinner, have the most attractive guy give you your New Years kiss...
Last night, we girls just decided to relax and have a great time - and we did,
Publicerat 2014-01-01 14:00:30 i
As I told you
FRIDA lent me this beautiful dress and I'm so happy it fit me since I picked it up only a few hours before it was time to get ready...
Although it's black you can spot some gold in it so I matched it with my new big gold necklace,