Hittin' the sack

Good Tilly-Evening y'all!
Yeah I figured it wouldn't be accurate to refer 9pm as evening for most of you, hehe... However I'm all cuddled up already 'bout to fall asleep. Jeeez, my day felt really intense for some reason! How was your day cutie pies? I'm in that kinda mood when I just wanna cuddle with someone, you know? I guess I'll have to get up again and start looking for my old teddy bear, Ludde - pretty sure he's under my bed somewhere. Definitely the favorite guy in my life at this point... Hehe😉
Good night peeps!


Hi peeps!
Not even IB Economics is a burden when I can do it in the sun - lovely. May the sun stay with us for a while now PLEASE. We Swedes appreciate it so much. Wanna know something hilarious? I spoke to my host mom this morning and believe it or not but they have rain now! How funny? It's like the wheather decided to switch continents for a couple of days... I'm not complaining! 

White n' Gold

Good morning to you all of my angels!
Ready to take on Monday morning? I am! Waiting for my milk to foam so I can mixed it up with my coffee before I'll head out in the sun for school. I was pretty bummed this morning since the sun wasn't up yet while working out - totally forgot that we change times the other day which means that the sun won't be up for another hour...
Have a good one, boys n' girls! Kramar,
Wearing this today with my black fur coat and my black pair of Converse!

Sunday Funday

Good evening friends!
How was your day? Mine turned out to be very good actually! Worked out this morning with my baby sister in the sun, before I headed to Evelina's brunch. Other than that I've been working on my tan (of course) and now I got pleeeenty of homework done and it feels great. Finished my TOK-presentation which is about how social media beautifies our perception of reality and this topic turned out to be very interesting to discuss. With help from the old man and the economist himself I too got started on my IA for economics and finally chose a topic for the huuuuge upcoming IB extended essay - lovely. You know me and you know how much I enjoy being as productive as possible. Now I can go to bed with a smile on my face!
I'll set the alarm at 6:30 as usual to work out before school tomorrow morning and then I only have one class to attend tomorrow which feels amazing. Then I'll head home for some lunch in the sun to later make it to my driving class!
Godnatt pÄ er frÄn en nöjd Tilly! Xx.

Birthday Brunch

My lovely friend Evelina is turning 19 years old today and decided to throw a birthday brunch - such a lovely idea. And she had prepared the most delicious dishes - everything you could ever imagine was there. Such a lovely way to start off this Sunday. HAPPY BIRTHDAY MY DARLING!
Always with a smile on her face - BIRTHDAY GIRL!

Bring it on

Tonight I enjoyed these little treats with Vilma in front of Bring it on. I'm super duper exhausted so I'll cuddle up in bed any minute now actually... Cozy! Natti pÄ er,

I solen

No words needed...
ikvĂ€ll blir det middag och mys framför en bra film med min lilla favoritprinsessa vars kille Ă€r pĂ„ hockeycup sĂ„ jag fĂ„r ha henne för mig sjĂ€lv...😏 
Puss pÄ er,

Weekend plans

Hi darlings!
What's up? Hanging out in the sun I assume? It's absolutely wonderful weather out today. In fact I'm pretty sure that the temperature out today could easily be the same during a day in the summer. So of course I've been hanging out in the sun today; listening to music, having coffee and trying to get some economics done. It's feels great to just relax today since I didn't have much sleep and also because my day tomorrow will be pretty darn hectic. I'm planning on to start off the day with a workout as usual before I need too get ready for Evelina's birthday brunch. She's turning 19 and instead of celebrating it with dinner and drinks she decided to throw a brunch which I think is a great idea. And on top of all it's super convenient that the weather's so nice. After that daddy promised to help me with a couple of difficult stuff in school so unfortunately I need to spend some time on that... Rebecca and I were too thinking to drag our group of friends to the sea to just chillax (yes, I just used that word...) And since I want my godamn license asap I should try to get some practice driving done. 
What are your weekend plans?
Juste glömt visa mitt nya hÄr... Men det Àr blondare och kortare (för kort) nu iallafall - hÀr Àr nÄgra halvbra bilder pÄ det...


While deciding whether or not to go out yesterday I made a deal with myself: either way I'm working out the morning after, hehe... And yeah you know me so here I am basically dead however I managed to get a good 30 minutes run in, in the already hot weather - lovely. 
So what about yesterday? Linda, Hanna, Rebecca and I pregamed at a guy's house until 12ish before we headed to the avenue. We went to the new club that just opened up called ID. It's hilarious because no one actually new why it was called such name and no one actually knew how to classify the club, hehe... However it was pleeeenty of people there whom we knew from before so that was exciting. At least I had lovely night with my lovely ladies, that's for sure. 
Time to hit the shower before I'll make myself som breakfast and (more) coffee. Talk to you later! Kisses,
Älskar mina smĂ„ prinsessor! Partypinglor Ă€r vad dom Ă€r.


Met up with my baby doll, Vilmisen, on my way home from school and we decided to hang out in the sunny area in our backyard while having a snack. It's incredible that it's actually possible to sit in the sun in only shorts at 4pm in Sweden - wow! Now I'm about to get my hair done which I've been looking forward to a while. I have a headache though so hopefully my hair dresser will provide some coffee for me to drink while she's dealing with my hair. Can't wait to be a little taken care of😉 
Then I'll hurry back home to get ready for tonight. Linda, Rebecca, Hanna and I are meeting up with a bunch of awesome guys for pregaming at one of the guy's apartment before heading to the avenue to dance all night at one of the clubs. Pretty darn good Friday, right? Kisses,

March 28

Good morning babes!
So lovely with Friday - isn't it? And on top of all it's supposed to be sunny and 15 degrees out today! After school I'm going to get my hair done and later tonight I may or may not go out clubbing depending on what we girls decide to do! What are you plans for today, mates?



You know what I feel like doing at some point? Just drag all the lovely ladies in my life to my place and just have a drink night. Not necessarily that we have to go out clubbing after just mix a variety of delicious and pretty drinks and have a great time all the girls! I assume this is what happens to me when I'm all caught up in homework and duties on a regular basis so it just comes to a point when I need to just not think about that upcoming test or assignment and just have a fun night, laughing with my best friends. I'm definitely planning to have one of these nights soon. Pussar och kramar,
FĂ„r se vad som hĂ€nder imorgon kvĂ€ll men lite partaj ska nog jag och mina Ă€lskade vĂ€nner skaka fram... Det Ă€r ju trots allt fredag...😉

Hejsan bloggisen

Som jag skrev igÄr sÄ slutade jag kl 12 idag istÀllet för 4, sÄ har just kommit hem, kÀkat lite lunch och nu tÀnkte jag göra mig en kaffe innan jag sÀtter igÄng med en sjuihelvetes massa plugg som ska vara gjort... TÀnkte trÀna senare sÄ det blir nog lite spinning-cykel och stryka - hemmatrÀning helt enkelt.Hoppas denna grÄa och regniga torsdag gÄr er vÀg, mina vÀnner. Kramisss,
Ville bara visa er vad definitionen av en IB-elev ser ut om ni aldrig trÀffat pÄ en i era dagar. Typiska drag Àr ofta; fullproppad vÀska, böcker pÄ armen och tvÄ kaffemuggar... Dock har denna bruden smink och ingen rosa ryggsÀck med unicorns pÄ - det hade annars varit nÄgra andra tydliga tecken. Peace!

Bring it on, Thursday

Ready to take on another day - bring it on Thursday! xx,

I solnedgÄngen

Despite sore muscles and cold air in the asthmatic lungs of mine today's run turned out to be gorgeous. I managed to catch the sunset so I had the most amazing view throughout my run. Now I just had a shower, some dinner and I'm about to cuddle up on the couch. 
Perfect way to finish up this Wednesday - how was your day?


Hi mates!
For some reason this day brought many smiles to my face and we just love those day, don't we? When a few unexpected details take place and suddenley you're in a hell of a good mood. First of all I found out that both my math and economics classes are cancelled tomorrow which means I'm finishing at 12 as opposed to 4 - how great!? And secondly we had such a fun meeting with the Amnesty crew today. Not only because plenty of (fun) people showed but also because a couple of new people showed for the first time to join - and of course this makes me and Vilde as responsible for the Amnesty group so happy. PEOPLE @ HVIT - JOIN US AND PARTICIPATE IN OUR UPCOMING CAMPAIGN WITH A LOVE THEME INVOLVING KÄRLEKSMUMS, GELÉHALLON AND FREE HUGS!
With Pharrell Williams' Happy in my headphones I'm on my way home from this beautiful school (which by the way had a special visitor today - Fredrik Reinfeldt.) I was gonna take a day off from working out due to a hell of a sore body, however I think I'm going out for a run anyways and then just skip the strength. Puss pĂ„ er,

Helt rÀtt

Just take a look at these babies! Aren't they cool? I'm literally beyond excited about all the sneakers available in the shoe stores this time a year. And on top of all the weather this weekend will be absolutely gorgeous with plenty of sun and about 15 degrees warm - lovely. 

NĂ„gra snabba

I love meeting new people
I have asthma
I'm seriously addicted to coffee
I only wear thongs, other ones I find extremely uncomfortable
I love talking a lot
My future dream is to study law in college, somewhere in California
I love wine, mostly white
The best compliment I've gotten is that I am a go-getter
I hate stupid, predictable, love comedies on TV
I've got my belly button pierced
I'm proud of speaking both Swedish and English fluently
I've (embarrassingly) a hook-up list in my phone
Prison Break, Breaking Bad and Sons of Anarchy are my favorite TV-shows
I have a neckless with the "Palo Alto tree-sign" around my neck everyday. I got this from my beloved host mom the day I left Palo Alto, California
I'm an incredibly bad loser
Milk is my favorite drink and I have outrageous amounts everyday
Nothing bothers me more than not receiving the best grade possible on a test

Min hjÀrna har nu varit aktiv frÄn 9:30-6:30 och Àr pÄvÀg hem frusen, trött och hungrig sÄ det blev helt enkelt bara nÄgra snabba idag. Behöver komma hem, ta bort smink, ta pÄ mig ett par hot pants+en hoodie (eller det pÄ bilden) samt krypa upp i soffan och dregla lite Ät Mr. Jax Teller i SOA - puss och kram,

PĂ„ topp

So apparently my bus decided to be 20 minutes late this morning... What's up with that? However I don't mind hanging out in the sun, enjoying my coffee and miss the first part of my biology class... 😉 It's about to be a hell of a good day, folks - I can feel it. Kisses,


She's officially back with her sunrise pictures... Hehe sorry folks but sunny mornings with fresh air are just the best weather to work out in. 
So what's going on today? Hm nothing excited really... A long day in school before I'll head to Chalmers a couple of hours to finish up my homework. Last night daddy and I look into the process of SAT (högskoleprovet för US colleges)... There are a lot of information that needs to be submitted but we came to the conclusion that I should start out with doing some old SAT tests online to figure out where I'm at. Can you imagine that a hell of a good score on the SAT's or really good grades in IB might be the key for me to come back to the US? No wonder I'm studying my little ass off...😉 xx,


Can't not even express my happiness right now... I JUST WENT OUT FOR THE FIRST RUN IN A WEEK - WIHO! My cough did actually say otherwise this morning but when I looked out the window and it's absolutely gorgeous outside I thought: "What the hell..." I enjoyed every second of it and it put me in such a good mood. I know some of you might think that one week without working out isn't the end of the world but to me it is. The amount of physical and mental energy it provides for me is outrageous.
Did I ever tell you about the five worst days of my life? I twisted my ankle really bad during a basketball game a few years ago and due to the huge swollen area the doctor put my entire leg in a cast for five days because he might thought I was broken... Fortunately it wasn't however those five days were the worst; I cried everyday because I just hated the feeling of being tramped and not being able to do things myself - I hate asking people for help. I didn't even go to school because I couldn't stand the thought of showing myself weak in front of my class mates... And the worst part was that I couldn't play basketball... Oh well it's just funny how addicted I am to constantly being active. I assume I need it in my life...
Nah, now I'm done sharing - time to hit the shower. PUSSSS PÅ ER,

Looks lately

NĂ„gra outfirres lately... 
Drar mig nu mot körskolan för att virra runt lite i Vasastan med min körlĂ€rare som flitigt skĂ€ller pĂ„ mig att HÅLLA HASTIGHETEN. FĂ„r se hur det gĂ„r idag...😉 Efter det blir det definitivt en power walk i solen innan jag sĂ€tter mig ner med plugg och körkortsteori. Pretty typical dag ĂĄ la Tilly. Pussar och kramar pĂ„ er alla fina,

Black coffee

Mornin' darlings! Let's kick start this Monday morning with some caffeine, right? xx,

Ingen söndagsÄngest

Hi peeps!
It just occurred to me that I'm not even bothered it's Monday tomorrow... This day has been pretty average, the weather has been great and I am FREAKING FINALLY feeling a little better... Jeeeez, it really took it out of me for a couple of days there, huh. Hopefully I can get back to working out tomorrow again - my body is craving it. Pusss&kram pÄ er alla Ànglar och njut av det sista helgen erbjuder,
Such a pretty way to end this weekend. And heeey you know what? The sun's joining us tomorrow as well - lovely.

Spring breakers

My American friends are all on Spring break at the moment and I couldn't be more jealous... Thinking about my year in California always brings me mixed feelings; sometimes it just makes me smile because I remember how happy I was however unfortunately it too gives me less happy feelings because I miss it sososo much. Sometimes I miss it so much that it hurts... But at the same time I'm certain I will get back there at one point, I know I will. Oh how I miss the happiest place on earth, the Golden State - I'll be back for you Cali. Kisses, 
Here are some lovely shots from last year during Spring break - enjoooooy;
My dream dorm at beautiful Stanford University.
Sickest city on the earth - San Fran, ladies and gentlemen.
Celebrating the beginning of Spring Break the right way - POOL PARTY!
Beeeeeach babe. Miss you, Hannah!
Stayed at this lovely house up in Bel Air for two nights - W O W.
The definition of California - could roller blade along Santa Monica for a living when I get older, hehe...😉


Is there a better way to wake up than to a sunny morning?
Just finished up some duties I decided to get started on early this morning so that I can relax later on hopefully. Now I just finished up my morning coffe and mommy, Josie and I are about to go our for a morning walk in the sun.
Today I've made it w/o candy, cookies, ice-cream etc for 6 weeks - BAAAM! Det gÄr om man vill, inte sant?
How's my lovely readers doing today?


Hi cutes! Jumped into a pair of Juicy pants, a hoodie and comfy socks! It's time for a movie night with my faveeeees! Kisses,

Ten Feet Tall

Remember earlier this week when I said I wanted to do something out of the ordinary this weekend? Something completely spontaneous and exciting... However I get so bummed when I'm like this; being sick really takes it out of me... I'm really not the kind of person who should be exposed to these colds since they're bringing me down so outrageously. I'm sure there are people who don't mind spending a few days in bed watching movies. But I get so frustrated it's insane. Not only the fact that I can't work out bothers me, but not having as much energy as I usually do to be able to constantly be on the go, which I love... My mommy always tells me that relaxing and recovering is good for you every once in a while, so why is it pissing me off? 
I might hang out with Rebeccisen a while before I'll head to HovÄs to hang out with Biggie and Stinis for a movie night. In my condition I possibly couldn't establish more than that so it will be a perfect night. Most likely I'll head home not too late so I can get a good night sleep. Talk to you babes later! xx,
I'm usually Ten Feet Tall, today I'm like two at the most...

On Saturdays we wear pink

Good morning to you my lovely official diary.
What are all of my love bugs up to today? I decided this weekend to be a productive one. You know the Tilly drill at this point; get as much done as fast as possible, hehe... 😉 But to be honest, those are the best weekends, right? When you wake up on Monday morning and feel that you got a lot of shit done yet had a good time. 
So today it's homework, working out (to some extent depening on how much my body can take), körkortsteori, cleaning my room etc... Tonight I might just have a girls night, watching TV shows. It sounds like a pretty darn good Saturday to me.
What are your plans for today?
Hugs and kisses and hugs again to all of you,
Sun's tryna break through this morning by the lake.
Impossible not to spot me today on my morning power walk - "On Saturdays (Wednesdays) we wear pink."😉

KĂ€nn Ingen Sorg

By this I assume we can officially say that my friends have managed to convert me into this "HÄkan Hellström"-thing going around... Oh well it was a hell of a good movie to be honest. And I enjoyed it with some banana&peanut butter - solid night!
However it's waaaaay past my bed time so I'm all cuddled up in bed and will fall asleep any minute now. Talk to you tomorrow love bugs. xx,

Frank's Coffee

Had a super cozy time with the big sis at Frank's Coffee today! The coffee was delicious so I definitely recommend all you caffeine addicts out there to try it out. We were in Vasa, however I know there's one by Kungsportsplatsen and potentially on a couple of other locations too.
I'm STILL not over my cold - in fact my throat's getting more sore and I'm not feeling it at all 😔 So I'll highly likely just spend this Friday night at home, eating dinner with the fam and cuddle on the couch until I fall asleep. Hope you guys have something more exciting planned that involves heels, falsies and drinks. If you do, please dance a little on the behalf of Tilly too, will ya?
My baby girl!


Yes, yes, yes - jumpsuits! This is the perfect one; black, open-back and with a waist. According to me most exciting part is that it's possible to make a pretty darn relaxing outfit with this jumpsuit with a pair of sneakers as in the collage. Yet the suit would look super hot with a pair of heels, plenty of dark eye make up, falsies as well as red lips for a night out. You jump, I jump, we all jump for jumpsuits!😉 

Friday, baby

Goodmorning sunshines!
How are you all holding up today? Always so amazing to wake up a Friday morning, isn't it? Already done with all of my classes for today and it's only 12! Now I'm heading to Frölunda for a driving class before I'll head back to the city to meet up with Josefine for an afternoon coffee! xx,

19 barre

MEN VI SÄGER ÄVEN GRATTIS TILL DEN FINASTE KILLEN JAG KÄNNER! (+min trognaste blogg-lĂ€sare.) Hoppas Ă€ven du fick en toppendag! Kramissss pĂ„ dig Andreas❀

Always on the go

Hi angels!
Almost done with school for today and then I'll hurry over to Chalmers to get tutored for about 2 hours. Not too motivated to be honest but we do what we have to do, right?
Tomorrow morning I'm working out whether my body likes it or not. Can't take one more day without it... Other than that I'm generally excited because tomorrow's FRIDAY! I only have two classes before I'll have a lunch date with my beloved friend and father before my driving class @1. Later I'm meeting up with the big sis to get coffee at a cozy cafĂ© to spend some quality time - the perfect way to start off the weekend. 
TRY THESEEEE! The best ever...


Mornin' peeps! What would you feel like kick-starting this Thursday off with a little Q/A? Enjoy your morning, angles.


Vart Ă€r din skinnjacka ifrĂ„n??? Sjukt snygg! - Åh tackar! Den Ă€r frĂ„n H&M - köpte den dock i Californien för ett bra tag sedan, men kolla online kanske? Lycka till!

Hur ofta trÀnar du och har du nÄgra bra övningar för att fÄ ett sÄ kallat thigh gap? Hur fick du ditt? - Jag trÀnar ca 5-6 gÄnger i veckan beroende pÄ hur mycket tid jag har och hur min kropp kÀnns. Oj... Nja inte direkt bra pÄ sÄdant, men kan vÀl anta att mycket squats och liknande Àr bra? Fast samtidigt handlar det ju om att brÀnna fett med och dÄ Àr ju inte styrketrÀning tillrÀckligt. Men Àven om det Àr bra att ha mÄl, sÄ tycker jag inte man ska fokusera alltför mycket pÄ sÄdant - tÀnk pÄ vad du Àr nöjd med pÄ din kropp istÀllet. Kramisss!

Hi Matilda! Are you still happy with your decision to attend IB? I love your blog - literally get this question everyday, hehe ;) But YES, I am! I love my classes and teachers and I see the IB programme as an investment in the future. Who knows what I'll end up but I'll do it with a hell of a good education to rely on. Pleeeenty of work, but definitely worth it! And thanks!!

AnvĂ€nder du dig av brun utan sol? IsĂ„fall vilken?? Tack för en grym blogg!!!- det gör jag, bild kommer hĂ€r och den anvĂ€nds bĂ€st om du lĂ€gger pĂ„ 2-3 dagar irad; 


Hur gör du dina collage med klĂ€der? Är det en app du anvĂ€nder? SĂ„ sjuuukt snygga! - Polyvore anvĂ€nder jag mig av. Åh tack sĂ„ mycket!!!

Do you prefer to write in English or Swedish? Is there any difference? Nice blog btw - Nah it's not too much of a difference to be honest. Sometimes I'm just in the mood for one of them and then that's what I'll go for. Thank you!!!

Matilda - Ă€lskar bloggen! Vart köpte du dina vita Nikes?... De sitter sjukt snyggt pĂ„ dig!! - Åh tack sĂ„ mycket!! Köpte mina pĂ„ Foot Locker i Stockholm! Men de kommer in pĂ„ fler och fler stĂ€llen nu eftersom de Ă€r sĂ„ poppis!! Puss

SÄg dig i stan hÀromdagen och mÄste bara sÀga att du Àr sÄ sjukt söt!! Vart Àr din svarta "fluffiga" jacka ifrÄn och vad kostade den? - nÀmen oj - tackar!! Min Àlskade "fluffis-jacka" Àr frÄn H&M och kostar 599kr!

Har du nĂ„gra bra tips pĂ„ "nyttigt snacks/godis"? FĂ„tt kĂ€nslan av att du Ă€r vĂ€ldigt nyttig av dig nĂ€mligen! Tack för en sjukt bra och intressant blogg! - Ja, det stĂ€mmer vĂ€l ganska bra hehe. Det första jag tĂ€nker pĂ„ Ă€r nötter och mandlar; allt frĂ„n naturella, salta osv. Men Ă€ven jordnöttsmör Ă€r en av mina favoriter, russin, torkad frukt, vindruvor, jordgubbar eller annan frukt. Sedan Ă€ven till viss del Ă€r ju naturgodis rĂ€tt nyttigt om man hoppar chokladen osv. Men Ă€rligt talat tror jag att om man vill "vara nyttig", sĂ„ Ă€r nyckeln att trĂ€na och Ă€ta BRA. Äter man bra och nyttig mat regelbundet försvinner sötsuget. Även ett tips för folk som ofta Ă€r sötsugna Ă€r att verkligen kĂ€mpa i ca 3 veckor med att hĂ„lla sig ifrĂ„n socker - dĂ„ försvinner ofta suget. Givetvis inte för alla, men jag uppfattar det mycket sĂ„ iallafall. Men samtidigt kĂ€nner jag VAFAN!? We're humans. Om man vill ha lite choklad, Ă€t det dĂ„. Vafan... ;) Tack sĂ„ jĂ€ttemycket. Kram pĂ„ dig!

Old picture. You can tell by the tan hehe... 😉

All black, baby

Hej solstrÄlar!
Here are my two latest. Both black; one for an everyday occasion with jeans with holes in them and sneakers and the other one for a party night out with skinny black jeans, heels and a large necklace . Watcha think?
All black, baby...

Out of the ordinary

It's been a loooong ass day in school today. And on top of that I have had no appetite and I'm still not over my cold... All I want to do is to work out - godammit. 
How was your day cuties? I feel like this week has been sort of dull and I really wanna go do something crazy this weekend! You feel me? Like something super duper fun and exciting... I haven't figure out what yet, but I'll persuade some of my friends to just go out on an adventure with me somewhere... Haha this might sound weird, however I just want something to happen. Something out of the ordinary. Anyone with me?
Tonight I'll put up a blog post about my two new pieces I told you about. 

Men ja

Som den lilla kaffe-brutta jag Àr - HUR cool Àr inte denna silvriga to go-kaffe muggen!?! Helt rÀtt helt enkelt. Och Starbucks med - jajaja.
Är för övrigt pĂ„vĂ€g till skolan med Calvin Harris i lurarna och vet inte hur jag kĂ€nner mig idag... Jag vet inte, kompisar - hur mĂ„r ni idag? KĂ€nner bara att det Ă€r grĂ„tt och regnigt ute, lĂ€ngesedan det var helg men att det ocksĂ„ Ă€r lĂ„ngt kvar tills helg... You feel me? Kanske Ă€r detta bara en sĂ„dan dag dĂ„ man tar sig igenom skolan och sedan Ă„ker man hem, sĂ€tter pĂ„ en mysig film och bara myser? I don't know. Förhoppningvis kommer nĂ„gon lysa upp min dag allt eftersom, det brukar vara sĂ„.
Puss och kram pÄ er Ànglar,

Att uppskatta

To be honest I haven't had much motivation at all today when it comes to blogging. I don't want anyone to feel offended so I won't write a lot about what happend however a guy at my school past away last night and it brought many tears and grief among students and teachers at Hvitfeldtska today. I wanted to show you what a friend of mine put up online - it's a quote by a famous writer,
"On the death of a friend, we should consider that the fates through confidence have devolved on us the task of a double living, that we have henceforth to fulfill the promise of our friend's life also, in our own, to the world." - Henry David Thoreau 
Although this wasn't a friend of mine it was one of my friends and too see them go through the pain today was extremely difficult and painful. I wish I knew what to say or do, however I know it won't make any difference.
What I wanted to get at was that we should appreciate the lives that were given to us and stop complaining about pointless and insignificant issues. Sometimes bad things happen to good people and there's not much more to it. 
Take care of yourself and those people in your surroundings.
Much love to you❀

Varm i hjÀrtat

Darlings - have you any idea of how happy these comments make me? You are all too sweet.
Now I'm on my way home after a lovely catch up with Sarah over a coffee at Condeco. We always have plenty of stuff to talk about - oh you can tell we're related! 😉(Second cousins or whatever syssling is called in English) Anyway I had lovely time with a lovely girl!

Hej favvosar!

Caught myself pouring plenty of fluids into my body this morning: vanilla chai tea to cure my throat, coffee because I'm addicted and milk because it's simply the best drink ever hehe... However apparently plenty of fluids is the best way to recover a cold. And vitamins! I had a huuuge orange last night. Although I want to get back to working out it's convenient that it's pouring rain outside this week...
Today I want to say Happy Birthday to my beloved host mom, Maureen! Aw, how I miss her 😔
Today after school I'm hanging out with Sarah finally. The plan was to get coffee on Sunday however I was basically dysfunctional at that point, hehe... Good thing it worked out today instead! Pussar,
Happy Birthday to this beautiful woman!


Forgot to show you what I got this weekend! Here's a pic I took briefly while trying it on in the store. It managed to fill the requirements for what I'm looking for in a shirt - comfy&good looking, remember?😉 I'll put up better pictures of it together with another thing I got. I realized that having no homework is dangerous for my bank account, hehehe...

Monday? Challenge accepted

Hey darlings!
Finished up in school around 12ish to head to my driving class which by the way went great - lovely. Now I'm about to go home, have lunch and try to watch Sons of Anarchy season 5 online somewhere - literally can't get over how freaking intense the show's right now. Yes, I'm addicted.
My throat's still pretty bad and I feel pretty lazy. Shit, I really want this to go away...
Can you guys please do me a favor and go listen to Summer by Calvin Harris? Say as we would in California: IT'S HELLA GOOD 😉
Hope you all survived your Monday.

Pukka's Vanilla Chai

OH NO. Set the alarm at 6:30 to work out this morning and I woke up with a terribly sore throat... So a went back to sleep and unfortunately I need to get my ass out of the bed. I'll hit the shower, make myself a huge cup of vanilla chai tea and have some asthma medication. Hopefully this cold won't stay with me for too long... Hoppas ni mÄr bÀttre Àn vad jag gör. Puss och kram,

En bÀttre helg

Hey you!
Just wanted to check in on you guys. Zup??? It just occured to me that this was one of the best weekends lately; no homework, gorgeous weather, plenty of time to catch up with friends, shopping, drinks and laughter - you name it. I enjoyed it to the fullest. And since I was up all night both on Friday and Saturday this weekend was technically longer because I slept less, haha😉 Karro and I cannot have gotten more than like 3 hours of sleep last night. Oh well - you gotta live a little too right?
However tomorrow it's time to get back to reality again: school, homework, working out and driving class are all on the schedule tomorrow. About to hit the sack early tonight for sure.

My kind of morning

Guys!!! It's sunny and about 15 (!!!!) degrees out - whut? So I brought my morning coffee, sunglasses, iPad and headphones out on the porch and enjoyed the weather. I only wore a pair of shorts and a crop top and it wasn't even cold. Absolutely amazing feeling. Literally so butthurt it's getting cold again next week - in fact it might even snow on Wednesday! It's impossible to make sense of the Swedish weather no matter how many years you spend here...
My daddy laughed at me this morning because I'd stolen my sister's coffee cup which says "You are my sunshine", that her boyfriend got for her in London. I laughed back and told him: "I don't need a boyfriend to buy me coffee cups saying "You are my sunshine" - wanna know why? Because I'm my own sunshine"

All in

Godmorgon mina Ànglar!
How we're doing today? As expected I feel pretty darn shitty today to be honest. However it was totally worth it - such a fun night! We pregamed at one of Karro's friends Matilda until 10ish before we left for the party. It was super convenient that it was literally only like a block away. I spent the night at Karro's and now I just got home! Cheers for a perfect Saturday night and lovely friends. Kramis,


En bake dag som denna blir det inga bilder pĂ„ ansiktet mitt...😉 Nu Ă„ker jag och min lilla favoritdocka en svĂ€ng in till staden. IkvĂ€ll Ă„ker jag ut pĂ„ förkrök och fest i Mölnlycke med Karro+sköna tjejer - can't wait.

En god morgon

Woke up around 9ish this morning, took a shower and literally poured caffeine into my body hehehe... 
Such a LOVELY morning though - wow. Josefine and I decided to go out for a walk in the lovely weather so I took some cool shots. Now we just got back and I've had a little something to eat. Basically I'm homework free (!!!!) this weekend. Or I mean there's technically always something to study when you're in IB but I definitely have a more relaxing time in terms of school coming up so I decided to take the weekend off. Pretty darn crazy however that I wake up hungover a Saturday morning and the first thought that comes to my mind is "What do I have to study today?" Hahah...
Later today Vilma and I are going to the city. It's lovely out so it's a perfect day to walk along Kungsgatan and then just have a cup of coffee in the sun. 
Tonight it's partyparty again! SĂ„ det Ă€r bara att ladda om😉
Puss och kram,
A panorama I took this morning.

Last night

A Friday night full of food, drinks, music and my friends was exactly what I needed. Much love to all of my girls!


Hi my darlings! 
How is your Friday so far? Any plans for tonight or this weekend yet? I spent some time with my mommy after school today - so cozy. The girls are coming over @7 so right now I'm making a playlist as well as trying to figure out what to wear... WHY does it always have to be so difficult? UGHHHH...
Soon I'll have to start preparing for dinner - yummmmi food is on the menu😉 I'll update you later! Kramisar,
Sötis-mammsen som gick med pÄ att stÀlla upp pÄ en bild.



Weekend plans

Love bugs!!!
What's up? I'm so excited about this day and this whole weekend! After school today I'm meeting up with mommy to get some stuff for tonight. Linn asked if a few girls wanted to come to a party tonight that a friend of her boyfriend's throwing, so I offered to have dinner and drinks at my place before. I'm making them salmon with feta cheese... You should be jelly😏
Tomorrow night I was asked to come to this other party that Karro was invited to so yeah - plenty of late nights, drinks and laughter for me this weekend but I'm super duper excited. I'm also having a catch-up hangout with my love bug, Sarah, at some point. Hopefully the weather is nice so we could go get coffee and just hang out in the sun! 
Enjoy your FRIDAYYYYY friends,
Me and my babeee Klara - one of the girls who's coming over tonight.


Got suuuuuch a pretty/cool sweatshirt! It's actually on the collage I made the other day.... It's gray and a hoodie kinda shirt. Here's a picuture of it however I'll put up a post of what it looks like on this weekend. Don't we just love clothing that looks good on yet is both comfy and relaxing at the same time? I know I do! Kramissss,


Good morning readers!

Last night I sat up until late with my mom to create a résumé because I wanted to apply for a summer job.

This morning the sunshine through the window woke me up as opposed to the noise of my alarm - lovely.

Now I've have been around to several cafés here in the city so hopefully one of them will be able to provide a summer job for me! I just ordered in a coffee latte and will spend some time studying Körkortsteori! Then I'll head back home in the beautiful weather. Such a perfect day in Gothenburg to run around for errands. I might step by some stores try to look for a black pair of bootcut jeans... Anyone knows a good store that provides them? I was to H&M yesterday however they were out of my size...

I'll definitely go out for a run later today and enjoy the sunshine - pretty sure it's going to rain tomorrow agin.





Something I definitely picked up in California was the skirt, or more specifically the jeans skirt. If you're reading this, Olivia, it's all on you girl. She literally forced me into one of her skirts because I just didn't like them at all at first however I ended up loving them. I have several ones; one light blue, one dark blue, one in camouflage as well as one gree-ish. Remind me to make a post about then as summer comes along...
However all this lovely weather inspired me to make this lovely collage consiting of a jeans skirt and how I'd match it. Black or glittery vans, the Black Sky Bomber Jacket by Fanny Lyckman and a black back-pack. This. Is. Perfection,
Now I just put on "27 Dresses" and will probably fall asleep to it... I'm off school all day tomorrow and our lovely city offers another day full of sunshine - how convenient? I'll update you guys tomorrow, kisses!

VĂ€rldens vackraste stad

When Gothenburg aren't under constantly cold and rainy conditions it's the most beautiful city in the world - isn't it? 
During lunch today I met up with Rebecca for a lunch date and then a walk in the sun before I needed to head back for school. Absolutely lovely weather out today - blessed,


Just had a gap hour so I decided to go get coffee from the caféteria and just hang out in the sun a while until Stina gets off. Then we'll go get a little something for our beloved friend who has her birthday tomorrow!
Other than that I have Amnesty today after school before I'll head home. Now I'll enjoy the last few minutes in the sun - lovely! Puss pÄ er,
Working on my tan... ;)

Morgonstund har guld i mun

Good morning readers and good morning Wednesday! Although this is one of my longest days in school I actually don't mind - I'm pretty darn excited. BECAUSE I HAVE NO SCHOOL THURSDAY AND ONLY CLASSES FROM 09:30-12:20 ON FRIDAY. Thank God!

Rock this day for me now, will ya!? Kisses,



New in

Titta vad som lÄg och vÀntade pÄ mig i brevlÄdan nÀr jag kom hem frÄn skolan idag!? Mina efterlÀngtade smÄ bebisar. Jag Àlskar dom sÄ himla mycket redan och vill anvÀnda dem direkt! De var faktiskt till och med snyggare i verkligheten jÀmfört med pÄ bilden online - Àlskar nÀr det blir sÄ för alltid nÀr man online-shoppar Àr det ju lite av en chansning...
Bjuder pĂ„ en rad selfies nĂ€r jag posar med mina nya favvisar! Vi hörs imorgon gosisar, 
I wanna know what you guys think - yay or nay?

Tummen upp

... for days like these! The weather is amazing so basically all the students at Hvitfeldtska (a loooot) are hanging out outside in the sun during lunch hours and gaps - lovely. Just finished up my math class and it felt great. Pretty sure it was the first time ever I finished all the tasks that were given. My math tutor cancelled on my today which means I can go home directly after school. It doesn't bother me that much since today's class went great!
Too bad I worked out this morning because I'm full of energy and the weather is so temping... Maybe I'll just go out for a walk to soak up the sun!
Also I'm making exciting (!!!) plans for the weekends with my girls in a group chat- can't wait.
TvĂ„ hĂ€rliga sommarbilder frĂ„n mitt sommarland... Åh soliga vĂ„rdagar som denna saknar jag svensk sommar sĂ„ himla mycket. Kom snabbare, will you?

Tuesday morning snapshots

Gorgeous weather, gorgeous morning, gorgeous day. Bring it on, Tuesday!


I'm sort of annoyed at myself at this point because I wake up at like 6:00am every morning although I'm actually allowed to sleep in and then I get so incredibly tried at like 8:00pm it's barely possible for me to stay awake... Guess non of you can possibly relate to my huuuuge problem here but it's just frustrating okaaaay!? Hehe... ;) Dear god, I'm such a baby...
Oh well I'll do my best to stay up a little longer and set the alarm (like that's even necessary...?) for working out tomorrow morning before school. I have a long day ahead of me with math tutoring after school so I definitely need the energy. Oh well what to do what to do. 
Have a great Monday night friends,
According to my iPhone weather app it's supposed to be sunny all day tomorrow. Hopefully I'll catch the sunrise while heading out for my run!


Hi babes!
Right now I'm on my way home from a catch up with Julia, Linn and Klara over a coffee downtown. As expected we had plenty of stuff to talk about and we had a super cozy time! Fortunately I'll see them again on Friday!
As I mentioned I spent some time last weekend to put together a couple of collages of huge wanties! Here's on of them - check it out,
Gaaaah just want it all!

New week, new challenges

As I wrote last night my body is super sore so I decided not to work out this morning. However of course I woke up @6:30 anyway... Fun.

I definitely have a few less intense weeks in school in front of me which of course feels amazing. And due to that teachers are away Thursday-Friday we have some cancelled classes - wihhhho. I already have made up plenty of plans for the weekend already which I'll tell you about later... Exciting, exciting. Last weekend I put some clothing collages together that will come up later today - so excited for spring to be here whereas boots can be substituted with sneakers, fur coats with leather jackets. Can't wait.

KĂ€rlek till er,





Tilly's up and it's past 9pm - say whaaaaat! Hehe... Just got home from such a cozy night with lovely ladies. Anna had prepared tacos for dinner and then fruit salade for dessert - yummmmm! Now I'm about to fall asleep in my princess bed. No working out for me tomorrow morning though since I'm pretty sore so I get so sleep in for once, haha... After school tomorrow I'm meeting up with Linn and Klara for a coffee downtown. Hur mysigt!?
Sleep tight love bugs,

Sunday plans

Hej pÄ er gullisar!
How are you all today? Enjoying the lovely weather, I suppose? It's incredible how good weather puts me in such a good mood. I was up pretty early this morning as usual, having coffee and spent some time blogging.
Other than that I've been working out today as well as some driving with the old man. I just finished an episode of Sons of Anarchy and honestly my nerves can't take more than one episode at the time due to the intensity. IT'S SO FREAKING GOOD. My future boyfriend needs to appreciate it too otherwise it's highly likely that things won't be very good between us... ;)
Nah, peeps now I need to get moving. It's time for the second coffee of the day and some exciting (....) genetics studying for bio. In a few hours I'll head out to Torslanda and Anna's place for a cozy dinner! We're having tacos all the girls together. Lovely,
The bottom two are from this morning. Can't just the sun stay for forever now?

Sunday mornings

Sunday mornings - perfection. Now I'm about to hit the shower after a hard ass workout. It's gonna be a good day, I can feel it.

Sweet n' healthy

Hur gott!? Blir detta framför Melodifestivalen ikvĂ€ll I assume. Som ni vet Ă€r jag inte sĂ„ mycket för denna sĂ„ngtĂ€vlingen som sĂ€nds Ă„r in och Ă„r ut, men en myskvĂ€ll tackar jag inte nej till. 


Hey darlings!
How's your Saturday going so far? Just got back from HovĂ„s and unfortunately LindĂ„s lost the game by one... It's was a super intense and entertaining game though with plenty of people watching! 
I don't have much inspiration for blogging today, I'm sorry... Just one of those days, apparently... Take care,
Such bad luck today... :(

Jeans med hÄl

It's getting warmer and warmer outside and I love it. Which to me means jeans with holes in them and sneakers. Lovely!
Now I'm about to head up to Rebecca's where Evelina will pick us up and then it's time for some Innebandy (or eye candy idk...)
These lovely babes are from Pac Sun, CA.


Morning peeps!
I hope y'all are out of bed at this point and about to head out in the absolutely gorgeous weather. I just got back from the most perfect morning run and after finishing up my workout I realized how much energy I get from working out, both mentally and physically. It feels absolutely amazing. I was in sort of a bad mood this morning, but now I feel a lot better. 
Evelina asked me if I wanted to come watch an Innebandy game with her today, so I guess that's what where doing. Maybe Rebecca will come with us all well!
I'll update you later,

Ny dille

Hi peeps!
Neither the girls nor I felt like going out partying tonight after all - I guess we all felt we needed a night at home so that's what we ended up deciding. 
As usual my sisters are with their boyfriends so guess what I'm up to? Online shopping of course...;) I have a new thing for fingerless gloves!  No matter how weird it seems at first; THEY ARE COOL AS FUCK! After spending a good amount of time searching for the perfect pair I found these babies. I'll match them with one of my black jackets; leather/fur/or the latest on I got in Stockholm. Can't wait,
... and they aren't only super cool - on top of all you can text w/o having your hands freezing cold!;) 


Hi there friends!
Such perfect timing with Friday today - lovely with weekend. After my English class I met up with Maximilian! Haven't seen this guy in months so I was super excited to hear all about what he's up to! We spent a good amount of time talking and laughing as always together! 
Now I'm on my way home! Haven't decided what's up tonight really yet, we girls are still planning, hehe... I'll update you later. Pusspusssss,
Old picture of my beloved homie!

Oh mornin' Friday

You know what kind if day it is today, friends?
It's the one where I literally had a smile on my face during my morning run, despite the drizzle and windy weather. A day where I woke up to 22 new messages from my lovely friends. A day where I just felt like adding some pretty eye shadow to my every day make up. A day where the coffee tastes better than usual and where I can spot the sun although my iPhone app says: Current weather; drizzle 

It's simply a hell of a good day and it's Friday - cheers for that. How are you all doing today?
Keep shinin' cutes,

Hejsan bloggisen

It has been a looooong ass day, today. Holy shit, Stina, Biggie and I were literally about to die during economics but we survived. After school I hurried downtown to meet up with Rebecca and Linda at Da Matteo. Had a lovely time with my ladies as usual.
Tomorrow morning I'm working out before school. After my last class I'll most likely meet up with Maximilian, whom I haven't seen in a loooong time so I'm super excited. Then later tomorrow night some girl friends of mine and I may or may not party - we'll see how it ends up...
Have a good night lovies! Tomorrow it's finally Friday again - hang in there,
The perfect way to end this long ass Thursday...

A new day

Good morning friends!
I fell asleep super early last night so I got a good amount of sleep - lovely. So relieved it's already Thursday and only two more days to go before our lovely weekend will be here again. Today after school I'm seeing my doll, Linda. We haven't seen each other in tooooo long, so today feels like the perfect day to just grab a coffee at a cozy café and catch up. Puss pÄ er,
Lindis and I!

On repeat...

... in my Urbanears atm.
With this song I'm saying goodnight to all my love bugs out there, xx

Ja tack

This was literally the best decision I made today - a large coffee latte with an extra shot of espresso from Espresso House. Coffee has never tasted this good ever...
MÄr som jag förtjÀnar idag. LÀngtar efter att fÄ komma hem, ta ett varmt bubbelbad, kÀka en stor middag och kolla pÄ en riktigt bra film. Kramisss,

Vad gör det om 100 Är

Last night was full of laughter, drinks and my lovely ladies. Exactly what I needed. I spent the night at Frida's and now I'm on my way to school. Guess I'm feeling the way I deserve today - men vad gör det om 100 Är?
My gorgeous ladies are graduating in 100 days.

Get over it, bitch

Hi my beautiful souls!
Unfortunately I got my math test back today which of course pissed me off because it went pretty darn bad. It's insane how upset these things get me... However my mommy and friends told me that's its techninally impossible to get sevens on everything and sometimes things just don't go as planned... JUST HAVE A GLASS OF WINE TONIGHT AND GET OVER IT, TILLY!
Now I'm finally on my way home and I'll do some English hw, take a pre-party nap and make myself a huge cup of coffee before I'll start getting ready for tonight. After gotten through one presentation, five tests and two books only after the break I'm more than worth a night of fun.

Tilly's Tuesday

A day when I get to workout and have plenty of coffee in the morning, go to school like I'm ought to and finish up the day with loud music, plenty of wine and my best girls is definitely a TILLY'S TUESDAY!
After my last class I'll hurry back home and find an outfit for tonight, do my make-up and head over to Klara's place to meet up with the girls to pregame together. Then we'll hit the avenue and 100-dagarsfesten @Peacok. Lovely,


Guys! When I lived in Cali one of my best friends, Olivia, introduced me to this very special drink: PMT - pearl milk tea. I was the weirdest yet most tasty and refreshing beverage I've ever tasted. It's originally an Asian drink and we bought it at an Asian restaurant in Palo Alto however I don't know if it's possible to get it here in Sweden? Anyone knows? If so - LET ME KNOW. It's looooovely,

Den perfekta koppen

A lot of coffee on the blog at the moment I know, but LOOK at this perfect cup. One shot of espresso with plenty of foamed low fat Latte Art milk - perfection. I'm gonna finish my coffee and then head on for a run in the sun - enjoy the sun while it's out peeps, it may not stay with us very long...

Lovely day

Good morning love bugs!
My favorite school day is here and I like it. Just had part one of my psychology test and it felt great so I'm very relieved. Now I only have one more class before I'll head downtown to check out some stores before I go home. The weather's lovely out today so I put a pair of sneakers on this morning and will enjoy the sun to the max. Have a good Monday friends,


What's up guys?
Although I had a good night sleep at Frida's I'm just to tired today. Maybe it's due to my pretty hard workout today idk... Now I'm just all cuddled up on the couch zapping through Netflix, tryna find a good movie. 
I have to share this really cool picture I took today too - my dad took me to this cool view point I've never been to before. You can spot all over the city - lovely. Too bad the weather was pretty bad out today so I'll for sure have to go back there on a sunny day for a prettier photograph. However this is pretty darn cool,

Mornin' @Starbucks

The most preferable way to kick-start this Sunday - oh how I love you, Starbucks.

Take away thai&jacuzzi night

Good morning angels!
Last night was super cozy! We spent it having take away thai food together at Frida's place in front of Melodifestivalen. Later we hit the jacuzzi and had a relaxing time just all the girls. Then we had a sleepover and now I just left Frida's place to meet up with my daddy somewhere downtown to get some practice driving done - want my license so badly already! Haven't had my morning coffee yet so hopefully I can persuade my coffee buddy to come with me to Starbucks ;) Since I'll be driving he might not even have a choice... 
Puss och kram pÄ er,
My love bugs from last night.

Mot Torslanda

Just packed my bathing suit and a couple of other things for tonight. Soon my mom and I are hitting the road for Torslanda and Frida baby.

PÄ sprÄng

Hi love bugs!
Just called Rebecca spontaneously and we decided to meet up at Frölunda to just catch up and check out some stores. Haven't seen her such long time!

Ensam hemma

I woke up to an empty house because my whole family is spending the day at our summer house to work - we're remoulding the whole thing.

I actually love being home alone because it's so relaxing. I can turn up the volume to max and just dance around the house all I want ;) Today's plans is unfortunately plenty of psychology studying however now I just had a break with a workout. It's all rainy and cold out so I might just cuddle on the couch with SOA when I'm not studying. 

Tonight we're having a girls night at Frida's house with a few girls. I'm so excited for a night of hottubbin', pick up food, talking and sleepover. Wouldn't want to spend my Saturday night any other way. Now I have to hit the shower. Talk to you later, peeps!



Such relaxing morning.

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